

Research on Open System Architecture of Engine Management System and Its Virtual Prototyping Technology

【作者】 黄铁雄

【导师】 高世伦;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着能源危机和环境保护意识的深入,世界各国对发动机经济、排放性要求越来越高。现代发动机产品必须满足一系列严苛的需求,发动机电控系统的开发面临着产品规模、复杂度剧增和市场激烈竞争的双重压力。为了降低开发成本、缩短研发周期同时从产品质量的全局安全性考虑,未来发动机电控系统采用开放式体系结构是技术发展的必然趋势。针对传统的电控系统基于模型的开发仅停留在构件级建模描述的不足,本文提出了基于虚拟原型技术的电控系统开发方法,为系统开发者在不同的开发阶段和设计层级实施特定目的的建模抽象提供支持,使得对系统的开发活动始终围绕统一、一致的EMS虚拟原型模型进行。本文将开放式系统结构和虚拟原型技术应用到某高压共轨柴油机EMS的研究中,主要在下述几个方面开展了具体的工作。探讨了OSEK/VDX和AUTOSAR两种主流的、面向汽车电控系统的开放式体系结构包含的基本思想、方法和实现技术等,在此基础上提出将实时框架技术应用到电控系统开发中的设计方案,利用现有的实时框架的建立了开放式EMS体系结构的分层模型。对三种开放式体系结构模型进行了比较,表明本文建立的开放式EMS体系结构与AUTOSAR具有同等程度的开放性,为构建EMS的开放式系统结构提供了值得借鉴的思路。对开放式EMS分层结构模型中的底层软、硬件基础服务进行了详细的配置设计和深入的测试验证,着重探讨了一个符合OSEK规范的实时操作系统的具体实现,为EMS应用程序的运行提供了稳定、可靠的底层支撑平台。分析了传统的结构化分析与设计方法的不足,根据开放式EMS体系结构的特点本文引入了实时系统的并发设计方法,同时结合原型树的概念探讨了开放式EMS虚拟原型模型的构成,此基础上提出了支持增量式开发和并行设计的双V模式开发过程,为EMS虚拟原型的开发提供了统一、规范的方法学指导。进一步研究了虚拟原型技术在开放式EMS开发中的主要关键技术的实施,包括建模技术、开发环境集成技术以及协同仿真技术等,建立了EMS虚拟原型模型的开发支撑平台和协同仿真及其操纵平台,为电控系统基于模型的开发探索了一条新的实用途径。建立了某高压共轨柴油机的实时仿真模型,并进行了深入的模型参数校准和模型的动静态性能校验,结果表明所建立的模型在兼顾仿真实时性的同时具有良好的仿真精度,可以满足控制开发需求。在在广泛查阅相关文献的基础上本文选取共轨柴油机EMS的核心部分功能构建了本次开发的目标原型,主要包括柴油机运行工况监视、燃油喷射压力管理、起动油量管理、怠速油量管理、正常运行工况油量管理等子系统功能,进行了控制策略/算法分析与设计、子系统架架构设计、任务架构设计和基于活动对象的详细设计。将设计的EMS虚拟原型模型与柴油机实时仿真模型联合并组成一个闭环,通过协同仿真分别从不同的角度验证了EMS虚拟原型模型的正确性。采用滑模变结构理论、自适应模糊逻辑设计了轨压反馈控制算法,进行了稳定性分析,仿真结果表明该控制算法具有较高的性能指标、良好的响应跟踪特性和优秀的抗干扰力。采用模糊-PID控制对怠速反馈控制算法进行了设计,着重考虑其实用性与可靠性,仿真结果表明基于模糊控制查询表对PID参数进行自适应调整较常规的PID控制具有更优越的控制品质。采用自动代码生成技术可以方便的从EMS虚拟原型模型中导出产品级的实现代码,在硬件在环仿真平台上进一步验证了本文工作的正确性和有效性。

【Abstract】 With the growing conserns about energy security and environment, the demands for higher fuel economy and lower emissions of engine products are constantly increasing. Today’s engine system must meet a widening variety of stringent requiements. The development of the engine electronic control systems is facing the continued pressure from both the rapidly increasing scale and complexity of engine control and the sharp market competition. In order to reduce cost, shorten product design cycle and ensure product global security, modern engine management systems are increasingly tending to apply open system architecture as the basis for product design. Model-based development (MBD) has also been promoted for decades in dealing with the posed complexity issue. However, MBD is currently approached mainly as a basis for partial subsystem development, that is, the software component of the overall application. In this thesis, the adoption of virtual prototyping technology and open system architecture in the engine management system (EMS) development for a desiel engine which is equipped with high-pressure common rail injection system is investigated.The foundation, methodology and technology of OSEK/VDX and AUTOSAR, which are two typical open system architectures in the automotive electronic control domain, are discussed. Based on AUTOSAR, the real-time framework technology is proposed for modern engine management system development. A layered model for the open system architecture of EMS is presented based on an available real-time framework. This architecture model shows a good example which is worth considering for establishing open EMS architecture and platform. The basic software services and hardware components in the lower layers are designed and configured in detail. An OSEK compliant operating system is realized. These basic software and hardware services are well-tested and provide a stable and reliable infrastructure platform for the EMS application.Owing to the insufficiency of conventional Structured Analysis and Design approach, the Concurrent Design Approach for Real-Time System is introduced according to the features of open EMS architecture. Based on the approach, an enhanced V-model development prosses is proposed, which supports concurrent design and increamental development and provides guidance on an effective way to develop high-reliability virtual prototype of EMS (EMS-VP). The implementation of key techniques of virtual prototyping, including modeling techniques, environment integration techniques and co-simulation techniques, is further investigated. The integrated modeling and development platform and the co-simulation platform are established for the development of EMS-VP model, which provide a new and practical way for model-based development of engine control systems.A real-time dynamic model for a common rail diesel engine is constructed. The model parameters are well calibrated and the static and dynamic performance of the model are tested and verified. The simulation results show that it provides a high precision and real-time capble plant model for EMS development. A target prototype of EMS for a common rail diesel engine is defined, including the main functions such as engine run-time monitoring, injection pressure management, injection fule mass management under cranking condition, idling condition, etc. The defined EMS-VP is developed in the integrated modeling environment and is tested and verifed by using the engine dynamic model through co-simulation.An algorithm for the rail pressure feedback control is presented, based on the theory of sliding-mode variable structure control and adaptive fuzzy logic. The system stability analysis is carried out as well. The simulation experiment results have proved that this approach has preferable control performance index, good response characteristic and tracking accuracy and strong anti-interference ability. The idle speed feedback control algorithm is designed by using fuzzy-PID control. The simulation results indicate that it has better control quality than the conventional PID control.The product implementation can be easily generated from the EMS-VP model through automatic code generation. The EMS-VP design is further verified in the hardware in the loop simulation platform.


