

Research on Lead User Identification and Participation Behavior in NPD of Mass Customization

【作者】 杨波

【导师】 刘伟;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 大规模制造模式下,企业关注的重点在于如何以最低成本生产出满足用户普适性需求的产品。产品研发、生产制造、产品销售是以阶段性相互独立的串行方式进行,企业从领先用户那里主要获取技术知识和需求信息。领先用户则希望通过参与新产品开发(NPD)使得企业开发的产品符合自身独特的个性化需求。但由于参与成本较高,只能实现其产品需要,因此其参与动机只有产品价值动机,即以较低的成本获得较大的产品收益。领先用户参与行为局限在参与新产品概念开发项目,贡献自己技术与需求方面的知识。大规模定制模式下,产品研发、生产制造、产品销售基于网络以相互协同的并行方式进行,网络缩短了产品开发周期和生命周期,企业之间基于时间进行竞争。为了降低由此而来的产品开发的不确定性,企业需要将NPD贯穿于整个产品生命周期,利用领先用户的市场领先优势来引导普通用户的消费行为。因此需要领先用户参与整个NPD过程,特别是新产品推广过程。大规模定制模式通常是基于网络的,网络改变了领先用户参与NPD的需要和动机。网络的即时性与交互性使领先用户在网络论坛中成为领导者,可以方便地从NPD活动中获得更大的成就感与满足感,产生自尊、自我实现等高层次的需要,参与动机、参与行为也随之发生改变。因此有必要对大规模定制模式下领先用户参与NPD的行为进行研究。新产品推广过程中领先用户的参与行为主要包括早期采用行为和向普通用户的技术扩散行为。领先用户往往会成为早期采用者,网络使得他们在市场上的消费号召力能充分发挥。他们越早采用新产品,对普通用户的影响就越大,越有利于新产品推广绩效。因此有必要研究领先用户的早期采用行为及其影响因素。大规模定制模式下,对特定用户的产品设计是在销售过程中的定制环节中完成的,因此领先用户如何在定制过程中把他们的产品知识向普通用户扩散,对推动整个技术扩散具有重要意义。因此需要研究领先用户向普通用户的技术扩散行为。另外,领先用户识别是研究领先用户参与行为的基础。大规模制造模式下,只需要很少的领先用户参与NPD,因此金字塔法的识别效率较高。大规模定制模式下,领先用户参与到NPD全过程,需要识别出尽可能多的领先用户,以最大限度地发挥领先用户的作用。网络使得高效率地识别出目标群体中所有领先用户成为可能。需要开发出基于网络论坛的新的识别方法。本文主要做了如下工作:(1)提出了基于网络的大规模定制的领先用户识别方法。针对大规模定制模式的特点,设计领先用户识别的新方法。回顾了识别领先用户的重要因素,确立了识别领先用户的三个维度:市场或技术趋势,客户收益,信息复杂性。以此为基础进行问卷法的改进,进一步提出了识别领先用户的SPQIM法,将金字塔法和问卷法的优点结合起来。对三种方法进行了实证研究,结果表明,SPQIM法较筛选问卷法和金字塔法成本更低。(2)分析了基于网络的大规模定制的领先用户参与新产品开发的动机。本文运用博弈论的方法进行分析,发现领先用户的参与行为与具有相同需求的用户人数有密切关系。在文献研究的基础上,综合以往对客户参与的动机研究,提出了领先用户参与新产品开发的9个动机的假设,开发了量表对国内某手机制造商的应用软件开发论坛中的领先用户进行实证研究。研究表明,影响领先用户参与新产品开发最大的是独特性产品需求和认知动机两个动机,其次,是利益动机与产品生产控制动机。而交往动机与网络沉浸动机则没有得到证实。(3)分析了大规模定制模式下领先用户的早期采用行为和技术扩散行为针对领先用户群体中的成员差异,研究了影响领先用户领先程度的因素及领先程度与早期采用行为之间的关系。研究证实了领先用户的领先程度与早期产品采用行为之间的正相关关系。而且领先程度越高的领先用户采用新产品的数量会比较多、时间会比较早。进一步,研究证实了用户创新精神、用户产品知识和用户组织支持感知等因素会对领先用户的领先程度产生影响,用户创新精神是最主要的因素。分析了领先用户向普通用户的技术扩散行为。刻画了领先用户向普通用户的技术扩散过程,定义了领先用户技术扩散影响力指数。基于传染病模型构建了领先用户技术扩散模型(L-C-O模型)并进行实地研究。研究表明模型能够较好地反映领先用户向普通用户的技术扩散,普通用户初始人数以及领先用户能够影响普通用户的人数两个指标对领先用户技术扩散影响力和产品绩效有着重要意义。另外,利用该模型对产品生命周期进行划分,研究发现可以较好地利用领先用户数量、领先用户变化速度和客户转化率三个指标在转化过程中的变化规律对产品生命周期进行划分。

【Abstract】 In mass manufacture mode what enterprises focuses on is how to propose products in least cost to satisfy common needs. Product R&D, manufacturing and sales are proceed in Stage independent serial mode. Enterprise mainly acquires technical knowledge and demand information from lead users. Lead user hopes enterprises develop products in line with its own unique personalized demand through participation in new product development (NPD). But due to the higher participation cost, the only needs can be realized is product needs, therefore the participation motivations is only product value motivation, that is to lower the cost of access to a larger product yield. Lead users’participation behavior is limited in new product concept developmenting projects and contributing their knowledge of technology and needs.In Mass customization mode, product R&D, manufacturing and product sales are proceed in cooperate parallel mode based on network which shorten the product development cycle and life cycle and competition is based on time. In order to reduce the uncertainty of product development, enterprises need to make NPD preced throughout the product life cycle and make use of lead users’market leading position to guide common users’consumption behavior. Therefore lead users are needed to participate in the whole process of NPD, especially the new product promotion stage.Mass customization mode is usually based on the network which changes lead users’motivation of involvement in NPD needs. The character of instance and interactive causes lead users to be leaders in netnews and they can easily obtain a greater sense of success and satisfaction from NPD behavior. High level needs of self-esteem and self realization can be generated so that the participation motivation and behavior also changes. It is necessary to research lead users’behavior of involvement in NPD in mass customization.Lead users’participation behavior includes early adoption behavior and the technology diffusion behavior to the common users. Lead users often become early adopters. Network can release their influence in the market. The sooner they adopt new products, the more influence on common users, and the more conducive to the promotion of new product performance. It is necessary to study the lead users’s early adoption behavior and its influenc factors. In Mass customization mode, product design for a particular user is accomplished in the process customization in sales stage. Thus it is remarkable of lead users to diffuse their knolwdge to common users for promoting the whole technology diffusion. Therefore it is necessary to study the lead users’technology diffusion behavior to the common users.In addition, lead users’identification is the basis of research on lead users’participation bahavior. In Mass production mode, only a few lead users are required to participate in NPD and pyramiding method is efficient. However in Mass customization mode, lead users participate in the whole process of NPD. It needs to identify as many as possible lead users to maximize the lead users’role. Network makes it possible to efficiently identify all the lead users in a target group. It is necessary to develop a new identification method based on netnews.This paper mainly analyzes the following aspects:Firstly, it develops a new identification method based on netnews in mass customizaiton. After reviewing the main factors of lead users’identification it establishes three indicators of identifying lead user: market or technological trends, user returns and information complexities based on which it promotes the questionair method. Based on questionnaire and pyramiding, a method of SPQIM is developed. Comparative analysis of the three methods shows that the former two methods are both efficient and the cost of SPQIM is the lowest.Secondly, motivations of lead users’participation in NPD are analyzed based on the network in mass customizaiton. It finds with Gaming Theory that lead user’s behavior is related to the people who have the same needs. It proposed nine motivation hypothesis of lead user’s participating in new product development on the basis of literature researches. Then a scale is developed to conduct a questionnaire survey on the lead user of a mobile phone manufacturer in NPD Netnews and use factor analysis to process the questionnaire. It suggests that the greatest impacts are the unique product needs motivation and cognitive motivation, the interest motivation and the production control motivation. The communication motivation and network immersion motivation are not confirmed.Thirdly, it analyzes lead users’early adoption behavior and technology diffusion behavior in mass customization. It analyzes the factors which influence the status of lead user (SLU) and the relationship between SLU and early adopted behavior. It confirms the positive relationship between SLU and early adopted behavior. Lead user would like to adopt new products earlier than common users and the higher of SLU, the amount of they adopt new products will be more and the time will be earlier. Furthurmore it is found that the most important factor which influences SLU is lead user’s innovativeness. The other two factors are also confirmed.It also analyzes the technology diffusion behavior of lead users to common users. It analyzes the characters of lead user and technique diffusion process from lead users to common users and gives a definition of index of Lead user’s technology diffusion forces. An L-C-O model is developed on the basis of infectious model. It finds out that the model can decscrib the technique dissuion process and the products’performance will be decided by the very beginning quantity of common users and the population of common users that lead user can influence. Also the model can be used to divide the Product Life Cycle (PLC). It is found those three indices and the changing rules of the percentage of lead users, the velocity of lead users transforming and user transforming rate can be used to divide the PLC.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】598
  • 攻读期成果

