

Evaluation and Control of the Key Elements of the Closed-loop Supply Chain under E-commerce Environment

【作者】 唐秋生

【导师】 任玉珑;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 闭环供应链最突出的问题是闭环供应链的运作绩效低下(包括经济绩效、环境绩效和社会绩效的协同),根本的原因是在闭环供应链的构建过程中没有很好地把握和控制好一些关键控制要素。如闭环供应链的选址问题、闭环供应链的体系结构和运行模式问题、闭环供应链的库存优化和控制问题,以及闭环供应链的协调与激励机制等问题。由于电子直销相对于传统销售渠道而言具有覆盖范围广、运营成本低等优势,但新的渠道模式潜在地改变了制造商与零售商的关系。因此,本文以电子商务环境下的“双渠道”运营模式为背景,系统分析了闭环供应链的关键控制要素和评判指标;在此基础上,以闭环供应链库存控制和成员间的激励与协调机制等关键问题作为研究对象;以定量分析为主,定性和定量分析相结合的方法,对电子商务环境下闭环供应链的体系结构、库存优化、激励与协调机制等管理问题进行了深入的探讨。①通过闭环供应链关键控制要素重要度的评判发现:激励与协调机制、库存控制及定价策略是相对重要的因素,是关键控制要素;运行模式和回收策略其次,是闭环供应链的基础,对闭环供应链的运行绩效和政策制订有重要影响。②通过对闭环供应链库存影响因素的系统分析,建立了电子商务环境下需求不确定性的库存“双源”和销售“双渠道”闭环供应链库存优化模型,并针对“推式”和“拉式”两种不同生产模式的特点对模型进行了比较和数值仿真分析。研究发现:1)“拉式”生产模式优于“推式”生产模式,因为模型2的单位时间系统利润明显高于模型1。2)加强回收品的回收力度,不仅可以减少新产品的生产量,节约生产成本,减少废旧品对环境的污染;而且可以增加单位时间的系统利润,为企业创造更多的收益。与此同时,随着回收力度的加大,订货周期单次最佳加工批量也有增加的趋势,但每两次加工的时间间隔却呈递减的趋势。3)在其它参数不变的情况下,两种模型的订货周期都随电子需求强度和回收强度的增加而缩短,但系统的单位时间利润却递增;回收强度对系统的单位时间利润影响大于电子直销强度;电子直销渠道唤起了市场潜在的需求,而非以牺牲传统市场为代价。因此,企业应根据消费者对不同购买渠道的喜好,适当建设电子直销渠道来增加收益。4)在其他参数保持不变的前提下,随着回收强度的增加,不仅每次进行再制造的回收品的加工批量在增加,而且一个订货周期内的再制造次数也随之增多,即再制造周期缩短,订货量在增加。5)在其它参数保持不变的情况下,系统利润随缺货成本的增加而急剧下降,因此,应采取提高安全库存、加强预测等多种措施,以减少因缺货所带来的损失。6)如果传统零售渠道的市场需求呈上升趋势,那么为了尽量减少缺货损失,零售商的名义最高库存量及新产品的生产数量都要相应增加,从而系统利润也呈上升趋势。③通过建立电子商务环境下的闭环供应链数量折扣协调模型的研究,结果表明:1)集中决策的情形可以使系统整体利润最优,并且集中决策下的传统销售渠道的市场需求量是分散决策下的市场需求量的两倍,不同回收模式下的供应链节点企业其总利润是相同的,只不过分配的方式不同。2)建立协调机制相对于分散决策来说,产品的售价更低、销量更大,制造商、零售商和系统整体的收益更大,并且这种批量折扣协调机制有多种。3)选择合适的批量折扣可以使利润以不同的比例在不同节点企业之间进行分配。

【Abstract】 The poor operational performance of closed-loop supply chain is its poignant problem, including synergy among economic performance, environmental performance and social performance. The fundamental cause is that we cannot totally command and control some key factors when building closed-loop supply chain, like its site selection, system structure, operational mode, inventory optimization and control, coordination mechanism. The e-direct sales channel is potentially changing relationship between manufacturers and retailers, at the advantage of its wide coverage, low operating cost. So this paper analysis these key factors and system index on the background of the dual channel, based on these, it makes research on the inventory control and coordination mechanism, then the system structure, inventory optimization, coordination mechanism and other management issues of the closed-loop supply chain are discussed under e-commerce environment, through the main quantitative analysis, and the analysis method of the combination of qualitative and quantitative.①By judging importance degree of key factors, we find that coordination mechanism, inventory control and pricing strategy are not more important, but also key factors. Operational mode and recycling strategy are not less important, but also the base of closed-loop supply chain, and have an influence on operational performance and making strategy.②By the analysis of inventory influencing factors, we establish the closed-loop supply chain inventory optimization model under e-commerce environment which is uncertainty demands of“dual source”stock and the sale of“dual channel”, and make a comparison and numerical simulation for the impact on the stocks of the“push”and“pull”, the two different modes of production model. Then we can come to the conclusions:1)“Pull”mode of production is superior to“push”mode of production, because the system profit per unit time of the model 2 was significantly higher than that of model 1.2)Increasing amount of recycle that can not only help reduce the production of new products, saving the production cost, reduce the pollution to the environment. But also increase the system profit in a unit time for enterprise, create more gains. Meanwhile, with increasing amount of recycle, the single best processing batch in a lead time is also a trend of increase, but the time interval for every two processing is the trend of decrease.3) If keeping the other parameters constant, the lead time of two modes will decrease with the increasing of electric demand and amount of recycle, but also the profit in a time unit will increase. And the amount of recycle has more influence on the profit than the amount of e-direct sales in a time unit. The e-direct sales channel can arouse the potential demand, rather than at the expense of giving up the traditional market. So, the enterprise shall build e-direct sales channel appropriately to increase profit, according to customers’favorite.4) If keeping the other parameters constant, the more increasing amount of recycle, the more amount of finish, and also the times of remanufacture in a lead time is increasing. That is to say, the less the lead time, the more the order amount.5) If keeping the other parameters constant, the system profit will decrease sharply with increase of the stock-out cost. So we can take measures (like increasing quantity of safety stock, strengthening prediction) to help protect against the loss.6) If the market demand of traditional retail channel shows ascendant trend, so in order to minimize the name of stock losses, retailer’s supreme storage and production of new product will increase, thus system profit also shows ascendant trend.③Through the study on quantity discount mode of closed-loop supply chain under e-commerce environment, we find that: 1) Under the centralized decision-making, the system profit will be the best, and the market demand will be the double of it under the decentralized decision-making. The total profit of different modes is the same among the cooperative companies in closed-loop supply chain, but profit distribution among them is different. 2) The coordination mechanism is constructed so ensure the whole profit is up to the one of the decentralized decision-making, the profit which the supply chain enterprises gets with coordination is more than the one with no coordination. Finally, the retail price decreases and the sales volume increases. And there is a variety of the quantity discounts. 3) The proper quantity discount can distribute profit in different ratio among cooperative companies in closed-loop supply chain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F274;F724.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】882
  • 攻读期成果

