

Research on the Technology of Integrated Treatment of Domestic Garbage with Sewage Sludge

【作者】 吴正松

【导师】 何强; 胡学斌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国城市生活垃圾量的快速递增和污水处理厂污泥产量的不断增长,将其无害化和资源化处理与处置迫在眉睫。论文在全面综述当前国内外生活垃圾和污水处理厂污泥处理与处置技术时,发现将二者分开单独处理与处置,过程繁琐,在一定程度上增加了处理和管理的难度,限制了垃圾和污泥的资源化;认为开发一种新型的将生活垃圾与污水处理厂污泥在同一反应器中一体化处理,并充分利用垃圾产热为污泥厌氧消化提供温度条件,不仅节约用地,便于管理,而且还节约能源,产生新能源。为此,论文在污泥浓缩消化一体化反应器的基础上,开发了城市生活垃圾与污水处理厂污泥一体化处理反应器。主要研究内容包括:以污泥浓缩消化一体化反应器TISTD为基础,结合垃圾厌氧/好氧堆肥处理原理设计开发了一体化处理城镇生活垃圾与污水处理厂污泥的反应器;以餐厅厨房垃圾及污水处理厂二沉池的污泥为研究对象对反应器进行了优化;利用优化反应器一体化处理了厨余垃圾和污水处理厂二沉池污泥,并对优化反应器的处理效果进行了分析。取得的主要成果有:①以污泥浓缩消化一体化反应器TISTD为基础,结合垃圾堆肥处理原理提出反应器设计的思路及设计要点,依照小城镇生活垃圾实际产生量当中有机质的含量与相同规模的小城镇污水处理厂污泥产生量的比值确定了反应器垃圾堆肥仓与污泥浓缩消化仓的体积比(1:1),反应器有效容积为440L,污泥仓设计投配率30%,垃圾仓每次添加新鲜垃圾40kg,垃圾处理采用厌氧发酵的方式。②试验考察了反应器在启动阶段的运行状况,结果表明:在整个试验过程中,反应器各部分的温度变化趋势基本一致,但是两仓的温度均较低;垃圾仓一直为酸性较强的环境,虽然产生较多的气体(最大25L/d)能为污泥仓补充搅拌用气体,但垃圾发酵周期长;污泥仓同样出现了较严重的酸化现象,有机质去除效果差,VS/TS仅从0.4~0.8降为0.3~0.45,VSS去除率也只在0.18~0.25之间。说明反应器持续运行状况不理想。③根据反应器存在的不足,在对反应器运行效果充分分析的基础上对反应器进行了优化:通过热平衡方程的计算将垃圾仓与污泥仓的容积比确定为5:1,将两仓之间的隔板改为PP板,反应器外加保温层。优化反应器总的有效容积为710L,其中垃圾仓600L,采用好氧堆肥方式,垃圾仓将污泥浓缩消化仓完全包围住,增加了气体除臭系统。④通过多次试验对优化反应器的运行状况进行了考察,结果表明:污泥仓温度的变化曲线趋势与垃圾仓的一致,污泥仓的温度平均低于垃圾仓10℃左右,垃圾仓最高温度达到50℃,污泥仓的温度在污泥厌氧消化的适宜温度范围内;反应器pH变化范围不大,在启动1周后基本上在中性左右波动;污泥仓VS/TS平均下降了32.2%,含水率平均下降了1.43%,在污泥仓在反应器启动的20~30天时,产气量渐趋稳定,日产气量为15L左右,排泥比阻为7.2×1011m/kg~7.9×1011m/kg;说明反应器运行平稳,污泥仓对污泥浓缩消化的效果要优于垃圾仓对垃圾的处理效果;除臭系统对反应器运行过程中产生的臭气除臭效果良好。⑤优化反应器的垃圾仓中的纤维素酶和蛋白酶的活性波动较大,但污泥仓中的蛋白酶的活性和辅酶F420浓度在分别在反应器启动的第3天和第5天达到峰值,并一直处于相对稳定的状态。⑥反应器中的垃圾和污泥DNA的PCR扩增图谱条带较明显、亮度较高,无明显拖尾和RNA干扰现象,说明系统中垃圾和污泥微生物含量丰富。在反应器运行的不同时期,垃圾、垃圾渗滤液和污泥中TGGE图谱具有多个条带,说明微生物种群呈多样性分布,表明反应器在运行过程中能维持多种微生物的存在,能够承受高冲击负荷。泳带条带显示,污泥样品生物多样性最好。研究证实将城市生活垃圾和污水处理厂污泥置于同一反应器一体化处理简单可行,研究成果为进一步优化反应器并最终推动此反应器在小城镇实践具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid growth of the domestic garbage and the continuous increase in the sewage sludge in our country, the disposal to make them harmless resources is very urgent. When the current techniques in the domestic garbage and sewage sludge treatment were overall summarized, it was found that the complex treatment process would to some extent increase the difficulty of disposal and management and limit the resources utilization of the garbage and sludge if we treated them separately. It is considered that an integration reactor for coordination treatment of domestic garbage with sewage sludge which could provide the temperature condition for the sludge anaerobic digestion with the heat produced by the garbage could not only save lands and be easy to manage, but also save energy and produce new energy. Therefore, upon the base of the TISTD reactor, the development of an integration reactor for coordination treatment of domestic garbage with sewage sludge was introduced in this paper. The main research content included: On the base of TISTD reactor and combining the theory of garbage aerobic/anaerobic treatment, an integration reactor for coordination treatment of domestic garbage with sewage sludge was designed and developed; By taking the kitchen waste and secondary sludge as study objects, the reactor was optimized; The optimized reactor was used to treat domestic garbage in coordination with secondary sludge and the disposal effect was analyzed. The main achievements included:①On the base of the TISTD reactor and combining the theory of waste compost treatment, the design ideas and key points of the reactor were proposed. According to the ratio of actual volume of garbage production in the small town and secondary sludge production of wastewater treatment plant in the same scale town, the volume ratio of the waste compost tank and the TISTD tank was identified (1:1). The effective volume of the reactor is 440L. The design dosage rate is 30%.The sludge phased cultivation method was employed to start up the reactor at the dosage rate of 10%. The anaerobic fermentation method was adopted for the garbage treatment.②The status of the reactor during the start stage was investigated through experiment. The results showed: every part of the reactor showed no significant difference in the changing trend of the temperature during the entire experiment. But the temperature of the two tanks was relatively low. The garbage tank was always in the relatively strong acid environment. Though the garbage tank produced a lot of gas (25L/d at most) which can supplement the stir gas, the period of garbage fermentation was very long. The sludge tank also emerged serious acidification phenomenon. The treatment effect of the organic matter was not well. VS/TS only decreased from 0.4-0.8 to 0.3-0.45 and the removal rate of VSS remains in 0.18-0.25 which showed that the sustained running situation of the reactor was not very well.③According to the shortages of the reactor and on the basis of full analysis on the running effect of the reactor, the reactor was optimized. Through heat equilibrium calculation, the volume ratio of the waste compost tank and the TISTD tank was determined as 4:1.The material of the baffle between the two tanks was changed to polypropylene (PP). Insulation was also added in the exterior of the reactor. The effective volume of the optimized reactor is 710 and that of the garbage tank is 600L.The anaerobic fermentation method was adopted. The TISTD tank is fully surrounded by the garbage tank. The deodorization system was also added.④Through a lot of experiments, the running status of the optimized reactor was investigated. The results showed: the trend of temperature curve of the TISTD tank was consistent with that of the garbage tank. Compared with the garbage tank, the average temperature of the TISTD tank was about 10℃lower. The peak temperature of the garbage tank could achieved 50℃. The temperature of the TISTD tank was in the range which was very suitable for the anaerobic digestion. The pH of the reactor didn’t change significantly, which fluctuated up or down from 7.0 a week after start. In the TISTD tank, VS/TS was reduced 32.2% on average and the moisture content was decreased 1.43% on average.20-30 days after the start of the TISTD tank, the gas production gradually tended to stabilization, which was about 15L/d. The specific resistivity of the discharging sludge was 7.2×1011 m/kg~7.9×1011 m/kg; The results illustrated that the reactor were running stably and the treatment effect of the TISTD tank was better than that of the garbage tank. The deodorization effect of the deodorization system against the stench which was produced during the reactor running was good.⑤The cellulase and protease activities in the garbage tank of the optimized reactor fluctuated a lot. However, the protease activities and the concentration of coenzyme F420 in the TISTD tank achieved peak value in the third day and fifth day respectively after the start and both of them remained stable in the next days.⑥The bands of the PCR-TGGE patterns of the garbage and sludge in the reactor were very clear and bright and had no obvious trail and RNA interference phenomenon, which illustrated the system contained a large number of microorganisms. In different running stage, the TGGE patterns of garbage,leachate and sludge contained diverse bands which demonstrated a higher degree of diversity in the microorganism distribution. It showed that diverse microorganisms could exist during the reactor running to ensure the TISTD has a strong resistance to shock load. The TGGE bands showed that the sludge tank had the highest degree of microorganism diversity.The research demonstrated that it was simple and feasible to treat domestic garbage in coordination with sewage sludge in the same reactor. This research finding is very significant for the further optimization of the reactor and the promotion of the reactor in small towns.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

