

Study on Evaluation of Residential Air Conditioning Technology in Yangtze Valley

【作者】 余丽霞

【导师】 付祥钊; 肖益民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 长江流域地处夏热冬冷热工分区,夏季持续高温、冬季阴冷,春夏、秋冬之交潮湿,室外气候恶劣,室内有供冷、供热、除湿与通风并存的需求。随着近年来经济水平的快速提高,该地区住宅建设蓬勃发展,与之而来的是住宅空调技术的多元化应用。由于缺乏科学的评价与指导,导致该区域住宅空调能耗惊人;但能源资源状况及发展观都不支持这种自发粗放地改善居住热湿环境的方式。基于此背景,本文对长江流域住宅空调技术展开了较为全面系统的评价研究,初步建立了较为完整的住宅空调技术综合评价体系,为研究住宅主动式技术节能奠定了坚实的基础。本文是“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目子课题“长江流域住宅节能理论与策略研究”(2006BAJ01A05-1)的研究内容之一。住宅空调技术综合评价的完整体系是指由具有内在联系指标构成的指标体系、能明确反映评价目标的评价方法及相应权重系统构成的评价系统。评价指标体系构建的前提是确定指导准则,即评价原则。因此,本文首先在分析住宅空调技术评价原则现状、存在问题及提出新原则必要性的基础上,提出了住宅空调技术评价应该遵循的三项原则:气候适应性原则、社会适应性原则及环境适应性原则;阐释了三项原则的内涵、定义、作用及地位。对若干种住宅空调冷热源技术在长江流域的气候适应性进行了评价。气候适应性是指同一空调技术在不同气候条件下应用的可靠性及不同空调技术在同一气候条件下应用的可靠性。在气候适应性原则指导下,从气候适应性评价原理出发,研究了空气源热泵、地埋管地源热泵、燃气发动机驱动热泵及燃气直燃机4种空调冷热源技术的气候影响因子、气候评价指标及指标量化方法;确定了气候适应性之地区性技术评价和技术性评价的不同评价方法;得到了4种空调冷热源技术在长江流域9个代表性城市的气候适应性评价结果。对若干种住宅空调技术在长江流域的社会适应性进行了评价。社会适应性是指住宅空调技术对与之有关的社会性因素的满足程度。空调技术社会性因素包括技术性、经济性及能源性因素;在社会适应性原则指导下,从社会适应性评价原理出发,建立了住宅空调技术社会适应性评价指标体系;应用模糊综合评价方法,对房间空调器、户式多联机、户式单元机、燃气发动机驱动热泵及燃气直燃机5种住宅空调技术在长江流域9个代表性城市的社会适应性进行了评价,得到了5种空调技术的社会适应性评价结果。对若干种住宅空调技术在长江流域的环境适应性进行了评价。环境适应性评价是从空调技术使用寿命周期角度,对其带来的环境影响进行的评价。采用生命周期评价方法,以一次能源生产、输送及空调系统最终废弃为系统边界,以输出1kW冷量为功能单位,建立了环境评价清单模型;计算了房间空调器、户式多联机、户式单元机、燃气发动机驱动热泵及燃气直燃机5种住宅空调技术的能源耗竭潜力、全球变暖潜力、大气污染物排放量及废热排放量;综合评价了5种住宅空调技术在长江流域的环境适应性:由好到差相对排序为:燃气直燃机>房间空调器>燃气发动机驱动热泵>户式多联机>户式单元机。在气候适应性评价、社会适应性评价及环境适应性评价的基础上,构建了结构科学、指标全面、具有可操作性的层次递进树型的住宅空调技术评价指标体系;分析了适用对象即三类应用主体——政府、技术供应商及用户的应用特点及要求,由此提出了评价指标体系的变权重系统;在提出住宅空调技术综合评价程序的基础上,对房间空调器、户式多联机、户式单元机、燃气发动机驱动热泵及燃气直燃机5种住宅空调技术在长江流域9个代表性城市的应用进行了综合评价,得出了各城市基于不同应用主体较为适宜的住宅空调技术,最后就不同应用主体给出了长江流域各城市住宅空调技术发展建议。

【Abstract】 The Yangtze River area is located in hot summer and cold winter thermal zone, which has persistent high temperature in summer, gloom and cold weather in winter, and damp environment in transition season, the all year climate is formidable, so there needs the coexistence of heating, cooling, dehumidification and ventilation in indoor environment. Recent years, with the fast increase of economic level, the construction of residential building in this area has a vigorous development, which has been accompanied with the multiple application of residential air-conditioning technology. Due to lack of scientific evaluation and guidance, the energy consumption of air-conditioning system in this area is astonishing, but both the energy resource situation and development view are not supporting for this mode which coarsely improve the heat and moisture environment in residential buildings. Based on this background, the paper develops a more comprehensive and systematic evaluation studies on residential air-conditioning technology in Yangtze River area, initially establishes a more complete comprehensive evaluation system of residential air-conditioning and lay a solid foundation for research on active energy consumption of residential building. This paper is one of the researches of the project“study on theory and strategy of residential building energy consumption in Yangtze River area”(2006BAJ01A05-1), which is the sub-project of the major project supported by national scientific and technological in the“eleventh five-year”plan.The complete system of comprehensive evaluation about residential air- conditioning consists of three sections, one is index system which is comprised of inherence linked indexes; the other one is the evaluation method which can correctly reflect the evaluation target; the last one is the evaluation system which definitely reflect the composition of corresponding weight.The premise of constitution of evaluation index system is to determine guidance, namely the evaluation principle. So, three principles of evaluation of residential building, climate compatibility, social compatibility and environmental compatibility, are proposed firstly in this paper on the basis of analysis on the conditions and problems of the existing evaluation principles and the necessity of new principles; the meaning, definition, role and status of three principles are also represented in the paper. The climate compatibility of several kinds of cold and heat source technologies of residential air-conditioning in Yangtze River area is evaluated. The climate compatibility means the reliability of the same air-conditioning technology applied in different climatic conditions and different air-conditioning technologies applied in same climatic condition. Guided by the principle and theory of climate compatibility, the climate impact factor, climate evaluation index and index quantification method of air source heat pump, ground source heat pump, gas heat pump and direct fired absorption chiller are studied, and different evaluation methods of regional evaluation and technical evaluation of climate compatibility are determined; the evaluation results of climate compatibility of 9 representative cities and four kinds of cold and heat source technologies are obtained.The social compatibility of several kinds of air-conditioning technologies of residential building in Yangtze River area is evaluated. Social compatibility refers to the satisfaction level of the residential air-conditioning technology to its relative social factors. Guided by the principle and theory of social compatibility, the evaluation index system of social compatibility of residential air-conditioning technology has been established; in nine representative cities in Yangtze River area, the social compatibility of five residential air-conditioning technologies, which include room air conditioner, multi-connected heap pump, unitary air conditioner gas heat pump and direct fired absorption chiller, are evaluated based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the evaluation result of social compatibility of five different air-conditioning technologies are obtained.The environmental compatibility of several kinds of air-conditioning technologies of residential building in Yangtze River area is evaluated. Environmental compatibility refers to the evaluation on its environmental impact based on the life cycle of air-conditioning technology. The detailed list model of environmental compatibility is established by using life-cycle evaluation method which consider the production and transmission of primary energy source and the eventually abandoned air-conditioning system as the system boundary, and consider 1kW output cooling capacity as the functional unit; the energy depletion potential, global warming potential, atmospheric pollutant emissions and its thermal pollution emissions of five residential air-conditioning technologies, which include room air conditioner, multi-connected heap pump, unitary air conditioner gas heat pump and direct fired absorption chiller, are calculated; the environmental compatibility of five different air-conditioning technologies of residential building in Yangtze River area is evaluated comprehensively and the relative order of the technologies from best to worst is: direct fired absorption chiller > room air conditioner > gas heat pump > multi-connected heap pump> unitary air conditioner.Base on the evaluation of climate compatibility, social compatibility and environmental compatibility, the gradual-hierarchy-tree-like index system of residential air-conditioning technology is constructed, which has scientific structure, comprehensive index and operable application; the application characteristics and requirements of government, technology provider and user are analyzed, base on that analysis, the variable weight system of evaluation index system is proposed; in nine representative cities in Yangtze River area, based on the procedure of comprehensive evaluation of residential air-conditioning technology, the application of five different air-conditioning technologies, which include room air conditioner, multi-connected heap pump, unitary air conditioner gas heat pump and direct fired absorption chiller, is evaluated comprehensively, and the appropriate air-conditioning technologies for different cities in Yangtze River area is obtained, finally, according to applications in different main bodies, the development proposal of residential air-conditioning technology for cities in Yangtze River area is represented in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

