

The Model Innovation Reseach of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in China under New Situation

【作者】 王艺华

【导师】 王树恩;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 国以农为本,民以食为天,农业、农民和农村问题历来是一个国家国民经济不可忽视的问题。在我国,随着改革开放的推进和工业化进程的加快,城乡差距进一步扩大,“三农”问题显得更为重要。解决“三农”问题,政府、学者和实践工作者都进行了多种多样的探索,虽然在不同区域取得了一定的成效,但迄今为止,还未能找到一条可以复制和推广的可行路径。在这不同的路径选择中,长期植根于农村、为农业和农民服务的供销合作社焕发出了新的异彩,不仅开拓和发展了其传统的流通服务功能,而且还成为指导农民生产和合作的重要载体,其实践产生了许多可以借鉴和推广的经验。论文主要包括以下内容:1.在国内外有关供销合作社模式创新问题研究现状回顾的基础上,通过对三农问题的现状、成因、实践探索、理论探索等问题的剖析和研究,发现解决“三农”问题的关键就是寻找到合适的组织农民的途径,也就是寻找组织农民的市场载体,而供销合作社无疑是这一载体的最合适选择。2.从新形势下供销合作社的内涵、性质入手,论述了我国供销合作社所具备的商品购销、物流配送、农产品加工、品牌经营等基本职能和融资服务、农村社区服务等延伸职能。并通过对我国供销合作社发展历程的回顾,分析了我国供销合作社模式的制度变迁,指明了供销合作社是解决当前我国农民问题的现实选择。3.阐述了农村供销合作社的国际合作原则,并通过对欧美农业合作社、日韩农业协同组合的发展历程、特点以及模式分析,总结了对我国供销合作社发展的一些启示和借鉴:推进供销合作社产权制度改革;增强供销合作社为社员服务的意识;正确认识合作社与政府的关系问题。4.运用因子分析方法,对我国农村供销合作社的现状进行了定量的研究与分析。通过对我国主要地区农村供销合作社基础环境、发展规模、经营情况等供销合作社发展状态因素的调查分析,既客观反映了我国供销合作社的发展现状和存在问题,又为新形势下经营模式的创新提供了思路和依据。5.在剖析我国供销合作社经营服务体系现状的基础上,以山东省为例,研究了新形势下农村供销合作社经营服务体系的创新。其中,输入型商品经营服务体系创新应坚持“小网点.大网络”的发展理念,输出型商品经营服务体系则应以供销合作社为依托建设标准化生产基地,通过示范引导和市场网络的建设,带动地方特色农业的产业化发展。

【Abstract】 One country is based on farmers and people regard food as their prime want. Issues concerning agriculture, farmers and countryside have always been those that can not be ignored. In China, with the advance of reform and opening and the process of industrialization, urban-rural gap is widening. Those issues turn out to be more important. To solve those problems, the Government, academics and practitioners have carried out a variety of exploration. Although some of them have achieved some results, so far finding one path that can be feasible and duplicated is still difficult. Among these different paths, supply and marking cooperatives which has long been rooted in the rural areas and renders service for agriculture and farmers brings out a new splendor. The appearance of supply and marking cooperatives changes its traditional distribution network into modern one which widens its traditional distribution service. Meanwhile, supply and marking cooperatives becomes the guide for farmers’production and cooperation. It also generated a lot of experience which can be used for reference and promotion.1. The defining of main contents, research ideas and structural framework is based on the review of worldwide research concerning supply and marking cooperatives. Through the study about issues concerning agriculture, farmers and countryside, there is a conclusion that finding the right way to organize farmers is the key to solving those issues. That also means we must look for the market carrier to organize farmers. Supply and marking cooperatives is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice.2. From the contents and nature of supply and marking cooperatives nowadays, the article introduces the functions of supply and marking cooperatives in China, such as commodity purchase and sale, logistics, agricultural product processing, brand management. On the basis of these basic functions, extended functions such as financial service and rural community service are also discussed. Through the review of the history of supply and marking cooperatives in China, its institutional change is analyzed. The result turns out that supply and marking cooperatives is our realistic choice to solve issues concerning farmers. And its mode develops as China’s innovation of economic and society.3. International patterns and principles of supply and marking cooperatives are described. From the analysis of European and American agriculture cooperatives and Japan and South Korea’s agriculture cooperative combination, some experience and reflection can be got. That is the reform of property system should be promoted, the sense of rending service should be enhanced, the relationship between cooperatives and government should be recognized correctly.4. Factor analysis method is used to study the status of Chinese supply and marking cooperatives. Through the research about development status factors of supply and marking cooperatives in some main areas in China, we can not only evaluate the status and problems but also get the ideas and evidence for innovative business model.5.After analyzing the status of operating service system of Chinese supply and marking cooperatives, the article takes Shandong province as an example to study its innovation in need nowadays. Among them, the innovation of imported commodity operating service system should adhere to the developing concept of "small node, large network”. The innovation of exported commodity operating service system should base on supply and marking cooperatives to build standardized production base which can promote local industrialization development through demonstration and market network construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F224;F721.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1237
  • 攻读期成果

