

The Planning Strategy of Transition and Development of Industrialized Resources-type-city Theory and Practice Based on the City of Tangshan

【作者】 沈瑾

【导师】 彭一刚;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究在总结国内外资源型城市特点、城市转型的演变规律、转型发展相关的理论和研究进展的基础上。回顾资源型城市典型的代表城市-唐山的产业及城市发展历程。结合唐山自身特点,分析城市转型的思路和确立的城市发展目标。重点研究城市规划对城市发展的战略支持、以及空间上的引导和落实,配合城市的经济转型,提出相应的规划策略:推动产业转型和升级产业结构转型的绿色策略;引导城市空间和产业向沿海布局的蓝色策略;促进城乡社会和谐建设的红色策略;建设生态宜居城市为目标的深绿策略。并提出城市转型发展过程中的“公共优先、生态优先、安全优先”等原则。论证发展策略的可实施途径。通过研究和探讨各策略间的内在联系,策略对城市发展建设中的相关决策制定产生作用与影响。形成在转型时期城市规划相应的工作思路。将具体的规划策略转化为操作层面能付诸实施的法定规划。通过对城市规划失效成因的解析、实效评估以及城市规划的再认识。分析目前规划领域技术层面、制度层面存在的问题,探讨对规划变革的途径并提出相应的完善对策。变革现有的城市规划运作模式,强化城市规划的公共政策属性,建立具有实效性的规划编制方法。构建完备的城市规划研究和编制体系。研究通过对规划管理运行体系和决策体系相关制度的研究,希望能变革现有体制、机制的制度障碍,建立符合城市发展规律有效解决现实问题,建立在理性务实基础上,富有城市自身特色的城市规划研究、编制、决策、管理体系框架。

【Abstract】 This research is based on the Summary of the features of resources–type-cities both at home and abroad. It’s also based on the regular evolution pattern of the city transition and the achievements of relevant theory and research. Tangshan is a typical representative of resources-type-city and its industries and development process are reviewed. The idea of city transition and the established city development goals are analyzed combining the features of the Tangshan city itself.City planning has been studied as a key point and strategies have been provided. ooperating with the economic evolution, some planning strategies have been put orward with the guidance and the three-dimensional practice. Those strategies are: he green strategy which can push industrial transition and upgrade the transition of ndustry structure; the blue strategy which can lead cities and their industries to ocean ayout; the red strategy which contributes to the construction of harmonious society in oth urban and rural areas; and the deep green strategy which aims to construct an cologically Habitable City. Principles such as priority of public, priority of ecology nd priority of safety have been put forward.The research aims at having influences on decision making of city construction nd development through the research and discussion about the inner link between all he strategies. Hence the ideas for city planning during the city transitional time are ormed in order to turn specific planning strategy into enforceable law and egulations.The research has analyzed the problems existing in technique level and system level of the present planning field through analyzing the failure city planning factors. It also has discussed the ways of planning innovation and put forward the corresponding strategy to perfect it. Change the existing urban planning and operational mode, strengthen urban planning to establish a public policy attribute and set up effective planning method. Build a comprehensive urban planning research and formulation system. Through researching into related planning management operation system and decision-making system, the research hopes to remove the barriers from the existing system and mechanism, and to establish the framework of planning research, compilation, decision-making and management, which conforms to the regular pattern of city development and can solve problems in the real world. This framework is also set up on the basis of reason and reality and it bears the characteristics of the city itself.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

