

On the Value and Realizing of the Aesthetic Education in Vocational School

【作者】 张成涛

【导师】 庞学光;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 规模的快速扩张在促进职业教育发展的同时,也带来了一系列的矛盾和问题,而吸引力不强是其中突出的问题之一。吸引力源自职业教育健康的机体,而当前的职业教育由于过度注重功利性价值,在很大程度上放逐了非功利的属性。因此,它在很大程度上丧失了对人性发展的观照。这是造成职业教育缺乏吸引力的重要原因之一。对于人性发展的观照既体现了职业教育的内在价值,也是治愈职业教育病症的良方。人性的发展离不开真善美的浸润和滋养,职业教育因此应包含真善美的教育。职业美育能够通过涵育美的维度促进人性的发展,因此,它理应成为职业教育不可或缺的组成部分。职业美育的薄弱是当前职业学校教育的通病,而对于职业美育价值缺乏全面的认识则是造成这种局面的重要原因。职业美育具有诸多方面的价值,这些价值可以按照社会价值与个体价值的维度进行分类。职业美育社会价值的实现是以职场活动为载体。因此,职业美育对职场活动的价值是其社会价值的主要方面。职业美育能够通过职场活动将其价值辐射到社会经济、道德、政治、文化等方面,而这些方面的价值只是职业美育的派生价值。职业美育能够使学生具备职业审美的素养,这些素养的获得将会对职场工作效率的提高、劳动产品质量的提升、劳资关系的和谐、职场人际关系的协调、职场角色冲突的调适、职场文化的塑造等方面发挥积极的作用。这是职业美育社会价值的重要体现。职业美育的个体价值体现在满足个体基本素质的发展和职业发展的需要。个体的基本素质发展包括身体、智力、道德等方面的发展。个体的职业发展包括职业劳动能力、职业道德、职业成长、职业生活和休闲等方面的发展。而职业美育是促进个体这些方面发展的重要手段。职业美育价值的实现以职业美育实践能够按照理想的状态运行为前提,而职业美育实践需要理想的运行条件作保障,这些条件的设定可以作为职业美育价值实现的逻辑前提。就职业院校内部而言,要使职业美育的价值得以实现,首先需要明确职业美育的内容或职业美育的构成。我们认为,有助于职业美育价值实现的职业美育,应该包括劳动美、技术美、生活美、艺术美、体育美等方面的教育。其次,还要创造职业教育美,以求立美育善之功效。从职业院校外部看,职业美育价值的实现,有赖于以下三个条件:一是提升职业美育主体(包括教育决策者、职业院校领导和教师)对职业美育价值的认识水平;二是建立和完善相关的政策和法律体系;三是建立和完善包括职业美育在内的职业教育质量监控体系。

【Abstract】 The rapid expansion of the scale not only promoted the development of vocational education,but also brought a series of contradictions and problems. Unattractiveness was one of the most prominent of them. The attractiveness comes from the health body of vocational education.The current vocational education payed excessive attention to the utilitarian value,but largely banished the value of non-utilitarian t. Therefore, the vocational education lost the perspection of human nature. It is one of the most important reasons of unattractiveness.For the contemplation of human development reflects the intrinsic value of vocational education. And it is also the effective prescription to cure the illnessn of vocational education. The human nature development needs the infiltration and nourish by the true, the good and the beautiful. So vocational education should contain the education of the true, the good and the beautiful. The aesthetic education in vocational school can promote the development of human nature. Therefore, it should be an integral part of vocational education. The weakness of aesthetic education in vocational school becomes a common problem.The important reason is lack of comprehensive understanding of the value.The aesthetic education in vocational school has many aspects of value. It can be divided into the social value and the individual value. Occupational activities should be the vetor of realization of society value. So the value of occupational activities is the main aspects of the social value. The esthetic education can radiate its value to social economy, morals, politics, culture and so on, but these aspects of value is only derived value. The aesthetic education in vocational school can give the student the esthetic quality of occupation, and it will play an active action on enhancing the working efficiency, improving quality of product, the labor management relation harmony, workplace interpersonal relationship coordinated, workplace role conflict adjustment, workplace culture shaping and so on. And these are the major aspects of the social value.The individual value of the aesthetic education in vocational school lies in meeting the individual of basic quality development and career development needs. The basic quality of individual development includes physical, intellectual, moral and others. The individual career development includes the occupation ability, the occupational ethics, career growth, occupation life, leisure and other aspects. The aesthetic education in vocational school is the main means to promote the development of individual .The operation of practice in accordance with ideal status is the premise of achievement of the value. Thees ideal conditions is the logical premise of the operating of the aesthetic education in vocational school. As far as the vocational school is concerned, if the value can be achieved, it needs to clear the content or composition of the aesthetic education. The content includes labor beauty, technical beauty, life beauty, beauty, sports beauty and other aspects of education which help to realize the value. Secondly, it need to create the beauty of vocational education, in order to set the effect of the good and the beautiful. From outside look, the achievement of the value depends on the following conditions. The first one is to promote the understanding of the subjects to the value, and the subjects include education policy-makers, vocational school leaders and teachers. The second one is to establish and perfect the relevant policies and legal system.The last one is to establish and perfect the quality monitoring system of vocational education including the aesthetic education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

