

Research on Sustainable Growth Motivation Mechanisms and Management of Technology-based New Ventures

【作者】 王丽平

【导师】 许正中;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着当今世界经济与技术一体化发展趋势的日益明显,推动各国经济发展的力量重心开始逐步由具有垄断优势的大型企业,转向创新活动密集的科技型企业,尤其是不具规模优势的科技型新创企业的优势越发凸显,其作为最具发展潜力和创新活力的群体,在我国建设创新型国家的过程中占据举足轻重的地位。但是,平均寿命较短是我国科技型新创企业存在的普遍问题。尽管,近年来我国政府和全社会各方力量,已经意识到扶植科技型新创企业成长的必要性与重要性,并出台具体政策及实际举措。但这并不能从根本上解决其所普遍面临的现实问题。我国科技型新创企业寿命较短,已经成为国家经济发展过程中迫切需要解决的问题,需要国家、社会以及企业自身予以重视。本文将我国科技型新创企业寿命较短作为力求解决的现实问题,通过对以往研究文献的整理与实证分析,探寻驱动科技型新创企业可持续成长的动力因素,最终构建出科技型新创企业可持续成长的动力机制及管理对策作为本文的研究问题。首先,本文依据企业可持续成长理论丛林中的相关理论,并结合国内外关于企业可持续成长以及科技型新创企业成长等相关研究成果,分析并归纳影响科技型新创企业可持续成长的基础性因素及直接因素来源,并对各影响因素的作用机理进行分析,从而建立科技型新创企业可持续成长的动力机制理论模型并提出相关假设。接着,通过对天津地区科技型新创企业进行问卷调查与深度访谈,收集企业实践中关于影响因素对企业可持续成长作用效果的相关意见。之后,运用数学分析方法对调查问卷数据进行统计与实证分析,以最终确定驱动科技型新创企业可持续成长的基础动力因素以及直接动力因素。最后,针对实证分析得出的基础动力因素以及直接动力因素,构建出适合我国科技型创新企业可持续成长的动力机制,并结合科技型新创企业成长中的实际问题,借鉴国内外企业实践中的先进管理经验,提出相应的管理对策建议。

【Abstract】 Recently, as the trend of integration of world economy and technology is increasingly evident, the impetus of economic development of every country has transformed from large companies with monopolistic advantages to new scientific and technological ventures, especially those which don’t possess scale advantage, whose advantage is increasingly evident. And they a group of enterprises which are the most possessed the development potential and innovative activities. Such kind of ventures occupies a pivotal position during the process of building an innovation-oriented country for our China. However, the common problem of the new scientific and technological ventures of our China is the shorter average life expectancy. Although, in recent years, the government and all society in China have recognized the necessity and significance of fostering new scientific and technological ventures’development and have formulated some related specific policies and practical initiatives. Only by this way, the general practical problems of the new scientific and technological ventures can not be fundamentally solved. What should be urgently solved during the process of national economic development is that the short average life expectancy of new scientific and technological ventures of China, which also should be paid enough attention by our country, society and the new scientific and technological ventures themselves.In this dissertation, the shorter average life expectancy of new scientific and technological ventures of China is considered as a realistic problem needed to be urgently solved. Through studying related literatures and empirical analyses, the motivation factors to sustainable development of new scientific and technological ventures has been explored, and on this basis, the motivation mechanisms and proposed management countermeasures of new scientific and technological ventures has been established.Firstly, according to the related theory jungle of enterprise sustainable development and combined with the related research results both at home and abroad on enterprise sustainable development and growth of new scientific and technological ventures, the basic and direct factors which influence the sustainable growth of new scientific and technological ventures as well as their mechanism have been analyzed and summarized in this dissertation, so that the dynamic mechanism theory model of new scientific and technological ventures could be established, and meanwhile the relevant assumptions has been put forward. Then, the business experts’views on the importance degree of the factors that contribute to the sustainable growth of new scientific and technological ventures has been collected through questionnaire survey and depth interview on new scientific and technological ventures in Tianjin. After this, statistical analyses and empirical analyses on the data of the questionnaire survey is carried on through mathematical analysis method. By this way, the basic and direct motivation factors of sustainable growth of new scientific and technological ventures have been found. Finally, in the light of basic motivation factors and direct motivation factors, appropriate sustainable growth motivation mechanisms to the new scientific and technological ventures of China have been established. Meanwhile, the suggestions to management countermeasures has been put forward according to the practical problems during the growth of new scientific and technological ventures and by learning from the practice of the advanced management experience of both domestic and foreign enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F276.44;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1053
  • 攻读期成果

