

Study of University Applied Technology Achievements Transfer in Tianjin

【作者】 韩俊德

【导师】 何桢;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 从2006年5月国务院颁布“推进滨海新区开发开放有关问题的意见”以来,给天津市的发展带来了前所未有的机遇,为了适应天津市的发展进程,市政府各级部门对科技发展,尤其是高校科技成果转化工作相当重视,如何使高校的科技成果转化为现实生产力,并尽可能缩短这一过程花费的时间,同时使得转化效果显著,转化后效益明显,直接关系到天津市能否获得区域竞争力的提升和经济的良好运行,这引起了我们对天津市高校科技成果转化系统的思考。为此,天津大学和南开大学的项目组1,在天津市科技发展战略研究计划项目的支持下,联合对天津市高校应用类科技成果转化的现状和对策进行了系统的研究,本文就是在这一研究的基础上进行的。高校科技成果转化是一个较为复杂的过程,这一过程不但有很多实体主体的参与,如高校、企业、中介、金融及风险投资、政府科技及法制等部门,和很多实体要素,如人力、资金、信息、设备等,还涉及了诸如地方文化、整体科技水平、科技政策体系和环境等软因素。很多学者在这些方面做了大量研究,也获得了一定成效,有些研究也比较深入,但这些研究缺乏系统性,同时实证研究缺乏实际的调研数据,影响了研究结论的科学性。所以,在数据调研的基础上,对区域高校科技成果转化进行系统的思考与研究,有着重要的现实意义。本文从介绍国外和国内对科技成果转化的研究入手,分析了国内在科技成果转化研究的主要内容上与国内外研究的差异。我们发现国内的很多研究比较片面,大都局限与某一个问题,缺乏系统性;另外,国内的案例研究较少,虽然近期发展较快,但大都缺乏调研数据的支持,同时对案例研究的对象照样缺乏系统的认识与分析。针对以上发现的问题,我们首先给出了科技成果转化系统的研究理论框架;然后采用实际调研数据与统计数据相结合,运用结构方程、典型回归等统计工具与灰色理论、粗糙集、模糊评价等数学分析工具相结合,对天津市高校科技成果转化针对不同参与主体(高校、企业、中介)作了全面分析,对天津市高校科技成果转化情况在两个维度(纵向和横向)进行了评价,最后在科技资源分配、转化模式与路径几个方面给出了具体的管理策略。本文的研究方法在结合具体数据和发展情况后,同样在其他地区可以参考和应用,为区域高校科技成果转化的理论和实践做了有益的补充。

【Abstract】 Since the State Council issued“the Suggestion of Promoting the Development and Opening-up in the Tianjin Binhai New Area”in May 2006, it has brought unprecedented opportunities to the development of Tianjin. The municipal government departments paid attention to the development of science and technology, especially the work of University Technology Achievements Transfer (UTAT). How to apply the universities’technology to the market efficiently and effectively? This issue is directly related to the regional competitiveness and the economic well-run in Tianjin. Therefore, it brought us to the systematic thinking about the process of UTAT in Tianjin. According to these ideas, the project teams from Tianjin University and Nankai University, with the support of the Tianjin Technology Development Strategy Research Program, examined the current situation about UTAT process in the universities of Tianjin, and then presented the related policy recommendations. This thesis is based on the researches that have been conducted.The process of UTAT is very complex, because many entities are involved, such as universities, enterprises, intermediaries, financial and venture capital agencies, technological, legal and other government departments; many physical factors, such as human, capital, information, equipment, etc. are also relevant; and other soft factors such as local culture, the overall level of technology, the policy system and environment of science and technology are also involved. Many scholars have achieved a lot of good results from their works in this area. Although there are some in-depth studies, the area as a whole is lack of systematic studies. Moreover, most empirical studies are lack of actual research data. The UTAT’s systematic study based on the actual research data has important practical meaning.In this dissertation, we describe the foreign and domestic UTAT process, and then analyze the concrete content of UTAT and the differences between domestic and foreign studies. Compared with foreign research, many domestic studies are mostly focus on one issue, and are lack of systematic thinking. In addition, given the recent rapid development, there are few case studies in China. Most studies are lack of the support of research data and systematic analysis. All these affect the scientific aspects of the conclusions. To cope with this, we firstly build a theoretical framework of UTAT analysis. Secondly, we utilize some mathematical and quantitive tools, such as structural equation, typical regression analysis, rough sets, fuzzy evaluation, to analyze the one-hand and the second-hand data. Based on this, the obstacles of the UTAT on different subjects (i.e. universities, enterprises, intermediaries) in Tianjin can be found. Thirdly, we evaluate the Tianjin UTAT situation in both time and geographical dimensions. Lastly, we give some managerial strategies about the technological resource allocation, the path and mode of the UTAT process.Combined with concrete data and actual development realities, the research method in this dissertation can also be applied to other areas. This dissertation makes a contribution and a useful supplement to theory and practice of regional UTAT.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】F204;G649.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】959
  • 攻读期成果

