

Research on the Design Theory of Super Heavy-duty Armored Face Conveyor Planetary Transmission

【作者】 陈世其

【导师】 赵继云;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 为了提高采煤工作面的产量和工效,降低生产成本,刮板输送机向超大功率、超大运量、超长运距、高强度、长寿命以及高可靠性方向发展,其工作环境决定了必须配套行星传动装置。对超重型刮板输送机行星传动装置,要求体积小,可靠性高。目前在对其设计时,以静态设计为主,很少考虑动态特性,没有进行全工况、全性能的分析。而该行星传动在运转过程中速度低、传递扭矩大、载荷不均、润滑和散热差,容易产生磨损失效,寿命短,故在啮合参数、润滑性能等的设计不同于常规齿轮传动。为了提高其可靠性、工作稳定性和使用寿命长,本文在“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目子课题“大采高综放工作面后部刮板输送机研发”(2008BAB36B04)的资助下,对超重型刮板输送机减速器的行星传动装置进行了设计理论研究。主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)在对行星传动运动分析的基础上,综合考虑多对齿轮副的时变啮合刚度、间隙和齿轮副综合误差,以及输入端、输出端对它的影响,建立了考虑摩擦的超重型刮板输送机行星传动装置的非线性动力学模型,为研究其固有特性和动力学特性奠定基础。(2)基于无阻尼自由振动方程分析了行星传动的固有特性,研究设计参数变化对固有频率和振型的影响,通过对参数敏感度分析来确定设计参数对系统动态性能的影响趋势,为在设计阶段预测传动系统的动力学特性提供理论依据,以提高其动态性能。(3)采用数值方法,分析了行星传动装置非线性动力学模型的时域响应,研究了摩擦、含摩擦和不含摩擦时齿侧间隙对系统动态响应、均载系数和动载荷的影响。结果表明:摩擦对超重型刮板输送机行星传动的影响不能忽略,尤其是在瞬态振动阶段。为在设计超重型刮板输送机行星传动装置时动载和均载系数的选取提供了依据。(4)根据齿轮啮合原理、传热学和摩擦学,精确计算超重型刮板输送机行星传动装置温度场和热弹耦合应力分析所需的边界条件,结合有限元分析方法,运用ANSYS软件,研究超重型刮板输送机行星传动装置各齿轮的温度场分布和热耦合应力,得出了其温度场分布规律及温度效应对结构应力的影响程度,为行星传动装置齿形参数的选择提供了依据。(5)在分析齿形参数对行星传动润滑性能影响的基础上,针对超重型刮板输送机的特殊工况,确立了系统优化设计的变量和目标函数,建立了基于灵敏度分析的行星传动稳健可靠性优化设计数学模型,采用MATLAB优化工具箱进行优化计算,通过实例分析表明,该方法的优化结果较原设计趋于更优,提高了质量稳健性和设计效率。(6)按《MT/T101-2000刮板输送机用减速器检验规范》的要求对项目开发的超重型刮板输送机减速器进行了温升和效率试验,测试其动态响应特性。表明该减速器满足检验规范要求,性能良好。论文有图101幅,表23个,参考文献163篇。

【Abstract】 Armored Face Conveyors are developing new features of ultra-high power, large volume, long transport distance, high strength, long service life and high reliability in order to improve the output and work efficiency of the coal face, reduce production costs, enhance market competitiveness and improve economic efficiency. It must be equipped with the planetary gear because of its working environment. The planetary gear of the Super Heavy-duty Armored Face Conveyor should have small volume and high reliability. Its main design method is static design with little regard for its dynamic characteristics, and the analysis of its all working conditions and performance. But when this planetary transmission works, it has these characteristics ,the speed being slow, transmission torque large, load uneven, and lubricity and heat dissipation poor, and is easy to result in wear failure and short service life, so it’s different from Conventional gear transmission in the selection of gear surface hardness, meshing parameters and lubricity in its design. Supported by the" research and development of large mining height fully mechanized caving face rear scraper conveyor", sub-topic of the major projects of the "Eleventh Five-Year" national scientific and technological supporting plan, this paper studies the design theory of the planetary gear of the Super Heavy-duty Armored Face Conveyor in order to improve its reliability ,working stability and prolong its service life. The main contents are as follows:(1)On the basis of the motion analysis of the planetary gear, time-varying meshing stiffness of multiple gear pairs, comprehensive error of clearance and gear pair and the influence of the input and output terminals, the nonlinear dynamic model of the planetary gear based on friction is established to lay a foundation for the study of its natural and dynamic characteristics.(2)The impact of the changes in design parameters on natural frequency and vibration mode is studied to determine these parameters’effect tendency on the system dynamic performance to provide a theoretical basis to predict the transmission’s dynamic characteristics in the design,and improve its dynamic performance.(3)The effect of gear back lash on system dynamic response, load sharing coefficient and dynamic load is studied after using numerical calculation method to compute the time domain response of the nonlinear dynamic model of the planetary gear with friction and without friction. The result shows that the impact of friction on the planetary gear of the Super Heavy-duty Armored Face Conveyor can not be ignored, especially in transient vibration phase, and it provides a basis when determining the dynamic load coefficient and the load sharing coefficient.(4)Accurate boundary conditions needed by the temperature field of the planetary gear and thermo-elastic coupling stress analysis are accurately calculated based on the principle of gear engagement, tribological and heat transfer. Temperature field distribution and thermal stress coupling of the multiple gears of the planetary gear is studied to get the impact of the distribution of the temperature field and temperature effect on structural stress using finite element analysis and ANASYS software, and it provides a basis when choosing tooth profile parameters.(5)The variables and objective function of the system optimization design are established based on the analysis of the influence of tooth profile parameters on the planetary gear lubricity.Then the mathematic mode of the gear transmission robust reliability optimization design based on sensitivity analysis is established and optimized with MATLAB optimization toolbox.Example analysis shows that optimization results of this method is better that the original design because it improves its quality robustness and design efficiency.(6)Test on temperature rise, efficiency and noise of the reducer of the Super Heavy-duty Armored Face Conveyor that has been conducted according to《MT/T101-2000 scraper conveyor reducer test specification》, The test result shows that the reducer meets standards and has good performance.There are 101 figuers,23 tables and 163 references in the thesis.


