

Study on Column Flotation of Middle-Low Grade Collophane: Strengthened Process and Short Flow Sheet

【作者】 王大鹏

【导师】 刘炯天;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 矿物材料工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着富矿资源的匮乏,我国将进入大规模开发利用中低品位胶磷矿时代。胶磷矿中有用矿物颗粒细、矿物嵌布紧密、有害杂质较多,导致浮选入料微细粒含量高、泥化程度高,恶化了分选环境,使浮选过程受到干扰。传统浮选设备在处理该类矿石时,暴露出流程结构冗长、浮选成本高的问题。浮选柱技术通过矿化方式的革新,提高了微细颗粒的矿化效果,为微细粒矿物的高效分选创造了条件。利用浮选柱技术实现我国胶磷矿高效分选有良好的前景。研究契合我国胶磷矿特点的高效柱式分选设备、工艺是促进胶磷矿选矿技术进步的重要课题。论文以研究胶磷矿的工艺矿物学特性为起点,分析了有用矿物的矿物学特征、矿石解离过程特征和粒度分布范围,指出胶磷矿高含泥量和近似“W”型粒度分布的基本特征,进一步揭示了“微细粒主导、高含泥”对胶磷矿分选过程的显著影响。胶磷矿可浮性特征研究以浮选速度试验为主要研究手段,通过进行胶磷矿浮选动力学特性研究,揭示出胶磷矿浮选过程可浮性“非线性”分布的重要特征。以此为依据,以矿化方式与可浮性相适配为思想,设计出以多流态梯级强化为特色的胶磷矿柱式高效分选过程。以品位分布为研究手段,分析了胶磷矿柱式浮选过程各分选区域作业特征,在研究前人柱式浮选动力学理论模型的基础上,借鉴串槽模型推导出了胶磷矿柱式轴向品位分布模型。根据试验数据确定了模型中的参数,通过计算表明,该模型模拟结果和实际值较吻合。论文在研究浮选过程可浮性特征的指导下,进一步研究了胶磷矿浮选过程粒级浮选特征。通过研究各粒级浮选速度变化规律,揭示了胶磷矿粒级浮选前“细”后“粗”的过程特征。基于此,在分析粗、细粒级矿化过程特点的基础上提出了胶磷矿的粒级“分步”浮选过程:根据浮选过程粒级浮选的时间分布特征,以强化和调整为手段,通过改变紊流强度、气泡特性、泡沫层高度等针对性作业参数实现胶磷矿粒级的分步强化和浮选,在高效柱式分选过程的框架下,建立粗、细粒级有针对性强化的高效子过程,实现了胶磷矿全粒级的高效浮选。至此形成了胶磷矿高效浮选设备系统、工艺模式雏形:基于可浮性过程特征的整体柱式高效过程和基于粒级浮选特征的分过程。开展了中低品位胶磷矿柱式分选试验研究。研究了不同类型胶磷矿的柱式分选工艺:浮选柱分选高镁胶磷矿,通过单段反浮选获得了精矿品位为P2O5 31.09%、MgO 0.79%,精矿回收率93.27%的良好指标。与同期浮选机生产相比,在给矿品位和精矿品位基本相同的情况下,P2O5回收率提高了4个百分点以上;浮选柱在处理多矿区混合钙(硅)质胶磷矿时,单段浮选工艺精矿指标为:P2O5 29.61%,MgO 0.92%,回收率85.58%,单段工艺在处理难选胶磷矿时指标不甚理想,但粒级分步浮选结果较好。粒级分步浮选借助一粗一精流程在难选中低品位胶磷矿中分选出了高质量的精矿,精矿品位达到P2O5 30.01%、MgO 0.61%,回收率达到了89.10%。与槽式系统相比,柱式系统分选指标优势明显,精矿P2O5含量提高了0.86个百分点,回收率提高了1.44个百分点,同时浮选药剂成本降低了20%以上;利用浮选柱分选硅钙质胶磷矿,在给矿品位相近情况下,浮选柱正-反两段流程可获得品位29.78%、回收率82.16%的磷精矿,精矿回收率比浮选机系统提高了2.69个百分点;精矿品位提高了1.62个百分点。柱式系统不仅实现了流程结构的精简还有效地降低了浮选成本,为我国胶磷矿高效分选提供了一种新的技术途径。该论文有图90幅,表71个,参考文献159篇。

【Abstract】 With the rich ore is decreasing dramatically, China will take advantage of low grade cellophane by wholesale. Useful minerals of fine particles, distribution of tightness, and lots detrimental impurities lead to high content of fine particles and argillization, which deteriorate the separation environment and disturb the floatation process. Traditional floatation equipments expose problems of lengthy flowage structure and high cost dealing with ores of this kind. The innovation of mineralization patterns improves the mineralization effectiveness and brings about requirement for high-efficient separation dealing with fine minerals. There is a well prospect of high-efficient cellophane separation by using column floatation technology. Studies on high-efficient column separation equipment and process are important issues for promoting cellophane preparing technology.This paper starts with researches on cellophane process mineralogical characters, then analyze the mineralogical characters of useful minerals, dissociation process features and size distribution range. It points out high silt content and similarly“W”size distribution features, and moves forward to proclaim the notable effect on cellophane separation process by factors of leading fine fractions and high silt content.With the implement of floatation-velocity experiments, experimental study proceeds on the flotation dynamical characteristics of comprehensive size fraction, which proclaims the major characteristic "nonlinearity" distribution of cellophane process floatability. Based on this, coupling mineralization pattern and floatability, high-efficient column process for cellophane separation is proposed with the characteristics of multi-flow and stair-intensification.Features of each separation area have been studied in cellophane column flotation process by researching on grade distribution. Based on the researches of column floatation dynamics model done, the cellophane column axial grade distribution model is finally deduced taking example by the channeling model, of which the model parameters have been determined in accordance with experiment data. It shows that the model result is quite identical to the actual value by calculation.This paper takes further study on cellophane floatation features of size fractions at the guidance of researching on process floatability. Through the study of floatation speed changing rules of different size fraction, it proclaims the“first fine then coarse”process character in cellophane fraction floatation. In allusion to fraction floatation, substep floatation process is pointed out based on mineralization process features of fine and coarse fractions. According to the temporal distribution in fraction flotation process, substep floatation is intensified by regulation of turbulence intensity, bubble features, froth height and other parameters. With the framework of column separation process, floatation of all fractions is more high-efficient by the establishment of intensified sub-process. High-efficient floatation equipment and process model rudiment are constructed: the column high-efficient separation process based on features of process floatability and the sub-process based on characters of fraction floatation.Column separation experiments of low grade cellophane and column separation process for different kinds of cellophane are carried out as follows:Through one-section reverse floatation, concentrate containing P2O531.09%、MgO 0.79% and recovery rate of 93.27% can be achieved dealing with the high magnesium cellophane by column separation.;Comparing with corresponding floatation cell product, recovery of P2O5 is increased more than 4%.Through one-section reverse floatation, concentrate containing P2O529.61%、MgO 0.92% and recovery rate of 85.58% can be achieved dealing with the calcium-silicon cellophane by column separation. Based on One-section process is difficult to deal with cellophane hard to separate.;Fraction substep floatation researches on this ore have been conducted by applying one roughing one refining process. Concentrate containing P2O530.01%、MgO 0.61% and recovery rate of 89.10% can be obtained, which increases 0.86% P2O5 content and 1.44% recovery rate comparing with cell system result. And the floatation reagent cost also decreases more than 20% meanwhile.With run-of-mine of similarly grade using column separation, concentrate containing P2O5 29.78% and recovery rate of 82.16% can be achieved by applying one straight one reverse process, which increases 1.62% P2O5 content and 2.69% recovery rate comparing with cell system result.With the utilization of column system, not only the process structure is simplified but also the floatation cost is reduced effectively, which provide a new technique channel for high-efficient separation dealing with domestic cellophane.There are 90 pictures, 71 charts and 159 reference documents.


