

The Study of City Community Boundary Problem

【作者】 袁野

【导师】 王路;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 当代中国城市发展面临众多问题和挑战,城市住区的边界问题就是其中之一。边界的存在是我国当代城市住区的重要特征,中国当代城市和住区在建设发展中所面临的众多问题在一定程度上反映在住区边界——这一普遍存在的即具体又抽象的形态上。本文由此提出城市住区的“边界问题”,将之作为研究对象,并以北京为例进行研究。希望通过对该问题的深入考察和思考,改变以往孤立研究住区本身或孤立研究城市公共空间而忽视住区与城市之间关系的误区,摸索出中国住区和城市空间的内在特征和发展规律,找出问题的机制所在,并在此基础上,提出解决问题的策略。边界最主要的特征是划分和隔绝空间,同时还具有连接和沟通的作用。正是边界这一矛盾属性,形成了边界在人类空间观念以及在社会与文化发展中所具有的特殊原型价值。本文通过对边界原型、属性和效应的考察建立了边界的理论基础,并利用这一理论工具分析北京当代城市的边界类型、特征、问题及其机制。边界问题主要反映在规划结构上的封闭性、超级尺度和不可达性,空间和服务资源的浪费,以社会孤立和社会分异为主的社会隔离,对城市空间、肌理以及公共生活的破坏等。在对问题机制的考察中发现,边界在反映住区和城市之间空间关系的表象背后,更反映的是城市文化、社会、政治和经济等复杂因素共同作用的深层次问题。基于对以上问题的分析,本文提出解决边界问题的策略:一、建立城市住区规划以及城市空间建设的基本原则;二、从政策、法规层面提出边界控制的重要性和具体的边界控制措施;三、在开发策略层面挖掘边界的土地价值和商业价值,并建议改变当前以政府和开发商为主导的住区和城市建设的模式;四、从规划结构层面提出网络化、边界化和街区化的住区规划模式;五、通过边界空间设计的手段,在边界层、边界线、边界域和边界面等几个方面营造城市的边界空间,并为城市公共生活和公共景观做出贡献。论文最终希望能建立一种住区规划和城市空间建设的新模式,并提出“无边界的城市”理想,倡导建设一个公平开放、和谐共融、市民自治、充满活力的城市社会。

【Abstract】 The development of Chinese cities is facing large number of problems and challenges in this era, among which the problem of city community boundary is one of the basic problems. Since boundary is the important characteristic of present Chinese community, and present Chinese cities and communities are facing many problems during construction and development reflect in the form of community boundary to some extent——the form of concrete and abstract commonly exist, the paper puts the problem of city community boundary as research object,Beijing as a case,in order to change the manner of isolated community research or isolated public space research, which ignore the relation between community and city, tries to explore inherent characteristic and rules of Chinese city development, to find the causation of problem, and to put forward the strategies which can solve the problems.The main characteristics of Boundary are separating and isolating spaces, at the same time, connecting and communicate spaces. The antinomy attribute of boundary form the prototype value of boundary, which influence space conception of mankind and development of society and culture. The paper sets up theory foundation through reviewing form,attribute,and effect of boundary,through which the paper analyzes types, characteristics, and problems of Beijing city. The mainly problems of boundary are obdurate of planning construction, huge scale and bad accessibility, the waste of spaces and services resources, social isolation, destroy of urban space, texture, and public life. After the apparent problems, the deeper problems are from culture, society, policy and economy of city.On the basic of the upper researches, the paper put forwards the strategies which may resolve boundary problems: first, to set up the basic principles of city community planning and urban construction. Second, to put forward importance of boundary control and specific measures from the level of policies and regulations. Third, to exploit potentialities of land value and commercial value, and to propose changing the construction mode that governments and developers play the dominant role. Fifth, to build boundary spaces of city from the aspects of boundary layer, boundary line, boundary region, and boundary interface through boundary design. The paper finally calls for a new mode of city community and city public space development, and bring up the ideal of a Boundaryless city : a fair and open, mixed harmoniously, citizens autonomic, and dynamic urban society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1935
  • 攻读期成果

