

Biomimetic Cuttlefish Robot and Its Key Technology Research

【作者】 王扬威

【导师】 王振龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪被称为海洋的世纪,人类开发海洋和利用海洋的脚步,随着科技的发展逐渐加快。具有海洋勘测、海底探查、海洋救捞、海底管道等人造水下结构物检测、以及水下侦查和跟踪功能的水下机器人(Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, UUV),已成为探索海洋、开发海洋和海洋防卫的重要工具。本文以墨鱼为研究对象,在分析其形态结构特征和游动推进机理的基础上,研制形状记忆合金(Shape Memory Alloy,简称SMA)丝驱动的以鳍波动方式和喷射方式复合推进的仿生墨鱼机器人,并对各推进部件和仿生墨鱼机器人样机的性能进行实验研究。为仿生水下机器人的研究提供了新型的仿生水平鳍和仿生喷射系统推进部件,并为仿生墨鱼机器人的后续开发奠定了基础。墨鱼属于软体动物门头足纲动物,依靠喷射和鳍波动复合推进这种特殊的方式来实现游动,不仅能像鱼一样灵活地游动,还能够实现原地转弯和快速后退等鱼类难以实现的游动动作。通过对墨鱼的游动方式和受力进行分析,建立了墨鱼水平鳍鳍波动的运动学模型和动力学模型,并对鳍波动运动的流体力学特性进行了分析。建立了墨鱼外套膜横截面的运动模型,分析了喷射推进过程中推力随外套膜的收缩量和收缩速度的变化关系。以墨鱼样本为蓝本,建立了墨鱼的三维模型,并对其游动过程中的外形阻力进行了仿真分析。分析了墨鱼鳍肌肉结构和动作过程,研制了更具动作对称性的SMA丝驱动的柔性鳍单元,并对其摆动输出力进行了实验研究。在实验基础上,理论计算表明鳍单元最大摆动输出力3.75 N,最大弯曲角速度141.74 rad/s。研制了柔性鳍单元驱动的模仿鳐科模式游动的仿生蝠鲼。该机器鱼游动无噪声,直线游动速度可达79 mm/s,转弯半径118 mm。通过模仿墨鱼鳍的生理结构和运动方式,研制了柔性鳍单元驱动的仿生水平鳍。通过仿真分析明确了影响仿生水平鳍推进力的影响因素。实验表明仿生水平鳍能够通过柔性鳍单元的运动带动柔性鳍面形成推进波,推进力呈周期性变化,瞬时推进力最大值169 mN,此时平均推力80 mN。研制了仿生水平鳍推进器,该推进器能实现以仿生水平鳍的鳍波动运动推进游动,最高游动速度35 mm/s。通过对墨鱼外套膜肌肉结构和动作过程进行分析,模仿墨鱼生理结构研制了仿生喷射系统,该系统包括SMA丝驱动仿生外套膜、SMA丝驱动仿生喷嘴和被动式仿生进水膜。仿生外套膜能实现柔性的均匀收缩,嵌入内部的SMA丝最大收缩应变2.59 %,最大贮水截面应变17.55 %。仿生喷嘴能实现多方向弯曲运动,最大弯曲角度为22°。实验表明依靠仿生外套膜的收缩和扩张运动能够推动仿生喷射系统实现与墨鱼喷射运动相似的游动运动,喷射推力主要受仿生外套膜内SMA丝的驱动电压和驱动脉冲宽度、水温和喷嘴喷口直径影响。仿生喷射系统的最大瞬时推力为600 mN,最大游动速度87.6 mm/s。模仿墨鱼的外形,综合考虑各推进装置和控制系统硬件结构,设计了仿生墨鱼机器人,并研制了基于CAN总线的分布式控制系统和仿生墨鱼机器人样机。该机器人样机以鳍波动运动和喷射推进运动复合方式游动,能实现向前、向后和转弯游动。最大游动速度35 mm/s与墨鱼的巡游速度接近。该样机能实现原地的转弯游动,这种原地的转弯运动能够提高机器人的机动性能,有利于增强其对复杂环境的适应能力。综上所述,本文对仿生墨鱼机器人及其关键技术进行了研究,研制了仿生蝠鲼、仿生水平鳍、仿生喷射系统和仿生墨鱼机器人样机,为仿生墨鱼机器人的研究提供了实验平台。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the century of ocean. With the rapid development of science and technology, human beings begin to explore and utilize the marine resources more quickly. The underwater robots (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, UUV) with the functions of exploration, salvage, detection and tracing have become important tools to explore ocean. In this paper, the cuttlefish is chosen as the bionic object. Based on analysis of their morphological character and swimming mechanism, a kind of biomimetic cuttlefish-like underwater robot actuated by shape memory alloy (SMA) wires has been developed, which can be propelled by jetting and undulating fin. The performance of the biomimetic robot and its parts has been studied through experiment as well. The research provides a new way to imitate jetting and undulating fin for biomimetic underwater robots research and provides basis for the subsequent development.Cuttlefish belong to cephalopoda class of marine mollusks. They can swim flexibly like fish through jetting and undulating fin. Moreover they can turn with zero radius and swim backward fast, which is difficult for fish. Through analysis of the swimming mode and force acting on cuttlefish, the kinematic model and dynamic model of undulating fin were established, including its hydrodynamics character. The kinematic model of the cross-section of mantle of cuttlefish was established, and variation of the thrust of jet with the contraction of the mantle was analyzed. The three-dimensional model of cuttlefish was established and the drag force due to its profile during the swimming process was also analyzed.The intramuscular structure and the action process of the cuttlefish fin are analyzed. Then an improved biomimetic flexible fin unit actuated by SMA wires which exhibits more symmetry in action process is investigated. The forces generated during the bending process are researched by experiments. Theory calculation shows that the maximum output force is 3.75 N and the corresponding maximum angular velocity is 141.74 rad/s. Based on the biomimetic flexible fin unit, a biomimetic manta ray robot fish is developed. It can swim silently with good stability. Its maximum swimming speed in line is 79 mm/s and its minimum turning radius can achieve 118 mm. Imitating the physical structure and movement pattern of the cuttlefish fin, a biomimetic horizontal fin based on the flexible fin unit is designed. The factors that affect the propulsive force of the biomimetic horizontal fin are analyzed by simulation. When the series of flexible fin units move up and down in a certain sequence, the biomimetic fin undulates like a wave to generate propulsive force. The experimental results showe that the forces vary periodically. The maximum instantaneous value is 169 mN and the average value is 80 mN. A vehicle propelled by the biomimetic level pectoral fin is developed. Its maximum swimming speed can achive 35 mm/s.Through analyzing the muscle structure of the mantle of cuttlefish and its movement character, a biomimetic jetting system is designed. The system includes a biomimetic mantle, a biomimetic funnel and a biomimetic membrane switch. All the parts are actuated by SMA wires. The biomimetic mantle can contract flexibly and evenly. The maximum contraction strain of SMA wires embedded in the biomimetic mantle can reach 2.59% and the maximum cross-section strain can reach 17.55%. The biomimetic funnel can bend in any direction and the maximum bending angle is 22°. The experiment shows that the biomimetic jetting system can be propelled by jetting like cuttlefish via expansion and contraction of the biomimetic mantle. The jetting thrust is affected by many factors, such as voltage, pulse width, water temperature and diameter of the biomimetic funnel. The maximum instantaneous thrust of the biomimetic jetting system is 600 mN and its maximum swimming speed is 87.6 mm/s.Imitating the shape of cuttlefish and considering all the propulsive and control hardware system, a biomimetic cuttlefish robot is designed a biomimetic cuttlefish robot prototype is fabricated based CAN bus control systems. The present prototype can swim in complex ways, combining undulate fin propulsion and jet propulsion. It is able to move forward, backward and in turning. The maximum swimming speed is 35 mm/s, closing to the cruise speed of cuttlefish. The prototype can turn with zero radius. This character can improve the robot’s mobility and enhance its ability to adapt to complex environments.In summary, the biomimetic cuttlefish robot and its key technology are researched. The biomimetic manta ray, biomimetic horizontal fin, biomimetic jetting system and the biomimetic cuttlefish prototype are developed. The present research provides experimental platform for further study.


