

Study on the Spray Seeding on Loess Slope and Plant Community Characteristics and Pest Control

【作者】 赵红洋

【导师】 孙吉雄;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 研究边坡绿化与防护既是国家的重大技术需求,又具有较大的理论意义和实用价值。为此,于2007年至2010年在评定高速公路的甘肃平凉段,采用L4(23)的正交试验设计,用第三年的地上生物量为考察指标,建成了4个人工植物群落,并以此作为研究各群落特征、群落发育、群落物种多样性和害虫防治技术的对象,取得了以下主要结论。(1)对试验因子分析结果证明各因子的重要性顺序是:喷播建植技术>草种组合>肥料种类。比较同一因子的不同水平发现:客土喷播是主要因子,其次是草种组合。变量分析表明:试验重复间差异不显著,试验因子间差异均达到0.05显著水平。通过试验建成了4个与试验处理相对应的人工植物群落:群落Ⅰ—紫羊茅+草地早熟禾+异穗苔草-胡枝子群落;群落Ⅱ—赖草+白颖苔草-铁杆蒿+莳萝蒿群落;群落Ⅲ—紫花苜蓿+异穗苔草+灰绿藜铁-铁杆蒿群落;群落Ⅳ—高羊茅+早熟禾+白颖苔草+匍茎剪股颖群落。(2)各人工群落的主要特征是:均以禾本科、菊科和豆科植物占绝对优势;种类组成差异很大;喷播草种性质分化程度大;各群落的最小面积排序是群落Ⅱ>群落Ⅲ>群落Ⅳ>群落Ⅰ;群落间科、属、种的最大共同度出现在群落Ⅱ、Ⅲ比对中,最小共同度出现在群落Ⅰ、Ⅱ比对中,草本植物层、禾本科植物和菊科植物种的最大共同度均出现在群落Ⅱ、Ⅲ比对中;相对频度级的大小顺序是群落Ⅱ>Ⅲ>Ⅰ>Ⅳ;地上芽、地面芽和地下芽是各群落结构的基本层片,其中,群落Ⅱ、Ⅲ的地面芽和地下芽植物尤为发育。人工植物群落特征表明:群落的科、属、种数与试验处理有关;客土喷播的植物群落种类组成相对复杂,喷播草种的优势度、竞争力及生态学意义逐渐被当地地带性或区域性植被的优势种所取代,但群落发育仍然处在初级阶段;群落的种类数越多,群落的最小面积相应地就越大;群落Ⅱ、Ⅲ的种类组成和生境条件相似性程度高,而群落Ⅰ、Ⅱ的相似性程度低;多年生丛生禾草、莎草和多年生蒿属小半灌木植物是各群落的优势类群;在黄土边坡建立的防护植物群落,其发育过程与当地撂荒地和退耕还草地植被恢复过程相似,预示着植物生存环境逐渐良性化,喷播草种具有先锋植物和促进次生植被恢复的功能。(3)研究人工植物群落发育表明:湿性喷播的群落Ⅰ和群落Ⅳ中,喷播的草种在平均密度、平均频度、平均盖度和种的重要值方面都占优势,显示出它们在群落内的重要性,图解显示群落Ⅳ比群落Ⅰ发育较良好;在客土喷播的群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅲ中,优势度最大的10种植物在平均密度、平均频度、平均盖度和种的重要值方面都占优势,图解显示,群落Ⅲ比群落Ⅱ的各项指标配置合理;从群落功能讲,群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅲ的护坡效果都比较好。(4)黄土边坡4个人工植物群落种的丰富度和α多样性指数自大至小排序是:群落Ⅱ>群落Ⅲ>群落Ⅳ>群落Ⅰ。种的均匀度指数排序是:群落Ⅰ>群落Ⅳ>群落Ⅲ>群落Ⅱ。排序规律比较好地反映出了各群落的组织化水平、护坡功能、动态及群落的稳定性特点。(5)群落内主要植物层片和优势类群种的丰富度、均匀度与α多样性分析结果证明:草本植物层和禾本科植物分别在各群落中具有重要作用,但年轻的群落还没有足够的时间达到种类多样化的程度,随着时间的推移,其种数将会越来越多样化。(6)各群落间种的相异性与β多样性分析结果:在4个群落的6个比对中,Cody指数自大至小的排序是Ⅰ-Ⅱ>Ⅲ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅳ>Ⅱ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅲ>Ⅱ-Ⅲ;各群落相似性程度的顺序是Ⅱ-Ⅲ>Ⅱ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅲ>Ⅲ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅱ;进一步分析了各群落间主要植物层及优势类群种的相异性与β多样性。种的相异性与β多样性分析结果比较好地显示了群落间及群落间主要层片和优势类群物种取代程度与生境的差异性。(7) 2009年夏秋之间调查黄土边坡护坡植物群落中的害虫,采集标本7025只,分隶于8目、22科、35属、39种,其中夜蛾科的粘虫是优势种害虫。(8)将黄土边坡护坡植物群落中的害虫混合种群划分成5个密度梯度,用同一剂量(53.55ml/1000m2)的4.5%氯氰菊酯EC进行防治试验发现:防效与虫口密度之间具有较高的正相关关系(r= 0.9771);最高防效只有62.84%,表明53.55ml/1000m2的有效剂量偏低。(9)用等比系列用药量对害虫混合种群进行防治试验发现:防效还与4.5%氯氰菊酯EC的使用浓度密切相关(r = 0.9754)。(10)根据试验结果,用机率值法进行测算,4.5%氯氰菊酯EC对害虫混合种群的毒力可用y = 2.2476 + 5.1118 x的回归方程表示,并据此提出了不同防治效果适宜用药量的模拟结果。

【Abstract】 The research on slope greening is the key national technical demand and important for theoretical and practical development. In this case, four plant communities were established in Pingliang from 2007 to 2010 to study the features, development, species diversity and pest control of community with orthogonal experimental design by measuring the biomass. The main results are as follows:1. The importance order of affecting factors was spay seeding technique > grass species composition > fertilizers. The guest soil was the main factor and followed by the grass species composition while the same factor was compared. And the difference among treating factors was significant at 0.05 level.Four plant communities were established including CⅠ( Festuca rubra + Poa annua + Carex heterostachya -Leapedeza bicolor) , CⅡ( Leymus secalinus + Carex rigescens-Ajiania gmalinii + Ajiania anethoides), CⅢ(Medicago sativa + Carex heterostachya + Chenopodium glaucum - Ajiania gmalinii) and CⅣ(Festuca arundinacea + Poa angustifolia + Carex rigescens + Agrostis stolonifera).2. The main characteristics of established communities could be described as follows: The dominants were gramineous, feverfew and legumes and the species composition greatly varied. The performance of spray seeding grass species was greatly different. The order of least area ranking of four communities was CⅡ> CⅢ> CⅣ> CⅠ. The maximum communality of family, genus and species among communities occurred between CⅡand CⅢ. And the minimum communality occurred between CⅠand CⅡ. The maximum communality of grass synusia, gramineous and feverfew occurred between CⅡand CⅢ. The order of relative frequency was CⅡ> CⅢ> CⅠ> CⅣ. The chamaephyte, hemicryptophyte and geophyte were the main component of each synusia, in which, the hemicryptophyte and geophyte were dominant in CⅡand CⅢ.The result indicated that the species number of community was related to the experiment treatments. The species composition of communities establish through spay seeding was relatively complex. Although the community was at the early development stage, the plant species were gradually replaced by native species. The more species number, the greater least area. The similarity of plant composition and habitat between CⅡa nd CⅢwas high and it was low between CⅠa nd CⅡ. The bunch grass, sedge and perennial subshrub were the dominants in each community. The development of community established through spray seeding was similar with the community in recovering abandoned arable land, it means that the habitat was in restoring period and the plant in spray seeded community played the pioneer role.3. The average density, frequency and coverage of grasses in wet spray seeded communities (CⅠand CⅣ) were high and it indicated their importance, and CⅣdeveloped batter than CⅠ. As for the guest soil spray seeded communities (CⅡand CⅢ), 10 plant species performed batter and CⅢwas better than CⅡ. In terms of community function, the slope protection effect of CⅡⅣand CⅢwas satisfied.4. The order of richness andαindex of 4 communities was CⅡ>CⅢ>CⅣ>CⅠ. The order of evenness index was CⅠ>CⅣ>CⅢ>CⅡ. This ranking pattern reflected the organizing level, slope protection effect and community stable ability.5. The analysis on richness, evenness andαindex of main synusia indicated that grass synusia and gramineous species played an important role in communities. However, the diversity of young community was not high because of developing time and it would be more diverse in future.6. The dissimilarity among communities andβindex analysis indicated that the order of Cody index among 4 communities wasⅠ-Ⅱ>Ⅲ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅳ>Ⅱ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅲ>Ⅱ-Ⅲ. And the order of similarity among communities wasⅡ-Ⅲ>Ⅱ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅲ>Ⅲ-Ⅳ>Ⅰ-Ⅱ. The analysis on dissimilarity of species composition andβindex could explore the replacing degree and habitat difference among synusia and communities.7. Totally 7025 pest specimen, belonging 8 subject, 22 family, 35 genus and 39 species. In which, the armyworm in cutworm family was the dominant pest.8. The pest in slope protection community could be divided into 5 density gradients. The relationship between control efficiency and peat density was positive (r=0.9771) by using same dose of 4.5% cypermethrin EC (53.55 ml/1000m~2). The highest control efficiency was only 62.84%, which means that the dose was low.9. The result of control experiments with different doses indicated that the control efficiency was also related to the concentration of cypermethrin EC (r=0.9754).10. The virulence of 4.5% cypermethrin EC to mixed pest population could be described as y = 2.2476 + 5.1118 x, and the suitable concentration could be simulated according to this model.


