

Study on Western Hubei’s Regional Development Strategies and Implementation

【作者】 胡静

【导师】 张安录;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 无论差异多大的彼此,只要是在同一目标下,在同一个统一体内,都存在着协同发展的可能性和现实性,都可以实现协同发展。当前,在我国的区域发展战略选择上,从协同学理论中寻找对策,已经成为一些专家学者有意识的集体行为。本文运用比较优势、协同学及相关理论,从大力发展旅游业的角度对湖北西部地区区域发展做了系统研究。长期以来,湖北西部地区农村面积广阔,是“老、少、边、穷”聚集区,相比于湖北东部地区的武汉城市圈的优势工业经济和城市群体系,其工业基础比较薄弱,发展工业等产业的制约因素较多。但湖北西部地区生态环境良好、文化底蕴深厚、旅游资源丰富,面对“中部崛起”战略实施的重要机遇,又因武汉城市圈“两型社会”建设的良好促动,更具有利用生态文化资源发展特色产业的较好基础和后发优势。旅游业作为对经济社会发展具有先导作用和强关联带动作用的产业,以其对社会经济发展的高贡献性和与日俱增的旅游市场前景,对区域发展具有特殊作用。旅游业既是湖北西部地区实现区域协同发展的有效切入点,也是湖北西部地区实现资源环境与社会经济协调发展的最佳结合点。因此,依托旅游业的健康发展,对资源进行高效和高度有序化的整合,谋求区域产业联动,形成具有核心竞争力的先导产业和产品集群,实现湖北西部地区的协同共进,不仅在理论上具有充分依据,而且在实践中具有可能性和现实性。本文以湖北西部地区为研究区域,笔者在研究过程中实地考察了湖北西部地区大多数地区经济、社会与生态状况,分析了大量的文献、统计数据,从有效解决问题的角度出发,立足于资源丰富而经济欠发达的发展现状分析,实证探索了后工业时代处于发展初期的资源丰富且欠发达地区社会经济发展命题,对湖北西部地区的发展现状、困境及成因、发展战略与发展路径选择等做了相关理论思考和实证研究,提出整合集群、联动共进的“旅游引领,区域协同”的发展模式,以期能拓展资源型区域发展思路,为类似地区社会经济发展提供科学的参考依据。第一部分“引论”为选题背景、文献综述与研究方法。指出为实施“中部崛起”战略构想、缓和区际差异等现实需要,依托旅游业的健康发展,实现湖北西部地区发展上的协同共进,尤为必要和紧迫;并对区域发展研究的已有文献做了综述,从可持线发展、区域经济学、旅游学、城乡统筹论等多维视角对协同发展研究作了审视,进而以此为研究框架,阐述了研究的目的和意义,说明了本文的研究内容和方法,以及研究的逻辑思路,提出了本文的可能创新之处。第二部分为理论基础部分,对区域发展的相关基础理论进行了较为系统的阐述。分别以比较优势理论、可持续发展理论、社会学理论、协同理论、区域旅游合作理论、生态学理论为指导,对区域发展进行深入而全面的理论研究,并为第四、第五部分针对客观实际的分析评价后所形成的反思内容进行引导式铺垫。第三部分为“发展现状与困境”。这一部分主要以资源、环境、发展为主题,首先从区域概况、资源禀赋、交通状况、生态环境、产业变迁等方面,对湖北西部地区的经济、社会、文化发展状况作了细致分析,深刻剖析了发展的新意不足、环境生态失衡、产业结构趋同等诸多困境的成因问题。第四部分是发展战略部分。本部分旨在论证湖北西部地区选择以旅游为引领的发展战略的合理性。首先,尝试对现状与困境做出针对性的理论思考,提出在湖北西部地区发展要以较优势理论确立发展先导,以可持续发展理论奠定发展基础,以社会学理论提供发展依据;其次,分析了湖北西部发展旅游业的现实基础(政策环境、适宜的社会氛围以及地缘的一体性、生态的良好性和交通的通达性)和比较优势(得天独厚的旅游资源条件,显著扩增的旅游市场需求、蓬勃发展的旅游产业),以及湖北西部地区发展旅游业的引擎效用(加速发展优势转变、推进城乡统筹发展、促进区域协调发展、保障生态文明发展等),随后提出了湖北西部地区的发展战略选择(以旅游发展形成区域发展引擎,发挥资源比较优势,引领区域统筹协调)。第五部分为发展路径部分。本部分从协同论中吸取理论智慧,探讨以旅游为引领,湖北西部地区区域协同发展的实现途径。首先,以协同学理论为基础,提出湖北西部地区发展路径选择应以区域协同为发展思维,以旅游合作为发展主线,以生态学理论为发展重点。其次,概括提出三种可借鉴的旅游协同发展经验,即交通优先的京津冀“叠加效应”、特色互补的沪杭“同城待遇”、市场运作的欧盟“联动模式”。再次,以价值重构为中心,从发展理念、发展目标、发展重点等方面诠释湖北西部地区发展路径选择,提出要用后现代视野来扬弃以工业化为基础的传统现代化的局限,把发展建立在有效保护和不断改善生态环境的基础上。最后以整合联动为重点,结合旅游协同发展的有利条件,着力分析了整合集群、联动共进、交通互融、营销共推等运行机制,探讨了以旅游为引擎的区域协同发展的实现途径。最后为结论与展望部分。本文认为,湖北西部地区相融性和互补性好,有条件也有必要形成一体化的“旅游引领、区域协同”发展模式,这不仅是湖北西部地区发展的内在要求,也是湖北省经济社会全面持续发展的关键所在,更能为后工业时代类似地区社会经济发展中如何创新发展思路,转变发展方式,重构资源价值,建构发展模式提供范式参考。

【Abstract】 The concept of "regional collaborative development" is one of the major consensuses and requirements of the Scientific Outlook on Development and "Five Overall Planning". Using Synergitics theory and other relevant intellectual tools, this dissertation systematically examines the development strategies of western Hubei, from the perspective of the tourism industry. The western regions of Hubei are trapped in the Revolutionary past, ethnically diverse, remote and poor. Compared to the preponderant industrial economy and city clusters of the Wuhan urban circle in eastern Hubei, the western regions’economic development remains weak and restrained by multiple factors. However, the western regions boast excellent ecological environment, profound culture and rich resources for tourism. Also the "rise of central China" strategy and the construction of the "two-oriented society" in the Wuhan urban circle are now giving western Hubei a tremendous opportunity to utilize eco-cultural resource and late-mover advantages to develop its own unique economy.As an industry that often leads to socio-economic development and foster other industries, tourism plays an important role in regional development. In western Hubei, it has already contributed to the local development and offers exciting market potential. It acts as a breakthrough point towards regional collaboration and balancing environment with development. It seems plausible in theory and feasible in practice to stimulate western Hubei’s collective growth through healthy tourism, efficient and orderly resource integration, inter-industrial collaboration and forming competitive forerunner industries and products.This research involved local investigations in most part of western Hubei, noting its economic, social and ecological conditions. It also analyzed a massive number of records and statistics. The purpose of the research is to answer the question why regions with rich natural resources and poor economy can develop itself in the post-industrial age. This dissertation is a series of theoretical and empirical inquiries on western Hubei’s current development state, obstacles, backgrounds, strategies and implementations. The author concludes by putting forward a "tourism-led and regionally collaborative" development approach for western Hubei, in the hope of stimulating new ideas for the development of resource-rich regions and providing a scientific reference for similar regions.In "Introduction", the background of this study, literature review as well as research methodology are listed. In order to implement the strategic vision of the "rise of central China" and minimize regional development disparity, the study proposes that, it is necessary and urgent for western Hubei to rely on tourism and achieve synergetic development. This part of the dissertation reviews existing regional development theories, surveying the idea of synergetic development from the perspectives of sustainability, regional economics, tourism science and urban-rural coordination. This research framework defines the material, methodology, significance and originality of this study.The second part of the dissertation focuses the theoretical basis of the dissertation. Aided by studies in Synergy theory, comparative advantage, regional tourism cooperation, sociology, ecology, and sustainable development, the author of this dissertation makes an in-depth and comprehensive theoretical inquiry into the idea of regionally collaborative development. It paves a way for the empirical evaluation of the actual conditions in western Hubei.The third part of this dissertation talks about "the current state of development and obstacles". The key concepts of this part are resources, environment and development. First it offers a detailed analysis of western Hubei’s economic, social and cultural status, considering resources abundance, transportation, ecological environment and changes of industries. Following the analysis comes the examination on the causes behind the region’s stagnated development such as the lack of new development ideas, ecological imbalance, and uniform industrial structures.The fourth part of the dissertation discusses the strategic choices facing western Hubei. It aims to demonstrate the rationality of a tourism-led development approach. First, it theorizes the current state of western Hubei’s development and its main challenges. It advocates that the decision on the region’s development strategy must be made based on comparative advantage theory, sustainable development theory and sociological theories. Second, it analyzes the feasibility of developing tourism in the western Hubei (policy environment, social atmosphere, geopolitical integrity, ecological quality and the convenience of transportation), comparative advantages (unique tourism resources, growing demands in the tourism market and a booming tourism industry), the "engine effect" of tourism promotion in western Hubei (accelerating transformation of development merits, catalyzing coordinated development between urban and rural areas, balance development levels among different regions, ensuring the growth of eco-civilization and so on). This leads the author to conclude that the development strategy for western Hubei must be tourism-led and regionally collaborative (utilizing complementary advantages among different regions).The fifth part of the dissertation is about the different paths towards achieving this development strategy. This part extracts its theoretical wisdom from Synergy theory, as it discusses the implementation of the tourism-led regional collaboration strategy in western Hubei. First, Synergy theory dictates that western Hubei’s development path must be determined by intra-regional compatibility, tourism collaboration and ecology. Secondly, it proposes that western Hubei can refer to three different experiences in tourism collaboration. These are Jing Jin Ji "synergistic effect", which prioritized transportation; the "identical treatment" of Hu Hang, which emphasizes complementary characteristics; and the "linkage pattern" of the European Union, which exiled in market operation. Thirdly, the study proposes a value reconstruction, which requires changes in concept, objective and priority, when considering how to implement the strategy for western Hubei. The traditional industry-centric approach of modernization must be replaced by a development strategy that protects the environment and improves the eco-system. Finally, emphasizing integration and linkage, the study analyzes the operation mechanisms for regional collaboration, such as integrated colony, trickling progress, complementing transportation and coordinated marketing, in order to further prove the feasibility of the tourism-led and regionally collaborative strategy.The last part of the dissertation argues that it is possible and necessary to build an integrated model of development where "tourism leads and regions collaborate", since the western regions in Hubei can very well integrate and complement each other. This is not only the inherent requirement of western Hubei’s development, but also a key element to economically and socially sustainable development for the whole province. Moreover, it can provide a paradigm for other similar regions to explore innovative ideas on development, transform the way people think of development, reconstruct the resource value, and build new development models.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1675

