

The Study of Cultivated Land Eco-Compensation and Spatial Benefits Transfer

【作者】 马爱慧

【导师】 张安录;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 承载国家粮食安全和生态安全功能的耕地资源是一种准公共产品,其公共产品属性使得耕地边际私人收益与边际社会收益相偏离,导致耕地保护中不同利益主体的行为趋向及利益诉求偏向私人决策最优。而私人利益主体往往不会主动承担耕地保护责任,现实社会中强制性的行政命令使农民个人和地方政府承担了耕地保护的大部分成本,造成了社会非公平和利益非均衡性。本研究在评述国内外生态补偿机制理论研究的基础上,遵循将经济活动所产生的外部性内部化的原则,运用福利经济学、资源环境经济学和生态经济学等理论,依据土地资源配置最优和解决外部性的方案,寻求生态补偿理论的支持,从社会公平和效率、利益主体福利均衡的角度,提出了构建耕地生态补偿机制的思路。与此同时,研究试图对耕地生态补偿制度的核心问题—耕地生态补偿的额度进行量化,为构建耕地生态补偿制度和国家确定合理补偿标准提供参考依据。本文依据耕地资源保护的相关利益群体博弈,把耕地生态补偿分为区域内部耕地生态补偿和宏观跨区域耕地生态补偿,以此分担农民个人和地方政府所承担的耕地保护大部分成本。在此基础上,研究阐述了条件价值法(CVM)和选择实验法(CE)的基本原理、基本步骤及方法,并以武汉市远城区和中心城区为例,尝试运用CVM和CE两种方法对耕地资源生态补偿额度进行了定量研究。通过问卷设计、入户调查方式分别获取两种方法所需的一手数据资料,取得武汉市市民和农民耕地资源保护响应意愿,借助经济方法和统计工具,科学评估区域内部耕地生态补偿额度。在解决跨区域耕地生态补偿时,通过效益转移获取该区域的支付意愿与受偿意愿,依据区域内部供给者和消费者之间的意愿响应,确定区域生态服务产品赤字与盈余。论文通过对相关理论的阐述和856份市民和农民问卷的统计计量分析得出如下结论:(1)受访居民耕地生态服务与耕地保护政策的认知。受访居民已经认识到耕地生态系统的重要性,但受到教育程度、经济发展水平、传统习惯等方面的局限,受访者对耕地生态服务供给功能认知并不深刻。同时受访者对于耕地保护政策认知程度不高,如武汉市仅有2.14%受访者对耕地保护政策非常了解,57.25%的受访者对耕地保护政策一无所知。(2)受访居民参与耕地保护意愿的主要影响因素。论文运用问卷调查所得数据,采用Logistic模型对受访居民(市民与农民)参与耕地保护响应意愿的影响因素进行实证分析。从整体上看,耕地保护响应意愿与受访者的环境意识、耕地保护政策的认知情况、个人经济能力有较强的相关性。随着环境意识的增强,认知程度与经济支付能力的提高,公众对耕地保护的偏好增强。(3)基于不同角度和不同方法评估区域内部耕地生态补偿额度。①基于耕地外部效益的耕地生态补偿核算。运用方便易懂的条件价值法(CVM)揭示供给方和需求方的支付意愿和受偿意愿,其评估结果为:基于正外部性耕地生态补偿额度弹性区间值4183.35—9521.85元/hm2,基于负外部性耕地生态补偿弹性区间4076.7—10556.25元/hm2。②基于耕地保护属性的耕地生态补偿核算。运用选择实验法(CE)评估出耕地保护属性(耕地面积、耕地质量和耕地周边景观与生态环境)的边际价值以及各种属性组合成的假想状态整体价值。CE测算出最佳整体属性组合方案的价值为1681.95—6766.05元/hm2。结合CE与CVM两种方法整体属性测算结果的交集,确定最终的耕地生态补偿补偿额度的弹性区间为4183.35—6766.05元/hm2或者4076.7—6766.05元/hm2。(4)估算跨区域耕地生态补偿额度。耕地生态补偿的微观利益主体消费者和供给者是市民和农民,农民是耕地生态补偿的客体,是获得补偿者,而市民是耕地生态补偿的主体,是支付补偿者,类似于条件价值法中不同的假想市场—支付意愿与受偿意愿。因此,依据CVM调查中农民受偿意愿(WTA)和市民的支付意愿(WTP)大小确定赤字与盈余区域,进而解决武汉远城区与中心城区跨区域耕地生态补偿的补偿标准问题。研究表明:中心城区应给予江夏区、东西湖区、黄陂区、蔡甸区、新洲区、汉南区生态补偿,其补偿额度分别为12186.07万元、4092.12万元、21769.24万元、8856.08万元、16348.88万元、3883.28万元。

【Abstract】 Cultivated land resource which bearing national food security and ecological security function is a kind of quasi-public good. The public good attribute of farmland makes marginal private revenue which are the top-factor considered by stakeholders differ from marginal social revenue based on behavior trend and interests. In that case, private stakeholders are not willing to hold the responsibility of protection of farmland, while the mandatory policies of realistic society order individual farmers and local government bear most of the costs of cultivated land protection, which cause the unbalance between social injustice and interests.After making a comment on theoretical study of eco-compensation mechanism both at home and abroad, the paper constructs an eco- compensation mechanism of cultivated land with the principle of internalization of economic activity externality. In order to build up the mechanism, the paper uses theories including welfare economics, resources and environmental economics and ecological economics, then considers land optimal allocation and externality’s solving scheme from the perspective of social justice and benefit equilibrium. Eco-compensation mechanism is to solve "free-rider" phenomenon of ecological product consumption free and to motivate the supply of public products in full, so ecological investors and protector can get a reasonable return. It can urge the welfare equilibrium of related interest groups, achieving a harmony between economic development and cultivated land resource protection goal.The paper tries to solve the core problem of cultivated land eco-compensation mechanism which is to quantify eco-compensation standard. It also provides a reference for construction of eco-compensation mechanism and determines reasonable compensation standards. According to the game of related interest groups, eco-compensation for cultivated land can be divided into the region internal eco-compensation and trans-regional eco-compensation. The compensation can solve protection costs, which undertake by farmers and local governments nowadays. On basis of it, the study elaborates basic principles, basic steps and calculating methods of contingent valuation method (CVM) and choice experiments (CE), taking Wuhan as an example, and tries to use CVM and CE to calculate cultivated land eco-compensation criteria. Through the questionnaire design and face to face interview to obtain data information which two methods require respectively, and to obtain the protection intend of citizens and farmers in Wuhan, through some econometric methods, the study assesses scientifically eco-compensation of cultivated land resource.In order to solve trans-regional cultivated land eco-compensation, some data are needed in each area, but the survey time and place are been restricted. So the study acquires some data by benefits transfer method. In the end, it gets some data of Xinzhou and Hannan. Corresponding, the research can obtain willingness to accept (WTA) and willingness to pay (WTP)of each area. According to intend between the internal providers and consumers, it can determine deficit and surplus of regional ecological services products.Based on the elaboration of theory and analysis of 856 questionnaires of citizens and farmers, the conclusions are as follows:(1) The paper analyses cognitive status of respondents about farmland ecological service and farmland protection policy. Although respondents have realized the importance of farmland ecosystem, they don’t realize it enough due to the limitations of educational level, economic development level and traditional habits of cultivated land ecological services. In our survey, there are only 2.14% of respondents who know the cultivated land protect policy very well,57.25% of respondents know nothing about it.(2) Identification of main factors influencing respondents’willingness to protect cultivated land.Using the date collected by survey, we employ Logistic model as the measure to analyze influencing factors. According to the analyzing result, respondents’ willingness has a strong relationship with their environmental awareness, farmland protection policy awareness and personal financial capability. Increase in the awareness of environment and the capacity of economic payment, the preference of protection farmland is enhanced.(3) Estimation of the quantity of cultivated land region internal eco-compensation based on different angles and different methods.①Estimation cultivated land eco-compensation based on the external benefits of cultivated land. Use CVM to reveal WTP and WTA. According to the result by CVM, respondents’ willingness to pay for farmland’s positive externality is between 4183.35 and 9521.85 RMB/hm2. However it is between 4076.7 and 10556.25 RMB/hm2 for farmland’s negative externality.②Estimation cultivated land eco-compensation based on the attributes of cultivated land protection. Use CE to assess value, which contain attributes of cultivated land protection (area, quality and ecological environment) and the various properties that all attributes combine. The result evaluates by CE shows that the eco-compensation should be between 1681.95 and 6766.05 RMB/hm2. In the end, we choose 4183.35-6766.05 RMB /hm2 or 4076.7-6766.05 RMB/hm2 as the elastic interval for eco-compensation.(4) Estimation of the quantity of cultivated land trans-regional eco-compensation.It is citizens and farmers who are the main consumers and suppliers of micro interests of cultivated land eco-compensation. Farmers are the object of cultivated land eco-compensation, who should receive compensation; however citizens are the subject of cultivated land eco-compensation, who should pay compensation. It is similar to the different hypothetical market of CVM-to pay or accept willingness. Therefore, on the basis of WTA and WTP of CVM, we can determine deficit and surplus to solve trans-regional eco-compensation problem. The research shows that central city of Wuhan should give Qiangxia district, Dongxihu district, Huangpi district, Caidian district, Xinzhou district, Hannan district eco-compensation amount for 121.8607 million RMB, 40.9212 million RMB,217.6924 million RMB,88.5608 million RMB,163.4888 million RMB,38.8328 million RMB respectively.

  • 【分类号】F323.211;F224
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1950
  • 攻读期成果

