

Ecnomics Analysis on Production Technology Supply and Demand Regarding Rapeseed Industry in China

【作者】 李争

【导师】 冯中朝;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 油菜是我国重要的油料作物,播种面积和产量均位于油料作物之首,在国内油料供给中一直占据较大比例。我国油菜播种面积、总产均约占全球的30%,是世界最大的油菜生产国。菜籽油是我国居民的传统食用植物油,原料基本可以达到国内自给自足。而食用植物油中份额最大的大豆油70%以上原料来源于进口,当前国内食用植物油供需矛盾日益凸显,导致油脂产业对外依存度不断提高,因此油菜籽生产在国内植物油供给中起到举足轻重的作用,菜籽油及原料的充分稳定的供给是确保中国食用植物油产业安全的保证。中国油菜生产状况不仅影响农民增收、油脂产业的发展,也与居民的生活福利水平息息相关,更关乎到国家经济社会的平稳发展。在现有农业生产资源约束的条件下,油菜生产技术无疑是油菜产业可持续增长的核心动力。促进油菜产业发展、确保国内植物油安全、提高油籽及菜籽油的国际竞争力都离不开强大技术的支撑。虽然改革开放以来我国的油菜生产技术发展较快,但实际生产中的科技贡献率却不高。当前我国油菜生产技术与发达国家相比还存在一定差距,如油菜生产单产不高、劳动力成本较大等都是亟待解决的问题。研究油菜生产技术供需中存在的问题、探讨形成原因,协调技术供给方与需求方的矛盾,对于促进油菜产业发展有着重要意义。具体而言,本文主要解决以下几个问题:中国油菜生产技术供需均衡受哪些因素影响;达到均衡点需具备何种条件;技术供需双方存在哪些现实问题,双方是否达到供需均衡;如何促进供需双方良性发展,使油菜生产技术更好的服务于实际生产;等等。在研究分析过程中,本文采用规范分析与实证分析结合的方法,应用西方经济学、信息博弈论等理论相关原理,使用计量经济学工具和统计分析工具,对主要研究对象进行分析。本文共分为8章,各章主要内容及结论如下:第1章是导言部分,主要包括研究背景、研究意义、研究思路、研究方法、论文框架、国内外研究动态及评述、论文可能的创新和不足。通过总结国内外研究发现:从研究对象看,国内外系统研究农业技术供需问题的较少,而专门针对某产业的技术研究就更加鲜见。第2章是对油菜生产技术的概念界定及相关理论基础的叙述。本章首先确定了全文所涉及的概念定义与范畴,其次对油菜生产技术的不同经济属性进行了分析,最后对与油菜生产技术供需及相关特定概念进行了说明。第3章从理论分析着手,运用委托—代理理论等相关理论方法,在一般性分析的基础上研究了公共品类、私人产品类、混合产品类油菜生产技术的供需双方的行为动因及理论均衡条件。通过理论分析可知,公共品类油菜生产技术成果供需均衡不能通过市场的价格机制形成,必须借助各环节及系统的制度安排达成均衡。公共品类油菜生产技术供给方委托人、代理人、技术需求方委托人、代理人有其各自的行为动因并存在达到均衡的条件。关于私人产品类油菜生产技术,追求效用最大化是技术供需双方的根本动力,供需均衡主要受制于价格及技术的实施成本、技术的成熟程度与生命周期、技术的实施效果等因素。准公共品类油菜生产技术具有不完全非竞争性和非排他特性,为满足全社会对混合产品类油菜生产技术的需要,需给予各方一定补贴后方可达到均衡。第4章是对油菜生产技术供给现状的描述。本章首先结合油菜产业的实际调研,分析了油菜生产技术供给主体及供给模式,对其特点和利弊做了判断。并在把握国家宏观取向的基础上,阐述了油菜生产技术供给状况。然后对技术供给资源配置进行了研究,并对油菜生产技术科研体系的重大调整做了分析与评述。研究分析表明:选择油菜生产技术供给主体要根据生产技术的经济学属性来决定;油菜生产技术供给模式中最主要的是政府农技推广为主的技术供给模式,而目前运行较好的是科研院所为主和加工企业、大型农场为主的技术供给模式;当前我国所供给的油菜生产技术质量水平相对较高,但存在供给总量不足、技术供给结构不合理的现实问题;从近年科研资源配置来看,也存在科技投入总量不足、技术专业结构不合理、缺乏规范管理等问题。第5章分别基于宏观数据和微观调查数据,在投入产出效率的分析框架内一方面利用非参数的DEA模型对2002-2008年中国油菜生产技术供给效率的时间变化特征进行了分析,并在此基础上将技术供给效率分解为纯技术效率和规模效率;另一方面,应用DEA-Tobit两步法模型对技术供给效率的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果显示:我国总体油菜供给效率水平不高,但从2002年以来总的呈现上升趋势,纯技术效率水平相对较高导致现有油菜技术供给效率的主要原因,而规模效率的改进则导致供给效率提高。国内经济发展水平、国家科研投入和技术市场成交额均对油菜技术供给效率产生了显著的正影响。整体上典型科研机构所承担的重大油菜技术科研项目技术效率未达到完全有效,资源配置仍有提升的空间,规模效率的提高能够进一步提高研发技术效率,未来调整的重点是继续增加研发项目的科技投入及调整各要素的配置结构。所有技术研究项目中有36.4%达到技术效率完全有效;也有接近三成的项目效率低下,主要由规模效率低下导致。第6章首先通过全国范围内的600个农户的入户调查,具体分析了技术需求者——农户在油菜生产的各环节的技术需求特征及出现的问题;然后针对长江流域油菜种植户专门设计问卷,收集了长江上中下游共计1638份调查问卷,通过比较分析了油菜主产区长江流域上、中、下游农户对油菜生产技术需求的异同。研究显示农户在油菜生产各环节均有明确的生产技术需求意愿:播前对机械技术和新型农具有较大的需求;选购品种多重视种子的产量和抗性;产中最需病虫害防治技术。通过对长江上、中、下游的油菜种植户的技术需求特征比较得出:油菜技术信息方面,不同区域农户的需求优先序存在差异,长江上、中游的农户首选优良品种信息,下游农户则更偏好病虫害防治技术;从技术获得渠道来看,长江流域的农户从农技推广部门获得的技术信息较多,而从农业协会等组织获得的信息最少;长江上、中游农户偏好现场示范的技术推广方式,下游农户则更多的倾向于“技术培训”;选种过程中除了将尤其重视产量以外,长江上游农户重视新品种质量,中游农户希望获得节约劳动的技术,下游农户则较多的考虑使用新品种的成本。第7章分析了油菜种植户对不同类型技术的选择行为以及不同因素的作用机理,并重点讨论了农户兼业行为对油菜轻简技术推广应用所造成的影响。研究结论表明:农民文化程度对轻简化栽培技术普及有积极作用;长江中游油菜主产区农户不同于其他区域,选择高产栽培技术的概率较高;通过实证分析对理论的检验,发现农户兼业程度与轻简化技术应用概率的关系呈“钟型”曲线形式。兼业农户非农收入占家庭收入比重越高,应用油菜轻简化技术的概率越大,但纯农户与非农业户的这一指标对技术应用无显著影响。结论证实了兼业程度对大多农户应用轻简化技术具有正影响的假说。第8章在归纳前文主要分析结论的基础上,提出了优化油菜生产技术供需均衡的实施措施与对策。本文得出的主要结论为:三种类型的油菜生产技术供需受农户不同行为因素影响;中国油菜生产技术供需不平衡;农户在各生产阶段有明确的技术需求指向,但不同区域间存在一定差异;教育和农户兼业有利于油菜新技术应用推广。提出的建议主要有:整合油菜科技研发资源,加快油菜生产技术进步;完善油菜科技服务体系,提高油菜生产技术供给效率;重视农民教育培训,提高组织化程度:推进油菜产业化,加强以企业为主体的油菜生产技术供给。

【Abstract】 Rape is important oil crops in China. Its cultivated area and production yield are in the top place among all oil crops, and has been occupied larger proportion in domestic oil supply. Rape sowing area and total output are about 30 percent of the world, respectively. Therefore China is the largest rape produce country. Rapeseed oil is the residents’ traditional edible vegetable oil, whose raw material can mainly achieve domestic self-sufficient. However,70 percent raw material of soybean oil which has the largest portion of edible vegetable oil is from import. The current contradiction between domestic supply and demand in edible vegetable oil leads to oil industry external dependence improving gradually. So rapeseed production plays a pivotal role in the domestic oil supply. Rapeseed oil and raw material supply sufficient stability is the guarantee to ensure the safety of Chinese edible vegetable oil industry. Rape production status not only influences peasants’revenue and oil industry, but also closely linked with residents’welfare level, more about the country’s development of economic and social. On the condition of the resource constraints the existing agricultural production, rape production technology is the core power of rape industry sustainable growth undoubtedly. It can not depart from powerful technical support to promote rape industry development, ensure domestic vegetable oilseed safety, and improve international competitiveness.Although China’s rape production technology has developed fast since reform and opening, but in the actual production contribution of science and technology is not very high, new technology can hardly extend fast in the process of production. Current rape production technology still exist certain disparity compared with the developed countries. Some problems is to be solved at once such as rapeseed production yield is not high, the labor cost is larger to be. From research to widely application rape production technologies experience multiple sections and subjects. It’s worth to discuss whether supply and demand is balance and mechanism is working or not.It’s significant to promote rape industry development to have study on the existing problem and reasons, coordinating contradiction between technology supply and demand. Specifically, this paper mainly to solve the following questions:what factors influence the supply and demand balance of rape production technology; what conditions can achieve the equilibrium of supply and demand; what is the actual problem of both the technology supply side and the demand side, whether both sides reach the balance point of supply and demand in reality; how to promote the development of technology supply and demand, and make rape production technology help the production better. This paper analyzed the main research objects of every part by relevant econometric tools and statistical analysis tools, combining normative analysis and empirical analysis, applying related principles of western economics, agricultural economics, technology economics, public economics, information theory. This paper was divided into 8 chapters, which main contents and conclusions were as follows:The first part was the introduction, which mainly included background, significance, methods, frame, theoretical reviews, innovation and lack of this paper. It pointed out the significance of study on supply and demand of rape production technology. Then it indicated the thought organization, related methods and the frame. Through summarizing the domestic and foreign research it found that from the angle of research object, domestic and international study on supply and demand of agricultural technology was less. And it had rarely seen the research of technology demand and supply in specially industry. More related literature focused on a certain aspect of supply and demand of agricultural technology as agriculture technology innovation or application process.Chapter 2 defined the concept of rape production technology and indicated relevant theoretical basis. Firstly, this chapter defined the relative concept and category; secondly, it analyzed the different economic attribute of rape production technology; finally, it illustrated related particular concept with supply and demand of rape production technology.Chapter 3 started from the theoretical analysis, using theories and methods like principal-agent theory, game theory, supply and demand equilibrium theory analysis. It had researched theoretical equilibrium conditions and behaviour of rape production technology which belong to public goods, private goods and mix goods separately, based on the general analysis research. Through theoretical analysis, it showed that the public goods category rape production technology cannot achieve supply and demand balance form price mechanism, but need system institutional arrangements. Public category rape production technology suppliers’principal, agent, technical principal, agent had their own behave factors and achieved equilibrium conditions. When it came to private product rape production technology, pursuing utility maximization was technology basic power of supply side and demand side. Balance of supply and demand mainly subject to price and technology application cost, technology maturity degree and life cycle, the technical effect factors. Mix public category rape production technology had not entirely a non-competitive and non-exclusive characteristics.In order to meet the production technology of the social demand, it needed to give certain allowance to any side to achieve balance of supply and demand.Chapter 4 described the condition of production technology supply. This chapter first analyzed main subjects and patterns of rape production technology supply, and judged the advantages and disadvantages, combined with rape production technology development and trend through the investigation. What was more it analyzed the supply condition of rape production technology on the basis of national macro orientation condition. Then this paper had studied technology supply resource allocation situation which cause the condition, and made analysis and commentary on the adjustments of rape technology research system. Research analysis shows that:choosing rape production technology supply main subject should accord to production technology economics attributes; the main pattern of rape production technology supply was government agricultural technique extension. However, supply pattern of technology such as currently research institutes, processing enterprises and large farms ran better; Current rape production technology supply quality level is relative higher, but there had realistic problems like insufficient amounts, irrational supply structure; in recent years, research resource configuration also had insufficient total investment, unreasonable structure of technology and professional and lack of standard management.Establishment and running of rape industry technical system had adjusted the original scientific research system, based on the practical problems, focus on rebalancing resources allocation, and strengthen technology cooperation of all aspects.Chapter 5 analyzed the characters during 2002 to 2008 of rape production technology supply efficiency using DEA model in the input-output efficiency framework, based on macro and investigation data respectively. And on this basis disintegrate technology supply efficiency to pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency; On the other hand, it had made empirical analysis on influence factors of technology supply efficiency using DEA-Tobit two-step model. Results showed that the rape supply efficiency level was not high, but since 2002 presented rise trend. Pure technical efficiency was the main reason to lead to existing rape technology supply efficiency, and the improvement of scale efficiency tended to cause the supply efficiency improving. Domestic economic development level, the national scientific research investment and technology market turnover of rape technology supply efficiency were produced significant positive impact. Results showed that the rape supply efficiency level was not high, but since 2002 presented rise trend. Pure technical efficiency was the main reason to lead to existing rape technology supply efficiency, and the improvement of scale efficiency tended to cause the supply efficiency improving. Domestic economic development level, the national scientific research investment and technology market turnover of rape technology supply efficiency were produced significant positive impact.Investigation on the supply subjects of typical rape technology found that:technical supply efficiency of typical research institutions which undertaked major research projects failed to achieve 100% effective and resource allocation still had improve space and enhance the scale efficiency could improve the future efficiency of research technology. The key was to continue to increase R&D project investment and adjustment configuration structure of each element.36.4 percent of all technology research projects had completely effective; it also had close to 30 percent of projects efficiency was lowly, which caused mainly by scale efficiency.Chapter 6 analyzed typical technology demanders’(rural households) technical need characteristics and problem at each step of rapeseed production at first, which based on a nationwide survey of 600 households; then designed questionary onrural households of Yangtze River and collected 1638 questionaries.Through comparing the similarities and differences of rural households’rape production technology need characteristics in upper reaches, middle reaches and lower reaches of Yangtze River, results showed that the rural households there were clear production technology needs intend in different step of rape produce. Rural households had greater demand of mechanical technical and new agricultural production tools before planting, and paid attention to output and resistances in the step of choose seeds, and pests and disease management technology were the most need in the production process. Through to compare the technical need characteristics of rural households in middle reaches and lower reaches of Yangtze River, the results indicated that there were some differences in the technical information need order of rural households in different area. Rural households in upper reaches and middle reaches of Yangtze River selected fine variety information preferential, while rural households in lower reaches of Yangtze River were inclined to choose the pests and disease management technology. Rural households in Yangtze River basin get more technical information from agro-technique extension department, while get less technical information from other agricultural associations. Rural households in upper reaches and middle reaches of Yangtze River were inclined to live demonstration in the process of technology transfer, while rural households in lower reaches of Yangtze River inclined to "technically training". In the step of seeds selected, rural households in upper reaches of Yangtze River paid more attention to quality of varieties, while rural households in middle reaches of Yangtze River wanted to obtain the technology which can save labor, and rural households in lower reaches of Yangtze River paid more attention to the cost of new varieties selected.Chapter 7 analyzed the rural households’behavior of different types technical selected and discussed the way of different factors that influenced rural households’ technology selected, then took the labor saving technique as an example, analyzed the impact of rural households’behaviors of part-time farming to the transfer of labor saving technique. The results indicated that culture degree of rural households there was positive role to the transfer of labor saving technique. Rural households in middle reaches of Yangtze River were inclined to high yield cultivation technique; it’s different from the rural households in other area. The empirical analysis result showed that the relationship of concurrent-business degree of rural households and labor saving technique adopt probability showed as a "bell-shaped" curve. Part-time rural households adopt labor saving technique probability became higher while the proportion of non-agricultural income became higher, but it didn’t reflect in agricultural professional rural households and non-agricultural professional rural households. These conclusions verified the hypothesis that concurrent-business degree of rural households had positive influence to labor saving technique adopt.Chapter 8 put forward proposals for optimize the equilibrium of rape production technical supply and demand on the basis of summarize the above analysis conclusion. The main conclusions of this paper as follows:the supply and demand of three types of rape production technical were affected by rural households’different behavior factors; supply and demand of rape production technology was unbalanced in China. Rural households had specific technology demand during every stage of rape production, but there were some difference between different regions. Education and rural households’ behaviors of part-time farming contributes to the transfer of labor saving technique. The main proposal of this paper as follows:combine the rape technology r&d resources, promote rape production technology progress; Perfect rape technology service system, improving the efficiency of rape production technology supply; Pay more attention to farmers’education training, improve the importance degree of organization;Promote industrialization of rape, strengthen rape production technology supply which by enterprise.

【关键词】 油菜生产技术供给需求
【Key words】 RapeProduction technologySupplyDemand
  • 【分类号】F326.12;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】701
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