

A Study on the Aesthetic Atmosphere of Tang Chang’an

【作者】 吕宁兴

【导师】 陈望衡;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 美学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 唐长安以其富有意味的选址以及对城市街道、里坊、建筑、园林的规划安排,为雄强奋发、博大兼容、光华璀璨的大唐气象的生发与展示提供了对应的空间载体,其自身也作为大唐气象的集合展品,对后世的城市规划思想产生着深远的影响。本论文通过对唐长安作为时代气象展现舞台的时空场景的历史性勾画,展现唐长安城市审美气象的清晰轮廓,并结合相应的观念体系、制度体系、环境体系与技术体系背景,对城市进行审美文化剖析,阐释其城市审美气象的成因、特色及其对后世的影响,同时站在现代环境美学、城市景观学与城市规划学的角度,对其当代意义做出阐发。论文正文共六章,分为三个部分。第一章为第一部分,阐述了“大唐气象”的理论内涵与现实基础,以及大唐气象与盛世长安的现实关系。第二章至第五章为第二部分,也是论文的主体部分,分别从选址、布局、建筑、园林四个方面对唐长安进行了场景勾画与审美气象分析。唐长安定址于关中平原中部。在这片兼有四塞之固、川原之丽与卉物之丰的土地上,唐长安将天地轴线、山川轴线与城市轴线真正全面地重合在一起,完成了中国人对于自己国家与民族的空间坐标与思想坐标的终极建构。唐长安城按照“象天法地”的宇宙模式、“礼法并用”的布局理念,以及轴线对称与模数扩展的空间原则,进行着从空间布局、功能安排到建筑设计的整体建构。唐长安城的建筑品类与营造法式还清晰地透射出时代文化的光芒:宫殿建筑壮丽、沉稳,于宏大、华美之中追求种和谐、宁静之感,既有皇权政治气派,也体现出一种帝王之家的生活趣味;寺观建筑遍布全城,殿塔参差,高下相形,轮廓鲜明,别具一格,构成极富文化意味与地标特色的城市景观。唐长安街道宽展,里坊浑厚,坊内居住建筑朴素有序,体现出浓郁的制度文化氛围。唐长安城谨严之余与繁华深处也极富闲适之趣与林泉之美。从禁苑游幸到公园游乐,从私园宴集到别业朴居,处处体现着唐朝人追求天地同乐的优游情怀,为长安城展现了一种别样的文化气象。第六章为第三部分,是对唐长安城市实践意义的历史总结,也是对其规划思想的现代思考。唐长安因其大唐文化的集中载体而成为中国文化的精神坐标,它在城市实践中表现出来的观念与实证并行的整体性思路、和谐与节用的生态性思路,对今天的城市规划和建设依然可以带来意味深长的启发。

【Abstract】 With its vast territory and super power, Tang Empire embodies great cohesion and radiation, while its open political, economic and cultural policy made the capital of Chang’an the first bustling metropolis with millions of people. Its orderly layout, wide streets and magnificent architecture not only reflect the great vigor of the unified dynasty which had provided a tremendous impact to the capital planning and construction of future generations, but are also symbolized as a spatial carrier of the strenuous broad compatibility and magnificence of Tang Empire image, served as the Chinese culture symbol.Chang’an of Tang is located in the middle of the Guanzhong Plain. In the land with martial solidity and geomantic beauty, the earth, mountain and urban axis are coincided thoroughly in the city so that it transforms the Chinese consciousness from ideology to physical form, generating the ultimate unification of spatial and ideological coordinates.By using the universe model reconciled with heaven and earth, the layout idea ruled with laws and ethical codes and the spatial principle of axis symmetry and module extensions, the city is engaged in general construction from spatial layout, function arrangement to building construction. The architecture and construction category and method still clearly exhibit the culture of that time:the grand and spectacular palaces were pursuing a feeling of placidity and harmony as well as magnificence, reflecting a style not only imperial but also vigorous; temples were distributed all over the city while its clean-cut and unique appearance formed the urban landscape with dense cultural metaphor and landmark feature.The squares in the city are the living space of officials and people. They are uniform, tall and close, while certain features of residential buildings inside such as the lobby size, decoration, color, building and frame number depend on the identity of the owner, which exhibits the rich traditional living culture order. Guaranteed by the whole country, the city serves as a huge experimental site. Through vast practices in shape, structure, construction, decoration of various sorts of architecture, Chang’an accidentally opens the evolution of the modular system of Chinese architecture in great order.Other than the preciseness and business, the pleasure and beauty of quietness and artlessness is also deeply exhibited in Chang’an. In the bright and beautiful public garden, ordinary people were able to enjoy the natural view and the literati would drink and laugh, bringing about a lot of unfailing poems. In addition, the private parks, country parks and villas of the nobility were still of great number. So along with the exhibiting of the pleasure pursuing with heaven and earth by Tang people, all of these generate the spirits of literati owned by Chinese garden while Chang’an of Tang is granted as the birth land of the practice.Chang’an of Tang is a summary of past times, which is also the beginning of the future era.The great practice of Chang’an of Tang influenced a number of capital construction at that time. What is more, the city also became the spiritual coordinates of Chinese culture for its focus on culture. The integrated planning ideas specially designed to suit local conditions create a culture atmosphere with magnificence, compatibility and enterprise, bringing a meaningful inspiration to today’s urban planning and construction.

【关键词】 唐长安城市审美气象意象
【Key words】 Chang’an of Tangcityaesthetic atmosphereimages
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

