

Research on the Effect Mechanism of Channel Mode from Marketing Value Chain in IT Industry

【作者】 汪守国

【导师】 徐莉;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 渠道模式是营销渠道战略的重要组成部分,其目的是有效赢取客户,提升市场份额,超越竞争对手和快速增长。而在营销实践中,很多品牌的渠道模式打上了失败的烙印。由于产品在性能上的差异不再特别显著,低成本运作也因为整个产业的运作效率达到某种均衡状态而不再具有竞争优势。然而DELL的直销、招商银行的网上银行等源于创新的渠道模式,却在竞争的市场中取得了巨大成功,因为这些策略的运用,能够向客户提供更便捷的交易来提高客户的支持率和满意度。渠道模式创新正逐步发展为具有持续竞争优势的策略。混合型渠道已经是一种趋势,很多世界知名企业已经开始运用包括销售团队、电子商务、电话销售、电视购物、渠道伙伴的混合型渠道模式,加速了外部环境的动态性,给制造商带来了挑战,也带来了机遇。基于理论与实践的需要,论文关注IT业的渠道模式,研究IT业营销价值链主体对渠道模式的作用机理,但从哪个角度展开更有利于问题的聚焦是本文首先需要解决的问题。本文抛开渠道模式影响因素的传统视角,从营销价值链参与主体的角度展开研究。论文紧紧围绕三个问题展开:①消费者对IT业渠道模式的作用机理;②中间商对IT业渠道模式的作用机理;③制造商对IT业渠道模式的作用机理。消费者对渠道模式的作用机理源于其购买准则,不同类型的消费者具有不同的购买准则,即使同一消费者在不同时间、不同地域也可能具有不同的购买准则,因此制造商必须匹配相应的营销渠道,以满足客户选择的广泛性。尽管各种通路都拥有各自的优势,但不同通路覆盖的客户群体具有很大的差异,制造商在拓展新兴通路的同时,必须力争赢取市场份额最大的一个或几个销售通路。本文构建渠道模式的层次分析模型,计算出各个营销通路的权重,作为制造商营销模式的设计和资源分配的参考依据。中间商对渠道模式的作用机理源于其盈利性的要求,为了获得更多的短期和长期利益,中间商会充分运用自身掌控的资源,与其它中间商及制造商博弈,以获得更有利于自身的市场环境。所有渠道成员为了各自的利益会努力扩大其自主权的内在动机,以及市场竞争、宏观环境、消费者行为等外部因素的改变,导致渠道权力向能够把握消费者行为、拥有更多稀缺资源及品牌拉力提升或实力不断壮大的渠道成员转移,推动了渠道模式的不断细化,导致传统通路与新兴通路共存的局面。任何试图改变现有处于均衡状态的渠道模式的行为,都会受到渠道权力的抵制,导致渠道成员之间的冲突。尽管冲突的层次涉及不同区域之间和不同类型通路之间,但中间商冲突最严重的领域仍然来自于同类型通路,最终表现为分销宽度的设置,而中间商权力越大,抵制制造商引入新渠道的能力越强,即中间商的权力对分销宽度具有负向影响。制造商对渠道模式的作用机理,在于制造商是渠道模式的主导者和设计者。基于渠道控制力的要求,尽可能不使用独家经销商,以降低系统风险,避免家电行业零售巨头在IT领域出现。通过品牌拉力的提升来强化制造商在消费者界面的影响力,弱化中间商的渠道权力。基于整个营销价值链的成本考虑,IT业的竞争格局要求制造商将交易成本控制在较小的范围内,而IT业面向组织客户和消费客户的产业特性,决定了一体化渠道模式不适合IT业,也很少有制造商曾经采取或即将尝试一体化渠道模式。中间商基于整合各品牌厂商资源的能力,反而具有非常强的成本控制能力,能够将运营成本控制在非常低的范围内。论文还探讨了为什么制造商倾向于构建关系渠道模式,制造商收益与分销宽度的关系,制造商控制成本对分销长度的影响等。论文在研究方法上,主要采用定性分析和定量分析相结合,规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法,具体研究方法包括文献分析、数学分析、统计分析。文献分析为本论文引出问题、提出问题和理解问题打下铺垫,数学分析和统计分析则为分析问题和解决提供依据和思路。通过实证检验,论文获取的主要结论是:①消费者的渠道偏好对分销广度具有正向影响;②中间商权力对分销宽度具有负向影响;③制造商权力对分销宽度具有正向影响;④制造商权力与分销长度之间没有显著相关关系;⑤IT制造商不倾向构建一体化渠道模式,而倾向构建以信任和承诺为核心的关系渠道模式。论文的主要创新体现在:①论文系统地研究了IT业渠道模式的作用机理问题;②将消费者效用理论从多产品选择上运用到多渠道选择上;③构建多元化销售通路下的渠道模式的层次分析模型;④从多个维度论证了制造商权力、中间商权力、消费者渠道偏好、关系渠道模式等变量的测度问题。

【Abstract】 Research shows that the value of marketing channel accounts for 15% to 40% of the total value of goods and services, increasingly becoming one of the most important assets of the manufacturers. Marketing channel mode is important to the channel strategy, and it aims to win customers, enhance market share, transcend rival and gain fast growth. But in practice, the channel modes of many brands have failed.The differences of products are not obvious, and low cost operation also has no competitive advantage because of the entire industry’s operating efficiency achieve some equilibrium. But the innovations of channel mode, such as DELL’s direct sale, CMB online sale, have achieved huge success in the competitive market, because these strategies can offer more convenient trading to improve customer support and satisfaction. The innovations of channel mode have gradually developed to sustainable and competitive strategy.Hybrid channel has been a kind of trend. Many famous enterprises have begun to use hybrid channel, including sales team, e-commerce, phone sales, television shopping, channel partners and so on, accelerating the dynamic environment, bringing challenges and opportunities to manufacturers.Based on the need of theory and practice, this paper focuses on the channel mode and its effect mechanism in IT industry. The first problem is how to focus the study. This paper puts aside the traditional way about affecting factors and launches research from the participants of marketing value chain.This paper begins study from three aspects:(1) the effect mechanism of channel mode from consumers; (2) the effect mechanism of channel mode from middlemen; (3) the effect mechanism of channel mode from manufacturers.The effect mechanism of channel mode from consumers lies in the buying criterion. Different consumers have different buying standards, even though the same customer has different buying criterion in different time, different regional. So manufacturers must use corresponding marketing channels to satisfy the universality choices of customers. Although each channel has each advantage, but different channel covers different customers, so manufacturers must strive for the biggest one or several channels. This paper builds an AHP model of channel mode, calculats the weight of each channel for manufacturers to design channel model and allocate resource as reference.The effect mechanism of channel mode from middlemen lies in the requirements for profit. In order to obtain more short-term and long-term interests, middlemen will make full use of their resources and game with other middlemen and manufacturers to gain beneficial market environment. All channel members’s motivation of striving for more benefit, and the change of market competition, the macro environment, consumer behavior and so on, will cuase the channel power transfer to the members who can master consumer behavior, who have more scarce resources, who have more strength, leading to raditional channels existing with new channels. Any behavior attempting to change the equilibrium channel mode will be resisted by channel power and cause conflicts between channel members. Although conflicts arouse from different regions or different kinds of channels, but the most serious conflicts arouse from the same kind of channel. The greater power of middlemen, the stronger ability to resist manufacturer introducing new channel. The middleman power has negative influence on distribution width.The effect mechanism of the channel model from manufacturers lies in the leader and designer role of manufacturers. Based on the control requirements, it is not suit to use a distributor, aiming to reduce the system risk and avoid the retail giants in IT field. Strengthen the brand influence on consumer, and weaken the middleman power. Based on the cost of the marketing value chain, the competition condition demands manufacturers control the transaction cost to smaller range. The characteristics facing commercial and customercail customers determine the integration channel mode is not suitable for IT industry. And few manufacturers once or will try to take integration channel mode.Becasuse middlemen has the ability to integrate resources from manufacturers, they have strong ability to control cost. This paper also discusses why manufacturers tend to build relationship channel mode, the relationship between manufacturer revenue and distribution width, etc.The research mainly uses qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, normative analysis and empirical analysis including documentary analysis, mathematical analysis and statistical analysis in detail.The documentary analysis lays basis to ask problem and solve problem. Mathematical analysis and statistical analysis provide the ways for analyzing and solving problem.The main conclusions from empirical test:(1) the consumer channel preference has positive influence on distribution breadth; (2) the middleman power has negative influence on distribution width; (3) manufacturer power has positive influence on distribution width; (4) manufacturers power has no significant correlation with distribution length; (5) IT manufacturers would not like to construct integration channel mode, but like relationship channel mode which regards commitment and trust as the core factors.The major innovations:(1) using consumer utility theory from the choice of product to channels; (2) building a AHP model of the channel model in the condition of multi-channels; (3)illustralating the influence of channel structure from middleman power, manufacturer power and its change; (4) constructing a revenue model about a middlemen or two middlemen and manufacturer; (5) demonstrating the measure of manufacturer power, middleman power, consumer channels preferences and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

