

A Study on Settlements and the Relevant Issus in Three Gorges Region from Han and Six-Dynasties

【作者】 贺世伟

【导师】 朱雷;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 聚落的研究是复原和认识人类生存状态的一个重要视角。过去,由于汉六朝时期三峡地区的文献资料缺乏,学界对该地区历史关注不够,对人们的生存方式与状态的认识较为单薄,对其变化的探索也不够深入。近二十年来,随着三峡地区的大量的考古资料的刊布,为我们重新认识这一问题提供了材料和契机。本文就是运用考古资料和历史文献现结合的方法对汉六朝三峡地区聚落及相关问题研究的新成果。聚落研究的前提是对聚落资料的时空框架的建构。本文在附录中运用较大篇幅对三峡地区已经报道了资料的七百多个遗址进行了较为系统全面的分期研究,初步建立了这一时期考古学文化的时空框架及其基本面貌。分析的结果是把三峡地区汉六朝的遗存分为十段三期,分别代表西汉、东汉和六朝三个时期。这三个时期各自具有特征鲜明的文化特征,十段的细化初步勾勒了变化的细节与过程。本文第二章对以上三个时期的聚落的特点与变化进行研究。研究的方法是从典型聚落个案材料入手,分析和复原个案的构成和基本特征,然后进行分类,归纳各类聚落的特征,最后观察各类聚落的空间布局、关系及其变化。分析的结果表明,郡类、县类和村类聚落是三个基本的类别,它们在基本设施的构成、布局以及规模上有显著不同。最显著的差异是城的数量的差异,郡城往往有大小城,县城有单城,多数村落无城。我们看到汉六朝蛮人居住的山区往往也会局部修城,有些村落本来就被安排在外形颇似“城”的高山盆地或平地,这一认识补正了一些学者的看法。郡城往往登高据险,以朐忍城为代表的县城则把重要的衙署类建筑安排在临江的台地中央一带,而不安排在靠山的高坡地带,择地时也并未将其选在澎溪和与长江的交汇处,这颇有特色。墓地普遍被安排在城外或村侧。由于地质、水文以及人文环境的特殊性,各类聚落中心经常处于移动中。郡县城表现为郡县治的迁移,如巴东郡、宜都郡之类。显著的证据是各个遗址的各个时段的遗存普遍缺乏连续性堆积,年代断裂现象很普遍。在村落的一些大墓中,六朝人往往被埋入东汉墓中,其年代的连续性也很差。形成这种状况的原因仅仅用由于地质条件恶劣而导致保存状况差来解释是不充分的,其背后还应有人文的原因。从聚落的空间分布看,郡县城附近往往分布很多居址和墓葬,形成不少人口聚居区,但这并不妨碍在其他土地和资源状况较好的、非郡县治所的地方形成聚居区,万州武陵镇一带从西汉、东汉到六朝聚落—直很密集,另一方面,几处峡谷地带则一直人烟稀少,或仅有规模很小的散村。通过对城、房屋、窑炉、灰坑、墓葬等要素及其空间、区域布局上的分析与观察,以上三类村落在三个时期中变化很大。各要素中,墓葬变化最大,由西汉流行的以土坑、岩坑墓为主变化为东汉六朝以砖室、石室、崖墓为主。这一变化带来了聚落布局、手工业生产的变化。城的变化也很明显,六朝时期,关津镇戍类的城有明显增加。其背后的政治军事背景是各类政权的割据、征伐和蛮汉的冲突。我们还看到,六朝时期尤其是南北朝州郡县建制的增加,并未带类聚落数量的增加。在人们的生活方式中,六朝时期瓷器的广泛使用是区别于两汉的重大变化,它表明三峡地区六朝较两汉对于长江上游和中下游的经济文化影响程度明显加强。更明显的变化的聚落数量的变化,东汉较西汉数量增加迅速,而六朝则迅速回落,这一变化趋势与三峡地区著籍人口的变化同步。如何理解汉六朝三峡聚落的上述特点与变化?本文第三、四章从人口增减、经济各门类的发展变化进行了力所能及的探索。我们认为人口的变化是造成聚落变化的主要原因,经济的发展则是内在动力,政治军事以及民族等因素极大地影响了变化的范围和程度。本文还用较大篇幅对三峡的内外交通状况做了研究,认为交通格局的特点与变化是聚落发展变化的反映,也是经济文化交流的反映。三峡考古的新发现在其中发挥了重要作用。

【Abstract】 The research of settlement is an important perspective of restoring and understanding Human living condition.Dure to the shortage of literature about the Three Gorges area in Han Dynasity and Six Dynasties, archaeologists used to pay less attention on this area, have a weak knowledge of human survival mode and state, and the exploring in the changes is not thorough. During the last twenty years, many archaeological data of the Three Gorges area have been published, it provided materials and opportunities for us to rethink this issue. This article is a new research result about the settlement and other related issues of the Three Gorges area in Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties, and we combine the archaeological data with the historical documents.Constructing the spatio-temporal framework of the settlement material is the premise of settlement research. In the appendix of this article, we largely do a systematic and comprehensive staging research on more than seven hundred sites in the Three Gorges area which been reported before. And initially establish the spatio-temporal framework and basic look of the archaeological culture in this period of time. The result of the analysis is that the remains of Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties in this area have been divided into ten stages and three periods, representing Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties. Each of the three periods has a cultural identity with distinctive features. And the refining of the ten stages gives a primary outline of the details and process.The second chapter does a research on the characteristics and alteration of the settlement in these three periods. The research methodology is starting with the case materials of the typical settlement, analysising and recovering the composition and basic characteristics of the case, then classifying and summaring the features of various types of the settlements, finally observing the spatial distribution, relationships and changes of them. The results indicate that Prefecture, County and Village are the three basic settlement types. They are significantly different in the constitution, distribution, and scale of the basic facilities. The most conspicuous difference is the difference in the number of city, Prefecture often have two cities, one big one small, county has a single city, while the majority of the village without city. We find that the mountain area where the barbarian lived in Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties, also built city locally, and many villages were originally arranged in the high mountain basin or plain which looked like a city. This awareness has corrected the views of some scholars. The prefecture often hold the high ground that is strategically located and difficult of access. While counties represented by朐忍城built the important construction like yamen in the central of the riverside tableland, rather than the plateau near the mountain, what rather special is that they didn’t choose the confluence of the Peng River and the Yangtze River. The cemeteries were arrange outside the city or beside the village.Dure to the particularity of the geological, hydrological and human environments, the centre of the settlements are often moving. As the prefecture, it showed the migration of the prefecture government, such as Badong prefecture, Yidu prefecture. The noteworthy evidence is that the remains of different periods in each sites generally lack of successional congeries, and the fracture of age is widespread. In some large tombs of the village, people from the Six Dynasties were often buried into the tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the successional of the age is also poor. Poor state of preservation caused by adverse geological conditions, is not sufficient to explain the formation of this situation, there should be human reasons behind it.See from the spatial distribution of the settlement, near the city there are many home sites and tombs, forming lots of population inhabitant regions. However, it doesn’t hinder the formation of inhabitant regions, in the non-governmental place where the land and resources are in good condition. From Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty to the Six Dynasties, the settlement in Wuling Town, Wanzhou, was very intensive, while in some canyon area had few inhabitant or only very small scattered villages.After the analysis and examination of cities, houses, kilns, hui keng, tombs and their spatial and regional distributions, we find that there is a great change in these three settlements during the three periods. With regard to these elements, the tombs varied greatly from the Western Han Dynasty to the Six Dynasties, that is, from earthen-pit tombs and rock-pit tombs to brick-chambered tombs, stone-chambered tombs and cliff tombs. And this new situation brings a change in settlement distribution and handicraft production, as well as the cities, the number of ferries and garrisons are on a rise in the Six Dynasties. This change could be explained by a politico-military background, which is filled with antagonism between regimes. We also notice that in the Six Dynasties especially the Northern and Southern Dynasty, the increase of the county system did not bring about the increase in the number of settlements. In daily life, the wide use of the porcelain is the important change between the Six Dynasties and Han Dynasty, which shows a more far-reaching economic and cultural influence in the Three Gorges area during the Six Dynasty compared with the upper, middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River in Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties. Among these changes, the most obvious one is the variation of the number of settlements, which is greatly increased in the Eastern Han Dynasty compared with the Western Han Dynasty. However, the number is swiftly dropped in the Six Dynasties. This change is paralleled with the change of the number of population in The Three Gorges area.How to understand the characteristics and changes of the settlements in the Three Gorges area in Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties? In the third chapter we explore within our capacities from population changes and the developments of economy categories. In our opinions, changes in the population is the main reason of the changes in settlement, the developments of economy is the internal dynamic, political, military and ethnic factors geeatly affect the extent and degree of the changes. This article also use a large amount of pages doing research on the traffic inside and outside the Three Gorges area, we think that the characteristics and changes of the traffic pattern is a reflection of the developments and changes in the settlements, also a reflection of economic and cultural exchanges. The new archaeological discoveries in the There Gorges area have played an important role.

【关键词】 汉六朝三峡聚落
【Key words】 Han and Six -Dynastiesthe Three Gorges Regionsettlement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

