

Research on the Reform of Government Structure

【作者】 赵永建

【导师】 李和中;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国政府结构已经进行了多次改革,政府结构在许多方面也发生了可喜的重要变化。然而,我国政府结构所存在的根本性问题,总是难以得到解决。我国政府结构变革依然没有跳出“精简——膨胀——再精简——再膨胀”这一怪圈,似乎这成了中国政府结构变革难以摆脱的“紧箍咒”。政府结构变革牵一发而动全身,关乎社会的稳定与发展,也不是一蹴而就的,必须慎重。但是,政府结构变革又是势在必行,不能逃避。政府结构变革怎样才能突破历史的怪圈,优化政府体系,应对全球化的挑战,实现中华民族的伟大复兴与发展。那只有解放思想、另辟新径,跳出固有的束缚,寻找一个新的视角,另辟一个全新的思路来分析、思索政府结构变革问题。众多专家、学者从自己的认知出发,对此进行了许多卓有成效的研究。尽管有着诸如专业、经验、学识等的差异,但是有一点则是共同的:他们的研究无不是从功能——结构模式的视角来进行的。同时我们的政府结构也主要是从这一角度出发着手进行变革的。我们的政府结构变革或出于加强某一政府职能,或出于减弱某一政府职能,或出于转变政府某一职能而动。本文试从公共行政价值——公平与效率这一全新的视角对政府结构变革作一尝试性的理论探索,并据此提出相应的政府结构变革建议等。本文第一部分:导论,主要阐述了本研究选题的依据与意义、文献综述、研究方法、研究创新点以及与本研究有关的重要概念的界定等。第二部分,包括五章。第一章首先从历史的视角和马克思的需要论与公共需要理论,阐述了公共行政所内含的公共行政价值——公平与效率,揭示出公共行政价值公平与效率内涵、整体公平与整体效率、公共行政价值公平与效率的科学关系等公共行政价值一般,为从公共行政价值视角展开政府结构变革研究提供坚实的理论基础。第二章通过对公共行政发展过程的梳理,以发现内含于公共行政实践与理论中的公共行政价值及其在某一公共行政价值框架下政府结构问题,探索政府结构变革与公共行政价值天然的、必然联系,以力求使好的政府结构变革理论指导现实、成为现实,政府结构变革现实本身力求趋向好的理论。第三章分析了传统政府结构变革分析模式:功能—结构模式及其存在的缺陷,阐明功能——结构模式无法揭示和体现政府结构变革的全部根据;由此提出了新的政府结构变革分析模式:价值——结构模式,阐述了政府结构变革的全部根据在于实现公共行政价值公平与效率的平衡及其影响政府结构变革实现公共行政价值平衡的因素。第四章依据价值——结构模式,从公共行政价值公平与效率平衡的视角对我国政府结构变革——以中央政府结构变革为例,进行了探索性的评析与反思,挖掘、总结我国政府结构变革所存在问题的根源及其由此而导致的众多问题。第五章论述了我国政府结构变革全部的根据就在于实现公共行政价值公平与效率的平衡,构建了我国政府结构变革的新设想,提出了加强体现公平结构建设的建议;从政府服务是公共行政价值公平与效率的平衡出发,阐述了我国政府结构变革实现公共行政价值公平与效率平衡,应落实在建设服务型政府结构上,并契合实际提出了一些有关服务型政府结构建设的研究建议。第三部分:研究总结与展望。对本研究进行了总结,认为服务型政府结构不仅能够解放政府生产力的束缚,推动政府生产力的发展,而且能够极大的解放社会生产力的束缚,推动社会生产力的发展,并提出了今后进一步研究和关注的重点及其本文研究不足的地方。历史已经证明并将持续证明,实现公共行政价值公平与效率的平衡是政府结构变革的全部根据所在;服务型政府结构不仅能够解放政府生产力的束缚,推动政府生产力的发展,而且能够极大的解放社会生产力的束缚,推动社会生产力的发展,实现公共行政价值公平与效率的平衡。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening, the China’s government structure have been carried out many reforms. There are some gratifying and important changes that have occurred in many ways. However,there is a fundamental problem for government structures, that is always difficult to been solved. The Chinese government structure reform has still been not out of the the vicious circle wich is "Reducing-swelling-then streamlining-and then expanding". Reform of government structure affect the whole body, related to social stability and development. It is the vicious history circle that how can be broken through to optimize the government system, to react to the challenge of globalization and achieve the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation and development. The only approach is that we must open up a new idea to consider, think about reform of government structure. Many scholars, starting from his own knowledge, despite such expertise, experience, knowledge and other difference,have one viewpoint in common that is:their research is not without from the perspective of function-structure model.In the meanwhile, our government stucture also has been mainly reformed from this point of view. Our reform of government structure is for strengthening the function of the government, or for weakening the government function, or for the transformation of some government function.The purpose of this paper is to survey the reform of government structure from this new perspective of public administration value-Fairness and Efficiency to make a tentative research and put forward corresponding proposals for the reform of government structure and so on.The fundamental feature of this theory is as follows:The first part:Introduction, mainly elaborates the basis and significance of the topic,the literature overview, the research methods, the research innovation and some definitions of key concepts related to the study.The second part includes five chapters:The first chapter expounds public administration value-Fairness and Efficiency which is embedded in the public administration from a historical perspective, point of view about Marx’s need and public need theory, reveals the generality of public administration value such as the connotation of Fairness and Efficiency in the public administration value, Overall Fairness and Overall Efficiency and scientific relations about Fairness and Efficiency and so on and so forth in order to prepare the theoretical ground for the research on reform of government structure from the perspective of public administration valueThe second chapter, through combing the development of public administration, finds public administrative value which is embedded in the practice and theory of public administration and the problems of the government structure in certain framework of public administration value in order to strive to make a good theory to guide the reality, become the reality and the reality itself tends to the good theory.The third chapter analyzes the traditional government structureal reform model: function-structure model and its shortcomings, clarifying that function-structure model can not reveal and embody all grounds on government structureal reform; therefore proposes a new government structure reform model:value-structure model and explains all of the ground on government structureal reform lies in realizing the eqilibrium of Fairness and Efficienc in the public administration value and the elements that have influence on the eqilibrium of the public administration value in the government structureal reform.According to the value-structure model,the fourth chapter carries out exploratory assessment and reflection on the China’s government structure reform,taking the central government structure reform for example,from the perspective of eqilibrium of Fairness and Efficienc in the public administration value, and summes up the root of the problems of the China’s government structure reform and many problems arising thus,which faces China’s government structure.The fifth chapter expands on that all of the ground on our government reform lies in realizing the eqilibrium of Fairness and Efficienc in the public administration value similarily and conceives a new tentative idea for our government reform, proposes the proposals about strengthening the structure,which si reflected in Fairness; from the perspective that the government service is the eqilibrium of Fairness and Efficienc in the public administration value,the chapter explains the our government structure reform should implement service-oriented government structure and puts forward some proposals for the construction of the service-oriented government structure.The third part:Research summary and outlook.To the study summarized,the part considers that the service-oriented government structure can not only greatly liberate the shackles of the government productivity, and promote the development of the government productivity, but also emancipate the shackles of the social productivity, promote development of the social productivity. At the end,the keys that should be further researched and paid close attention to and some inadequacies of the study in this paper are proposed.In summing up, it may be stated that history has proved and will continue to prove that all of the ground on our government structure reform lies in realizing the eqilibrium of Fairness and Efficienc in the public administration value,that the service-oriented government structure can not only greatly liberate the shackles of the government productivity, and promote the development of the government productivity, but also emancipate the shackles of the social productivity, promote development of the social productivity and the eqilibrium of Fairness and Efficienc in the public administration value can been accomplished in the service-oriented government structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

