

Outline for the Humanistic Spirit of Environmental Law

【作者】 王继恒

【导师】 王树义;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人文精神不是某种固定的本质,它是一个在历史中生成、而又要在历史发展变迁中不断充实和丰富着自身内涵的概念。因此,人文精神总是一个变动不居的时代话语。尽管如此,大凡能真正称之为人文的东西,它总是内涵着这样一些基本的价值判断,即崇尚和尊重人的尊严,重视人的价值,把人当作目的而不是手段,高扬人的自由和全面发展,对于这一点应当是不会有什么争议的。法的“以人为本”的实质,必须体现在法体系的各个部门法之中。环境法的人文精神,是人文精神所蕴涵的“以人为本”的核心价值理念在环境法上的法律表达,即环境法所体现的以人为目的、以人中心旨归,尊重人的价值和尊严的人文价值取向和价值追求。这个过程是环境法人文化的过程。不仅如此,把人文精神作为环境法的精神要素加以弘扬还在于,通过对环境法的人文主义阐释,试图从理念和制度上为环境法确立和展现一种新的生态人文主义的世界观,以期为全面协调人与自然之间的关系,为人类在自然中的尊严生存提供一个法律运作上的绿色航标。这个过程是人文的制度化过程。关心人、尊重人,自然离不开对人类赖以生存的环境报以人文眷注。自然与人文不是对立的概念,没有无自然的人文,也没有无人文的自然。因此,人文精神在环境法中的体现,不能外在于人与自然的关系而仅被狭隘地被理解为一般意义上的法律的人本观、法律上的权利本位以及种种以人为目的、以人为中心,承认并保障人的利益和需求等等这样的一些体现着尊重人的价值和尊严的法律上的人本要求,而且它内在地包含着对自然生态的人文关怀。正是在这个意义上我们说,环境法的人文精神,应当是因“生态”因素的介入,而科学认识和正确处理人与自然关系的一种生态化思维方式,是对传统自然观的反思而引起的法观念上的变革与更新,是一种生态性趋向极为明显的法的人文导向,是一个提倡人道地对待自然、利用自然、支配自然,按生态学原理来处理人与自然的关系,使人与自然和谐共处的、具有显性的尊重自然生态的人文精神。显然,环境法对人文精神的法律表达,还有着一个或许更为正式的理论意图,那就是在展示人文立场的同时,也内在地隐含着消除偏狭的人本主义缺陷所导致的人与自然对立的负面影响、重建人文精神的要求。因此,对“生态人文”的挖掘和阐释,就成了环境法人文精神的题中之意。生态人文精神,即倡导以一种辨证的思维来看待人与自然的关系,主张人类自我关怀的同时,还要求把传统人文精神所指向的对人的关怀扩大到对自然的关怀上来,既要以人为本、重视人的生存与发展,又要善待自然、克尽人类对自然天地万物应尽的生态义务。直言之,生态人文精神要求在理论上和实践上彻底改变人与自然的关系,即变人对自然的统治关系为伙伴关系、共存关系;由单纯地向自然索取变为在索取的同时给自然以回馈和补偿;由人类支配自然的权利、和对自然应尽的义务相分离,变为两者的统一。生态人文精神,既是我们在认识环境法的人文精神上所坚持的一个基本观点,又是贯穿于阐释环境法人文精神的一条基本线索。基于此,本文主要从人文精神与环境法的关系、环境法人文精神的生成背景与人的尊严生存、环境法人文精神的价值追求、环境法人文精神的理性建构、环境法理念与制度的人文审视、以及人本环境法在当代中国的发展等六个方面对环境法的人文精神这一主题展开了讨论。本文在理论上阐发的观点主要有:第一,人文精神是环境法合理性的内在根据。就法与人的关系来看,对人的关怀是法的固有属性。法不是什么别的东西,它是维护和促进人们对幸福理想生活的追求和人走向自由全面发展的手段和工具。因此,法无疑是应当以人为本的。建立起尊重人的价值、维护人的尊严、确证人的个性的价值机制,使社会主体广泛的自由和权利在法律上得到确认和保障,是人文精神对环境法的必然要求。第二,环境法的人文精神是生态人文精神。生态人文精神是在深刻把握环境法这一新兴部门法特质的基础上,提炼和挖掘出的新的人文精神类型。它是符合环境法这一部门法属性内在要求的精神气质,是人文精神在环境法领域的提升和发展。以生态人文精神作为参照,来反思环境法本身,以获得对环境法在认识上的新突破,从而有利于我们去发现、辨识或推导出有关人的行动的理想规则和程序,或为环境法现象提供一种基于生态人文导向的基本理念和思维方式,正是本文研究的目的之所在。第三,环境法的现代化是人文精神的现代化。在环境法制现代化的过程中,注重形式合理性固然重要,但价值合理性则更为重要。归根结底,环境法制的现代化本身只是一个过程、一种手段而不是目的,通过这种方式达致人的自由全面发展,才是环境法制现代化发展的最终目标。

【Abstract】 Humanistic spirit is not some kind of fixed essence, it is one conception which need to enrich its connotation unceasingly based on historical development and vicissitude. Therefore humanism spirit is always a changeable time-words.For all this, humanistic spirit so-called always include generally some basic meanings of value judgment, namely it is philosophic cognition which takes people as the value and measure; human which is the center must be respected and human’s all-around development is its final target. Regarding this point, should have not any dispute. People-oriented spirit as the essence of the law must be embodied in each division of the system of law. Humanistic spirit of environmental law as a core value idea which takes people as value orientation and the value pursue is legal expression of the human-oriented conception. However, to carry forward humanistic spirit by environmental law lies in to establish and develop one kind of new world outlook of ecology humanism for environmental law from idea to legal system and attempt to provide green legal operation navigation aid for the harmonious relationship between human and nature and human’s dignity survival in the environment.To take care of human and respect people cannot leave naturally environment related to human survival out. On the contrary, we should give nature the humane care deeply. The nature and the humanities are not opposite conception. Human and nature are whole unity. Therefore, the humanistic spirit in the environmental law is not only the manifestation of human-oriented on the basis of acknowledge and safeguard person’s benefits and demands but also the humanistic spirit of containing intrinsic the humane care to nature. Undoubtedly, we should attach importance to ecological responsibility. The narrow conception of legal value must be changed. We said precisely that the humanistic spirit of environmental law in this significance should be that of one kind of thinking mode of ecologicalization which know and coordinate correctly the relationship between human and nature because of the involvement in factor of ecology; should be that of the transformation and renewal of legal idea caused by the reconsideration to natural view of the tradition; should be that of one kind obvious of humanistic guidance of ecological trend in law; should be that of one kind of respecting nature which advocate humane treatment of nature, use of nature, control of nature, according to the ecological principle in the harmonious coexistence.Obviously, humanistic spirit in the environmental law perhaps has a more official intention of theory. that is excavation and explanation of ecological humanism. Namely treatment of the relationship between human and nature through one kind of dialectical thought and advocates to expand human self-concern at the same time in traditional humanistic spirit to nature not only to take people as center of value, attach importance to the survival and development of human being but also must treat nature kindly and to fulfill the duty to nature that should to do. Frankly speaking, ecological humanistic spirit request that we should change attitude to relationship between human and nature in both theory and practice, namely turn the relationship between human and nature from domination to partnership and coexistence; from claim to feedback and compensation; from the rights to control nature and the duty to which should to do nature separately into becoming unification both right and duty.Humanistic spirit toward ecology is a basic conception on which we should insist in the understanding environmental law and a basic clue which we explain the humanistic spirit of environmental law. Based on this, this article mainly elaborated on humanistic spirit of environmental law from six aspects including relations between humanistic spirit and environmental law; the background of humanistic spirit of environmental law and the survival of dignity of human being; humanistic spirit of environmental law pursuit of the value; the rational construction of humanistic spirit of environmental law; the humanistic examination of idea and system in environmental law as well as the development of environmental law in contemporary China and so on. The viewpoint explained theoretically in this article mainly has:First, humanistic spirit is the rational basis in environmental law. As to the relations between law and person, the inherent attribute of law is to respect person. Law is not the other thing, as the tool or means to maintain and promote people’s pursuit for happiness, freedom and consciousness and overall development, law shall take human-oriented as fundamentals. It is because humanistic spirit that environmental law should establish the mechanism of value to respect human value, defend human dignity, justify human individuality in order to confirm and safeguard the widespread freedom and rights obtained by the social main body in law.Second, humanistic spirit of environmental law is one of kind of humanistic spirit toward ecology. Humanistic spirit toward ecology is one kind of new type in humanistic spirit refined and excavated from environmental law. It conforms to the intrinsic attribute of environmental law and it is of promotion and development of humanistic spirit in environmental law. For reference to humanistic spirit toward ecology, we shall have a new breakthrough on the basis of reconsidering environmental law itself in order that we can discover,identify, infer a ideal rule and procedure, or provide with one kind of new basic idea and thinking mode based on humanistic spirit toward ecology for environmental law. It is the goal of study in this article.Third, modernization of environmental law is of the modernization of humanistic spirit. In process of modernization, we should pay great attention to the formal rationality but the value rationality is very important. In the final analysis, the modernization of environmental law is a process and one method but not a final goal. Through this way to achieve human’s overall development is the ultimate objective of environmental law in process of modernization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】D912.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】917

