

Study on Chemical Composition of Thuja Occidentalis Cupressaceae and the Flos of Pueraria Lobata (Willd.)Ohwi and the Flos of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge.

【作者】 梁倩

【导师】 王俊儒; 李兴从;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 药用植物学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对北美香柏、野葛花、丹参花的化学成分进行了研究。对北美香柏的氯仿相的化学成分进行了提取分离、结构鉴定。应用硅胶、反相材料等色谱方法,分离得到9个化合物,其中8个是首次从该种植物中分离得到。通过1H-NMR、13C-NMR、HR-ESI-MS、1H-1H COSY、HMQC、HMBC、DEPT135等波谱学方法,鉴定了化合物的结构。9个化合物分别为:反式璎柏酸、蔗糖、β谷甾醇葡萄糖甙、异柏酸脂肪酸酯、异柏酸、脱氧鬼臼毒素、15-oxolabda-8(17),13E-dien-19-oic acid、海松二烯酸。用混合溶剂提取法对福建省宁德市、湖南省张家界、江西省宜丰市的野葛花进行了提取,并用GC-MS进行了检测。三个产地的野葛花均含有四大类化合物:弱极性化合物、萜烷类化合物、甾烷类化合物、极性化合物。弱极性化合物中烷烃类百分含量最高其中正三十一烷的含量最高。萜烷类化合物中,福建省宁德市,四环萜含量最高,湖南省张家界和江西省宜丰市17α(H)21β(H )-藿烷含量最高。甾烷化合物中,福建省宁德市和湖南省张家界样品中,ααα-20R-胆甾烷含量最高,江西省宜丰市αββ-20R-24-乙基-胆甾烷含量最高。极性化合物中,脂肪酸含量最高,其中正十六烷酸的含量最高。用溶剂提取法也对江西省宜丰市的野葛花和粉葛花进行了提取,并进行了GC-MS检测。野葛花和粉葛花均含有弱极性和极性化合物。野葛花中含有萜类和甾烷类化合物,而粉葛花中不含有萜类和甾烷类化合物。弱极性化合物中,烷烃类含量最高,其中正三十一烷的含量最高。极性化合物中,脂肪酸含量最高,正十六烷酸的含量最高。用石油醚和氯仿分别提取了江西省宜丰市野葛花样品,并进行了GC-MS检测。它们都含有有弱极性和极性化合物。但是氯仿提取物含有萜类和甾烷类化合物,而石油醚提取物中不含有萜类和甾烷类化合物。弱极性化合物中,烷烃类含量最高,石油醚相正三十一烷的含量最高,氯仿相正二十九烷的含量最高。极性化合物中,脂肪酸含量最高,正十六烷酸含量最高。但是,石油醚相的极性化合物远高于氯仿相的化合物种类。并且含有较多的对人体有益的亚油酸和α-亚麻酸。同时含有的甾、萜酮类化合物,具有较强的生物活性。用水蒸汽蒸馏法分别对江西省宜丰市的野葛花和粉葛花进行了提取,并进行了GC/MS检测。脂肪酸含量最高,其中正十六烷酸的含量最高。用溶剂提取法分别对陕西天士力植物药业有限公司商洛丹参基地的丹参紫花、白花和陕西杨凌西北农林科技大学药用植物园的丹参紫花和白花进行了提取,并进行了GC-MS检测。非极性化合物中,正二十九烷的含量最高。极性化合物中,十六烷酸(棕榈酸)的含量最高。本论文对北美香柏、野葛花、丹参花三种植物的化学成分进行了研究,为这三种植物的开发利用提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 Chemical composition of thuja occidentalis Cupressaceae, the flower of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. was studied.Chemical composition from chloroform fraction of thuja occidentalis cupressaceae was studied. Nine compounds were isolated by silica gel and reversed-phase coulmn chromatography. This structures were elucidated by means of spectroscopic techniques including 1D and 2D-NMR, 1HNMR,13CNMR,1H-1H COSY, HMQC, HMBC, DEPT HR-ESI-MS with chemical methods. Among nine isolated compounds, eight compounds were first separated from this species. The result were concluded as follows:Nine compounds were trans-commonuic acid, sucrose,β-sitostero glucoside, isocupressic fatty acid esters, isocupressic acid,deoxypodophyllotoxin, 15-oxolabda-8(17),13E-dien-19-oic acid and pimaradienoic acid respectively.The three samples of Ningde Fujian, Zhangjiajie Hunan, Yifengshi Jiangxi flower of Pueraria lobata were extracted with mixed solvent and analyzed with the GC-MS. Four kinds of compounds including weak polar, tarpane, sterane and polar compounds were all contained in Pueraria lobata origined from three areas. In all the samples, alkane was the main weak polar compounds (content of hentriacontane were the highest) and fatty acids was the main polar conpounds (content of hexadecanoic were the highest). Tetracycoloterpane was the main tarpane compound in the sample from Ningde Fujian and 17α(H)21β(H )-hopane was the main tarpane compound in the sample from Zhangjiajie Hunan and Yifengshi Jiangxi.ααα-20R-cholestane was the main sterane compound in the sample from NingdeFujian and Zhangjiajie andαββ-20R-24-Me-cholestane was the mainsterane compound in the sample from Yifeng Jiangxi.The samples of ?ower of Pueraria lobata and pueraria thomsonii Benth. from Yifengshi Jiangxi were also extracted with mixed solvent and detected by GC-MS. The results showed that both of them contained weak polar and polar compounds. However, neither terpane nor sterane was contained in ?ower of pueraria thomsonii Benth..The petroleum ether and chloroform extract of flower of Pueraria lobata from Yifengshi Jiangxi were detected by GC-MS. Both weak polar and polar compounds were detected in the two kinds of extracts. Both tarpane and sterane were detected in chloroform extracts, but they were not contained in petroleum ether extracts. Alkane was the main weak polar compounds. Content of hentriacontane was the highest in petroleum ether extracts and that of nonacosane was the highest in chloroform extracts. Fatty acids were the main polar compounds and content of hexadecanoic acid was the highest. There were more polar compounds in petroleum ether extracts than in chloroform extracts. 9.12 octadecdienoic acid and 9.12.15 octadecdienoic acid were healthful for human, and their contents were higher in petroleum extracts. Sterane, tarpane, ketones inpetroleum extracts were biological activities.Essential oil in ?ower of Pueraria lobata and pueraria thomsonii Benth. fromYifengshi Jiangxi was extracted by steam distillation and detected by GC-MS. The results showed that content of fatty acid mainly including hexadecanoic acid was the highest in essential oil.The solvents extracts of purple and white flower of Salvia miltiorrhiza from Shaanxi Tasly Plants Pharmaceutical (Shangluo, China) and Medicinal Botanical Garden northwest A&F university Shaanxi.were detected by GC-MS. As a result, 64 compounds were detected. Nonacosane was the main non-polar compound and hexadecanoic acid was the main polar compound.


