

The Transformation of Chinese Traditional Agriculture in Modern

【作者】 任耀飞

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国传统农业转型是个长期过程,到目前为止还没有结束,还存在着许多制约因素。不过,近代时期在西学东渐的推动下,各级政府开始设立管理农业的专门机构,颁发与农业相关的专项经济政策和奖励章程,积极兴办农业学堂、农事试验场,开设商埠发展外贸农业,鼓励民间农学会劝农设学,这在很大程度上为中国传统农业转型发展注入了近代化因子,提供了诸如制定专项法规、兴办农校、建立试验推广机构等历史与技术发展的基本框架,推动中国传统农业开始走上了一条独具中国特色的近代转型之路。同时,此时期的农业转型也为中国传统农业的现代转型奠定了可持续发展的基础格局。因此,近代时期的农业转型是中国农业现代化真正的立足点和起跑线,深化此时期的农业转型研究对探究当今中国农业现代化问题存在的历史根源,健全农业现代化科学体系,加快转变中国农业发展方式无疑具有很强的现实意义。论文以传统农业的近代转变为主线。首先,依据农业转型发展的基本理论,通过分析中国市场的被动开放、农业功能的重新定向、农业变革思潮的兴起以及政府变法图存的推动作用,探究近代中国农业转型的基础与动力。其次,论文围绕中国传统农业的生产过程,分析了农官体系向农业专门化管理体系的转变、传统经验农学向近代实验农学的发展、家庭生产方式向社会化生产方式的过渡、农业国内市场向国际市场的拓展,揭示近代中国农业转型的发展路径。再次,审视和评析了近代中国农业转型对当时农业发展所产生的影响,系统总结近代中国农业形态转型的程度,探究近代中国农业转型的主要成效。最后,深入总结近代中国农业转型的内涵与特征、转型不足与制约因素,提出了近代中国农业转型对目前我国农业现代化建设的启示作用。研究结果认为中国市场的被动开放为近代中国的农业变革提供了历史性契机;农业功能的重新定向为近代中国农业生产方式转变奠定了重要基础;农业变革思潮的兴起客观上为近代中国的农业转型指明了方向;而政府变法图存的推动则为近代中国的农业转型起到了前驱先路的作用,总体上形成了近代中国农业转型的渐进开启方式。而农官体系向农业专门化管理体系的转变客观上推动了中国农业步入了职能化、专门化的管理轨道;传统经验农学向近代实验农学的发展促使传统农业技术与近代农业科学的扬弃发展呈现兼容并蓄的交融态势;家庭生产方式向社会化生产方式的过渡突破了家庭制经营的束缚,呈现出了向农业扩大再生产方向转化的趋势;农业国内市场向国际市场的拓展客观上促使中国市场与世界资本主义市场的联系更加紧密,逐渐转变成了开放的农业市场结构,总体上形成了近代中国农业转型的四大发展路径。同时,论文还认为近代中国农业转型走上了“适应性过渡农业”之路,并取得了初步成效。目前中国农业现代化道路应借鉴近代“适应性过渡农业”发展之路,在宏观层面应运用产业政策拓展农业功能引导农业转型方向、推进中外农业科技交流减少科技异化现象发生、扶持外贸农业发展处理好农产品内外销关系;在中观层面应继续建立农教、科研、推广三结合的组织机构、发展公司性质的农业经济实体、培养合作性质的农业合作组织,以便形成农业社会化扩大再生产之势;在微观层面应优化农业生产要素的传统与现代组合,提高农业生产要素的综合利用效率,以加快中国农业现代化进程,推动中国社会主义现代化整体目标的顺利实现。

【Abstract】 The transformation of Chinese traditional agriculture is a long process, yet hasn’t been over so far now, there are still many constraints.However,in modern period all levels of governments begun to set up the specialized agencies of agriculture management, presented series of agriculture-related special economic policies and incentives charters, established the agricultural school、agricultural experiment station actively, opened commercial ports to develop International trade in agriculture, encouraged agricultural associations to private schools and persuade farmers to product, which implanted the modernization factor into the transformation development of traditional agriculture to a large extent, provided the basic framework for history and technology development such as the special rules, the establishment of agricultural schools and test promotion agencies, promoted Chinese traditional agriculture embark on the modern transformation road of unique Chinese characteristic. At the same time, the agricultural transformation of this period also laid the foundation for sustainable development pattern for the contemporary transformation of Chinese traditional agriculture. So it can be said that the agricultural transformation of this period is the real foothold and the starting line in agricultural modernization, Deeping the study on the agricultural transformation of this period will undoubtedly have a strong practical significance for exploring the historical root causes of current agricultural modernization problems, improving the scientific system of modern agriculture, accelerating the transformation of Chinese agricultural development.This thesis treated this modern transformation of traditional agriculture as the main line.Firstly, explored the base and power of Chinese agriculture transformation in modern by analyzing the passive open of market, re-orientation of agricultural features, the rise of agricultural reform and the government reform in promoting the survival Agricultural restructuring and development, based on the basic theory of agriculture transformation. Secondly, this thesis explored the development paths of Chinese agricultural modern transformation by anglicizing the transformation of agricultural official system to agriculture specialized management systems, the traditional experience of agriculture to the modern experimental agriculture, the family mode of production to the social mode of production, agricultural domestic market to the international market, focusing on the process of the traditional agricultural production. Again, this thesis explored the main results of the transformation of modern agriculture by system summing up the extent of transformation of the shape of modern agriculture, commenting on the impact of agricultural development of the modern transformation of Chinese agriculture. Finally, this thesis proposed the inspiration for the current agricultural modernization by in-depth summarizing the meaning、characteristics and constraints of modern agricultural transformation.Study results suggested that the passive opening of Chinese market provided a historic opportunity for modern Chinese agricultural revolution; the reorientation of agricultural functions had laid an important foundation for the transformation of agricultural production mode; the rise of agriculture transformation trend pointed out the direction for the agricultural transformation; and the government reform for survival had played a precursor role of the first way to agriculture transformation. Those formed a gradual open way for transformation of modern agriculture on the whole.while the transformation of agricultural official system to agriculture specialized management systems objectively promoted the Chinese agriculture into the track of functions and specialized management. The traditional experience of agriculture to the modern experimental agriculture made the abandoned development of traditional agricultural technology and modern agricultural science present a blend of eclectic Situation; the family mode of production to the social mode of production broke the shackles of family business system, showing the direction of the transformation of agriculture to expand production trends; agricultural domestic market to the international market promoted Chinese market even closer the world capitalist market, and gradually transformed into an open structure of agricultural markets, those formed the four major development path for modern agricultural transformation.At the same time, this thesis also believed that agricultural transformation in modern China embarked on the road of“agriculture of adaptive transition ", and had achieved initial success. we should learn the development of " agriculture of adaptive transition " for agricultural modernization: at the macro level, industrial policy should be used to expand the agricultural function to guide the direction of agricultural transformation and promote technology exchange among international agricultural technology to reduce the phenomenon of alienation, support the agricultural development of international trade to deal well with the relations between the Domestic and export of agricultural products; at the meso level, we should continue to build agricultural education, research, promotion of three combinations of the organization, develop the agricultural economic entities as company, develop the agricultural cooperation organizations in order to form a reproduction of the agricultural society of expansion potential; At the micro level ,we should optimize agricultural production factors combined traditional and modern elements to improve the utilization efficiency of agricultural production to speed up the process of agricultural Chinese modernization and promote the overall goal of Chinese socialist modernization smoothly.


