

Research on TCM Industry Development in Southern Shaanxi

【作者】 赵婉莹

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中医药以其浓厚的中国文化背景和独特疗效,日益受到世界瞩目和重视。随着世界性对中医药的广泛关注和对中药使用需求的增加,以及国际上崇尚绿色中药的趋势,中医药有了进军国际医药市场的机会。加之国内外学界对中医药应用及其理论的研究热潮,国内医药工业由单纯的仿制向创制的转变,皆使得中药产业呈现出巨大的潜力、强大的竞争力和广阔的发展空间。中药产业在中华历史上历来都是民族经济的重要组成部分。在当今快速发展的现代社会,中医药研究与生产依然方兴未艾,在国民经济中始终发挥着重要作用。在我国加入世贸组织的经济全球化发展背景下,我国的中药产业面临着激烈的挑战和无限的机遇。随着21世纪科技浪潮的兴起,中医药产业再度成为投资和市场运作的热门产业,形成了以中药农业、中药工业、中药商业和中药知识经济业构建而成的产业体系和产业集团。不少地区对发展中药产业寄予很高期望,甚至将其定位为经济发展的特色优势产业和主导产业,以规模化和标准化发展中药产业。陕南地处秦巴山地,是陕西省内中药资源优势和重点发展区域以及国家“南水北调”中线工程水源涵养地,特殊的地理环境造就了陕南丰富的中药自然资源和悠久的中药业发展历史。陕南中药产业正经历着从传统中药产业向现代中药产业转型的关键时期,已经实现了一定的产业经济规模和产业组织规模,提升了其中药发展的现代化和国际化程度。陕南中药产业正以特色优势主导产业的角色对陕南区域经济发挥着重要作用。本研究梳理了陕南中药产业发展的历史,论述了在陕南中药产业进入完全的产业化发展之前,其缺少某些产业环节,产业链条疏松,部门分散,医药结合,医药互养,工贸一体的不完全产业化特征,从而归纳出中药前产业时期这一中药产业从传统形态向现代形态转变的过渡时期,在这一过渡时期中,陕南中药产业发展包含了传统中药产业体系的“胎记”,同时孕育了现代中药产业化发展的新特征。中药前产业时期的界定,为陕南中药产业化的研究提供了历史认识和研究脉络,在此基础上,本论文首先运用产业经济理论和产业结构理论从产业结构视角分析了陕南中药产业选择和培育对陕南区域经济发展的影响力及作用,中药产业在陕南调整和优化产业结构,以提升县域经济水平、增强县域经济竞争力的过程中,其特色性与支柱性不断凸显,对陕南区域经济发展的影响力表现在:解决“三农”问题和贫困问题的重要途径;壮大陕南县域经济的支柱力量;提升区域产业竞争力的强势品牌产业。其次运用可持续发展理论和产业生态理论从生态视角分析了陕南中药产业生态选择和培育机制,并构建出完整的陕南中药产业生态化可持续发展体系。由于陕南区域“反生态化”现象的日渐严重,中药自然资源短缺问题的突出以及中药市场壁垒的增加,使陕南中药产业面临生态化可持续发展的迫切性和必要性,并选择绿色产业和循环经济的战略发展模式。再次,运用产业经济理论从产业化视角分析了陕南中药材种植业经济、加工业经济、市场营销经济等基本产业经济问题及其产业链延伸问题。中药材的栽培有着农作物特性,故中药产业有着农业产业的特征,受到农业产业发展水平的影响,即称之为中药农业;中药加工业是中药产业现代化发展水平的直接标志;中药市场营销是中药产业链延伸中的重要环节。最后,本论文运用产业组织理论分析陕南中药产业发展的组织设计及运行问题。在陕南中药产业化发展进程中,产业组织形式在产业经济发展的要求下使产业链各组织间向纵深化发展,如陕南中药材种植业组织、陕南中药加工业组织和陕南中药市场销售组织之间的纵向合作关系不断深化。更重要的是,作为陕南中药产业组织的完整体系,陕南中药科技研发组织、农民合作经济组织、产业集群组织等关联组织之间的多元化发展和联系日益增加,对整个陕南中药产业组织的发展所发挥的作用更加突出。通过对以上问题的研究,本文得出以下研究结论:(1)中药产业化发展是陕南区域产业结构调整和优化的产物,是陕南区域在工业化进程中发展地域特色优势产业的必然选择,是陕南农民在农业基础地位相对稳固的前提下发展的致富性产业,目前基本形成了“农稳药富”的局面。(2)陕南中药产业的生态发展不仅仅是产业自身生存的问题,而且是秦巴山系特定地理单元的资源环境可持续发展的必然选择,是西部地区自然生态系统、经济系统和社会系统的统一协调发展的要求。(3)陕南中药产业化进程仍然处在由传统中药产业向现代中药产业的转型发展之中,未来发展趋势在于:陕南根据地域特色进行中药产业结构调整和优化,实施以绿色中药产业和循环经济产业为主要方式的生态化可持续发展战略,不断延伸中药产业链,以规模化和标准化完善中药产业组织,并在相关配套政策的支持下,逐步实现陕南中药产业的现代化、科技化和国际化。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Medicine attracted worldwide attention recently because of its rich Chinese cultural background and its unique effect. With the world wide attention to Chinese medicine and the growing demand for green Chinese medicine,traditional Chinese medicine gains the opportunities to step into the international medicine market . In addition,scholars home and abroad are studying more and more on application and theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and also, the domestic pharmaceutical industry system is changing from simple imitation to innovation. All above factors make Chinese medicine industry represent great potential,strong competitive and broad developing space. Traditional Chinese Medicine industry is always a very important component part of national economy in the Chinese history. With the rapid development of the modern society, the research and production of Traditional Chinese Medicine is always on the rise and playing an important role in the national economy. In the background of globalization and our country’s joining the WTO, our traditional Chinese herbs is facing fierce challenges as well as many opportunities with the booming technology in the 21st century, the stagnant Chinese medicine becomes a hot industry for investment and market. Many regions place high expectations on the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine industry, and even defined it as a leading and competitive industry in the process of the development of the local economy. The south of Shaanxi Province lies in the mountainous area of Qinling Mountain and Bashan Mountain. The special geographical environmental contributes to not only rich natural Chinese medicine resources but also a long history of Traditional Chinese Medicine industry. It has advantages and it is also the crucial part in developing Traditional Chinese Medicine resources in Shaanxi Province. It is the crucial time that Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine industry is converting its traditional Chinese Medicine industry to a modern one. And it has achieved a certain economic scale, which promoted the development of modern medicine both home and abroad. The southern part of Shaanxi Province is deeply influenced and turns out to be of the leading role.This study reviewed the historical development of Chinese medicine industry in southern Shaanxi and stated the Chinese medicine industry in the preceding period from the traditional to the modern form in the transitional period. In this period, the development of Chinese medicine industry in southern Shaanxi traditional Chinese medicine industry system included a "birthmark" of the Traditional Chinese Medicine industry system, and gave birth to new features of the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine industry development. What’s more, the research, based on the economic perspective, analyzed the influence of selection and training in Southern Chinese medicine industry of Southern in regional economic development issues by using industrial economic theory and the theory of industrial structure. Based on ecological perspective, the research using ecological sustainable development analyzed the theory and industry of Southern Shaanxi Chinese medicine theory and training system of industrial ecology, and built a system of sustainable development of Southern Chinese industrial ecology; Based on industry perspective, the research using industrial economic theory analyzed the issues of economy in Southern Chinese herbal farming, processing industry economy, marketing economic issues of economic and other basic industries and the extension of the industrial chain. The research analyzed the issues of development of Chinese medicine industry in Southern organizational design and operational by using industrial organization theory.Based on the above researches, this paper got the conclusions as follows: (1) The development of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the product of regional industrial structure adjustment and optimization、the process of industrialization development in regional special advantage industries、the inevitable choice of farmers in the position of agriculture as the foundation in the premise of relatively stable development and the present basic wealth-oriented industry forming "agriculture stable medicine rich" situation. (2) The industry of Chinese ecological development does not merely concern industry itself survival problems, but also an inevitable choice of natural ecological system, economic system and social system of unified coordination development according to the specific geographic unit of Qinba mountain ranges of sustainable development of resources and environment in western region. (3)The Traditional Chinese Medicine in Southern Shaanxi is still in the process of Chinese medicine industrialization from traditional Chinese medicine industry in the transition to a modern one, the future development trend of development in regional characteristics is :adjusting and optimizing Chinese medicine industrial structure according to Southern regional characteristics, implementing the strategies of sustainable development in the main form of green traditional Chinese medicine industry and circular economy industry, extending continuously traditional Chinese medicine industry chain,improving Traditional Chinese Medicine industry organizations in their scales and standards andgradually realizing the modernization、internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine industry in southern Shaanxi scientifically and technologically.


