

Research on the Construction of Rural Culture in Ba-Shu Region

【作者】 苟安经

【导师】 张波;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国特色社会主义事业的深入推进以及“三农”的发展亟需科学的文化建设。进入新世纪,文化建设的历史背景已经发生了深刻的变化,人民精神文化需求日趋旺盛,人们思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性明显增强,对发展社会主义先进文化提出了更高要求,因此可以说,文化建设面临着多种挑战。本研究以巴蜀地区为研究范围,系统地思考农村文化建设的理论与现实问题,为积极应对挑战进行探索,以期形成对巴蜀地区农村文化建设实践具有指导价值的研究成果。作为一种以特定区域为范围的研究,同时追求其中的共性能在一定程度上对其他区域的农村文化建设理论研究和实际工作提供借鉴。本研究以社会学关于“文化”的定义为理论的逻辑起点,构建起农村文化建设的理论框架,并灵活采用实地考察、统计分析、个案研究、比较研究、文献研究等具体研究手段,将一般的文化理论与特定的文化建设发展紧密结合起来。更为根本的,本研究始终贯穿科学发展观的精神,紧扣“以人为本”,坚持先进文化的发展方向,立足区域经济社会发展宏观形势与任务,着眼于城乡文化统筹发展,突出区域文化个性。以此为基本原则,论文将对巴蜀地区农村文化区域特征、历史传承、价值取向以及建设基本布局进行系统性的研究。内聚型的地理自然环境、发达的传统农业生产、多源和杂处的居民是巴蜀农村文化的生成条件,或者称文化生态环境。在这个文化生态环境中,巴蜀地区农村的物质文化、制度文化和精神文化均具有显著的特质,形成当代农村文化建设的宝贵资源。文化建设伴随我国发展历史,在秦、汉、唐宋、明清、民国、建国后、新时期等历史阶段,巴蜀地区农村文化建设的历史轨迹清晰可见。奠定文化的经济基础、传播社会核心价值观念、吸收区域外先进文化并传承本地优秀文化传统、构建有效的文化建设机制应当是我们汲取的历史经验。文化的核心是价值观,因此必须首先确定当前和今后巴蜀地区农村文化建设实践应当遵循的总体价值取向和区域性价值目标。这个价值取向应当是:在以社会主义核心价值体系引领农村文化建设的前提下,积极用文化建设助力破解巴蜀地区的“三农”问题,增强巴蜀地区文化软实力,实现文化建设的多重功能。农村人文精神是一个较新的命题。人的全面发展、市场经济新理性和巴蜀文化传统是巴蜀地区农村人文精神的核心要素,这些核心要素必须通过发展农村教育事业、发展特色现代农业和实施常态化的主题文化活动等途径培养和提升。保障农民文化权益必然要求推进农村公共文化服务体系建设。巴蜀地区农村公共文化服务体系的建设取得了显著成绩,但也存在若干问题,需要通过建立健全体制机制逐步加以解决。农村非物质文化遗产的保护传承和四川地震灾后文化重建是近年来产生的新命题,一定程度上可以代表了巴蜀区域文化建设的成果和水平,所以纳入农村公共文化服务体系建设的范畴进行一些针对性的研究。农村文化产业开辟了农村经济建设和文化建设的新领域。巴蜀地区拥有丰富的可进行产业开发的乡土文化资源,在实践中产生了六种开发模式。但是,巴蜀地区农村文化产业的发展壮大必须整合区域资源、城市带动农村、给予优惠政策扶持和不断优化消费环境。辩证认识历史上关于“治蜀”的历史文化命题和反思近年发生的涉农群体性事件,有助于我们确立“治蜀”新理念和创新“治蜀之道”,进而准确把握巴蜀地区农村和谐文化建设的制约因素和有利条件,并从多个层面和角度探索切实有效的农村和谐文化建设路径,使和谐的理念转化为制度,内化为社会成员的自觉行动。

【Abstract】 The Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the development of three-rurals need the prosperity and construction of culture. Since the new century, the historical background of the development of culture has undergone profound changes, the spiritual and cultural needs of the mass have been increasingly strong, and the independence, selectivity, variability and difference of the thought of the mass have remarkably strengthened, so the mass set higher demands for developing socialist culture. It can be said that culture construction is facing many challenges. As an active explore of response to challenge, this research limited in Ba-Shu region focuses on the in-depth and systematic theory and practice of rural culture construction, aiming to form some research results with guide value for the practice of rural culture construction in Ba-Shu region. To some extent, the common of a research on a particular region can provide with reference for the rural culture construction in other regions.In this study, the“culture”that is defined by sociology is the logical basis of theory, on which the theory frame of rural culture construction is established.Flexibly using field survey, statistical analysis, case research, comparative research, literature and other specific research tools, the general cultural theory and the actual development of culture have been closely integrated. More fundamentally, the spirit of the scientific development concept which closely links to“people first”runs through the whole research.Then, this research considers that rural cuture construction should insist on the development direction of advanced culture, stand on regional economic and social development reality, focus on coordinated development of urban culture and rural culture and highlight the regional cultural identity. With these principles, this research would discuss on the regional characteristics, the history, the orientation of value and the major layout of rural culture construction in Ba-Shu region.The cohesive natural environment, developed traditional agriculture, multi-source and sundry rural population are the conditions of culture or the ecological environment of culture. In this culture environment, material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture have significant characteristics, forming the precious resource of culture construction.The history of our country has been accompanied with culture construction. In the eras of Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Ming, Qing, the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China, we can discover the clear historical path of rural culture construction in Ba-Shu region. we should laid the economic foundation of culture, spread the core value concept to maintain social form, absorb the advanced culture of surrounding areas, inherit the spirit of Ba-Shu culture and build an effective mechanism.Value idea is the core of culture, so we should first determine the value target of the current and future rural culture construction in Ba-Shu region. Leaded by the socialist core value system, rural culture construction should try to improve the“three rural”problem of Ba-Shu region, upgrade cultural soft power of region, and achieve the multiple functions of cultural construction.The rural humanism spirit is a new issue. Comprehensive development of human, cultural tradition of Ba-Shu culture and new rationality of the market economy are the core elements of rural humanism spirit in Ba-Shu region. These core elements may be cultivated and enhanced by the development of rural education, the development of modern agriculture and the implementation of subject advocacy.For Safeguarding the culture right and interest of farmer, the construction of public culture service system is urgently needed. In countryside of Ba-Shu region, the construction of public culture service system has made remarkable progress, but also has certain problems which could be solved by the establishment of perfect system and mechanism. Protection of intangible cultural heritage of rural culture and culture reconstruction after the earthquake are new issues in recent years. In some degree, these works represent the level and the results of rural culture construction, so we should take them into the public culture construction in rural society.The rural culture industry has opened the new field of rural economy construction and the rural culture construction.There are a plenty of culture industry resources and six development patterns in countryside of Ba-Shu region. However, for the rapid development of rural culture industry, Ba-Shu region must integrate regional resources each other, make cities support the rural, and optimize the consumption environment.Correctly understanding the historic and cultural issues about“governing Shu”and reflecting on recent events occurred in farmer groups, we could establish new ideas about“governing Shu”and“the new road of governing Shu”, thus grasp the constraints and favorable conditions of harmonious culture construction in Ba-Shu region. Then, from several dimensions and angles, we can choose some effective paths of the construction of harmonious culture in rural area, so that the concept of harmony would come into the system and transform into conscious action of the members of society.


