

Research of Soft-sensing System of Fabric Color in the Batch Dyeing Process

【作者】 汤仪平

【导师】 金福江;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 由于间歇染色过程难以在线直接测量出染机内织物色泽,而只能采用人工离线测色法进行测量染色终点的色泽,导致产品质量不稳定,生产的一次合格率低,成本、能源消耗和废水排放量增加,因此,色泽在线测量技术是染整生产提高产品质量,降低生产成本,实现节能减排的关键技术。本文针对间歇染色生产色泽在线测量这一染整行业关键技术难题,提出了通过测定间歇染机内染液的染料浓度来获得织物色泽的软测量方法,并设计了实际染机色泽在线软测量装置。本文主要的创新性研究工作包括:1.基于调整系数的染料单位浓度K/S值算法研究为了掌握各类染料上染不同织物的染色机理,研究织物K/S值与染料浓度关系,提出基于调整系数的单位浓度K/S值算法。该算法通过引入调整系数,可根据不同浓度对光谱数据进行合理地调整,使织物K/S值与染料浓度具有更好的线性关系,采用最优化方法确定调整系数,以获得准确的染料单位浓度K/S值,使计算机测色模型和自动校色算法更为准确、可靠,为在线测色以及计算补色配方提供了保障。2.染色动力学模型及仿真研究从染色热力学和动力学角度出发,研究染料的上染机理,分析染料浓度及助剂、染色温度、染液流速等因素对上染率的影响。在菲克(Fick)定律的基础上,导出染色过程染料上染率动力学模型,实时预测染料的上染状态,再根据计算机测色模型来估计织物色泽的变化。同时,基于染色动力学模型,设计了染色过程计算机仿真系统,模拟实际染色过程染料的上染情况以及织物颜色变化,有助于掌握染料的染色机制,为间歇染色过程的工艺优化和控制奠定基础。3.低浓度染液多组分浓度同时测定的色泽软测量方法研究在分光光度法同时测定混合染液各染料浓度的基础上,本文提出了一种基于卡尔曼滤波(Kalman Filter,KF)的染液多组分染料浓度的软测量方法。该方法通过测定间歇染机内混合染液在其各染料最大吸收波长处的吸光度数值,基于吸光度模型,采用卡尔曼滤波算法来估计染液中各组分染料浓度,滤除噪声。最后根据计算机测色模型计算出织物色泽三刺激值,有效地解决低浓度混合染液间歇染色过程织物色泽在线测量问题。4.软测量系统非线性滤波算法研究非线性滤波是软测量技术中减少测量噪声,提高测量精度和稳定性的主要方法。扩展卡尔曼滤波(Extended Kalman Filter,EKF)和粒子滤波(Particle Filter,PF)是最常见的非线性滤波方法,其理论和应用研究对提高软测量技术及非线性滤波理论和应用水平具有重要作用。本文在同时测定染液组分浓度非线性模型的基础上,分别设计了EKF和PF算法,对染液各组分浓度进行最优估计,并在实际间歇染色过程色泽在线软测量中验证了其有效性和可行性。

【Abstract】 As it is difficult to measure the color of fabric online in the batch dyeing process, there is the only way to measure color offline by the worker when the dyeing process is finished. However, this way causes many problems such as bad quality of products, low pass-rate, high cost, much energy consumption, serious pollution and so on. So on-line color measurement technology is very helpful for stabilizing quality of products and saving energy as well as reducing pollution in the dyeing industry. For solving this technical problem, a soft-sensing method of color measurement is presented, with which the fabric color can be measured by testing the absorbance of the dye solution in the dyeing machine, and an actual soft-sensing device of fabric color is also designed in this paper.The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:1. Study of the K/S value of dyes based on adjustment factorsFor mastering the mechanism of different kinds of dye dyeing different fabric, the relationship between the fabric K/S value and dye concentration is studied and a calculation method of K/S value of dyes based on adjustment factors is presented. By introducing adjustment factors to correct the source data reasonably according to the different concentration of dyes, the relationship between the fabric K/S value and dye concentration will turn linear. With the optimization methods, adjustment factors could be worked out and K/S value of dyes could be obtained according. In this case, both the computer color measuring model and the automatic color correction algorithm are more accurate and reliable, which could be helpful for the online color measurement and the calculation formula of complementary color.2. Study on kinetics model of dyeing and simulationFrom the dyeing thermodynamics and kinetics theories, it is known that there are many factors effecting the uptake rate of dye including dye concentration and dyeing temperature as well as flow rate. Considering these factors, kinetics model of uptake rate is built based on the Fick’s law, with which the uptake rate can be predicted at any time, and the color of fabric can be also estimated in the dyeing process. Foremore, a simulation system of dyeing process is designed, which helps to master the dynamic characteristics of the dye and lays the foundation for optimization and control of the process.3. The soft-sensing technology of fabric color in batch dyeing process with low concentration of multi-dyesBased on the determination technology of concentrations of multi-component, a soft-sensing method of dye concentration measurement using Kalman filter is presented. The absorbance of the dye liquor in the dyeing machine is tested by the spectrophotometer in the visible wavelength range. Then the concentrations of dyes are calculated by the Kalman filter algorithm, thus the soft-sensing measurement of the dye concentrations in the batch dyeing machine is achieved, and the color of fabric can be also estimated baesd on the model of color measurement.4. Study on nonlinear filter algorithm applied in soft-sensing systemNonlinear filter algorithm is the main way for reducing measurement noise and improving accuracy in the soft-sensing system. The common nonlinear filtering method such as extended Kalman filter (EKF) and particle filter (PF), on which the theoretical and applied research is very important for improving the level of nonlinear filter. Based on the nonlinear absorbance model, EKF and PF are applied to determine the concentrations of dyes respectively. The feasibility and validity of these methods have been verified by experiments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

