

Research on Virtual Testing System of Ship Navigation Performance

【作者】 杨素军

【导师】 范佘明;

【作者基本信息】 中国舰船研究院 , 流体力学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 虚拟测试是在虚拟的环境中,根据测试要求和规程,对数字化模型或实物模型的功能和性能进行的测试。虚拟测试是数字化造船发展的必然结果,已经成为本世纪以来试验验证技术的主要发展方向和研究热点之一。虚拟测试技术是应用虚拟样机技术、仿真建模技术、传感器技术、虚拟现实技术等进行产品功能和性能测试的综合应用技术,是仿真测试技术的延伸和发展。应用虚拟测试技术,不仅可以在船舶建造和使用之前发现潜在的问题和缺陷,而且可以对任意的、尤其是非常危险的海况下船舶的性能进行测试验证,确保产品的可靠性和安全性。更为重要的是,虚拟测试应用虚拟现实技术,实现人在回路,具有沉浸感,可以更真实地反映船舶航行时的人为因素,确保船舶在复杂海域或港口中的安全操控。总之,虚拟测试对于提高测试能力、优化测试流程、缩短测试周期、降低测试成本具有极其重要的作用。本文在深入了解和充分理解虚拟测试及其在各行业的应用状况的前提下,确定了虚拟测试技术在船舶领域的应用方向,首次提出基于模拟器平台的船舶航行性能虚拟测试系统的总体思路、框架结构和构建流程,初步建立了实船航行性能虚拟测试系统,并应用实船试航结果验证了系统的可靠性。论文的主要成果体现在以下三个方面:(1)对于实船航行性能虚拟测试系统,除了注重交互性、沉浸感和想象性,对仿真建模的准确性要求更高。本文综合应用船舶快速性、耐波性和操纵性理论、试验和分析方法,充分利用数值计算和模型试验结果,通过合理的耦合和简化,考虑尺度效应,建立了风浪流环境条件下实船航行的时域仿真模型。通过数值仿真验证,该模型同时具备实时性和高精度,满足虚拟测试的要求。(2)充分应用先进的模拟器技术和虚拟现实技术,搭建了由船舶操控台、图形工作站、投影机、弧形屏幕、系统主控机、船舶控制机、网络交换机等构成的虚拟测试系统硬件平台,并进行了合理的规划,确保信息集成、传输、交互、储存和显示的有效性、可靠性和稳定性。船舶操纵台可以实现常规单桨船的车钟及操舵功能,并在硬件上预留了双桨双舵以及侧推装置的接口以方便系统升级。此外,开发了可显示船舶速度、船首向角、航迹、主机转速、经纬度、相对风速及风向、流速及流向等船舶综合航行性能有关信息的显示单元。(3)通过动态链接库的形式将船舶航行仿真模型嵌入操控台软件中,并通过串口实现车舵与仿真模型的实时通讯,更真实地反映船舶航行时的人机互动。应用Creator软件,建立船舶、波浪、水域等三维模型,基于Vega Prime虚拟现实软件平台,实现船舶在海上航行的实时显示,增强“人在回路”的逼真感觉。以Visual Studio为平台,开发了虚拟试验环境设置和测试数据采集、显示、分析软件。应用Windows Sockets通讯协议,实现以上各个软件的集成,并在集成过程中,充分考虑系统的开放性和兼容性,方便系统的修改、升级和维护。船舶航行性能虚拟测试系统的构建是一项庞大而复杂的系统工程。本文在国内首次将虚拟测试技术应用于船舶航行性能测试,在仿真建模和系统构建等方面具有一定的创新性。

【Abstract】 Virtual testing is defined as a technology to measure the function and performance of a numerical or actual model in virtual conditions, based on relevant experimental specifications and regulations. Virtual testing is the outcome of developing digital shipbuilding. During last decade, it has become one of trends and hot topics in the field of experiment and validation.Virtual testing is an integrative technology involved in virtual prototype, simulation model, sensor and virtual reality, and is the extension and evolution of simulation testing. It could be used not only to identify the latent problem or fault of a ship before building or operation, but also to validate the performance of a ship on arbitrary state especially rough sea, and then to ensure the reliability and safety. Furthermore, the virtual reality technology enable operator to be involved in virtual testing system with higher interactivity, immersion and imagination and then keep the ship in control at heavy sea or intricate harbor. In conclusion, virtual testing is very important for enhancing capability, optimizing process, economizing cost.The application objects of virtual testing technology in shipbuilding field have been identified based on the investigation and comprehension of virtual testing and its application in different industries. The conception, frame and process for constructing a virtual testing system of ship navigation performances were put forward for the first time. The system ground on a simulator has been established basically, and verified by the sea trial data of a ship. The contributions from this dissertation may be summarized as follows,(1) For the virtual testing system of ship navigation performances, besides interactivity, immersion and imagination, the veracity of simulated model is crucial. The theoretical, experimental and analytical methods of ship speed, seakeeping and maneuvering performances were applied synthetically, to set up a time domain simulated model for a ship sailing on the sea with wind, wave and current. The numerical and experimental results, the coupling and simplifying schemes, the scale effect extrapolation were utilized to develop the simulated model. The precision and instantaneity were checked by numerical simulations, and showed satisfactory capabilities.(2) The system platform is constituted of ship motion control desk, image workstations, projectors, arc screen, the bus-mastering computer, the ship motion control computer and hubs. The system was designed logically to make the signals to be integrated, transmitted, interchanged, stored and displayed efficiently, reliably and stably. The engine telegraph and steering wheel for conventional single screw ship have been equipped on the ship motion control desk, and the interfaces for twin screws, twin rudders and transverse thrusters were preset for updating easily. The vision monitoring panel for ship navigation information, including speed, course, track, main engine revolution, latitude/longitude, wind speed/ direction, current speed/direction, etc., was developed.(3) With dynamic link library, the ship motion simulation model was embedded in control software package on the ship motion control desk. The real-time communication between control desk and simulation model was solved through serial interface, to simulate the man-machine interaction during navigation more realistically. Based on Creator and Vega Prime software systems, the 3D digital models of ship, wave, and water area were formed and the real-time demonstration of ship maneuvering in seas has been completed with higher reality. The codes for environment setting, data acquisition, display and processing have been developed on the Visual Studio platform. The system integration is under the frame of Windows Sockets communication protocol. The opening character and compatibility of the system have been considered to make the system to be modified, updated and maintained conveniently.The construction of the virtual testing system of ship navigation performances is a huge and complex systems engineering. The virtual testing technology was applied in full-scale ship navigation performance testing for the first time. Some innovations on system conformation and simulation modeling have been created primarily.

  • 【分类号】TP274;U661.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】471
  • 攻读期成果

