

The US-EU Security Regime in the Post Cold War Era

【作者】 殷翔

【导师】 叶江;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 马克思主义中国化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 时代问题是从宏观上理解国际关系发展的重要视角。冷战时代是国际关系史上的一个特殊发展阶段,两极格局下的权力政治是解释该时期国际事务的不二法门。冷战的结束预示着一个新时代的来临,不仅国际体系出现了结构性变化,而且国际关系的各个维度都发生了显著而深刻的变化。作为冷战时代美欧跨大西洋联盟的重要合作机制,美欧安全机制在冷战结束后发生了重要变化,主要表现在以下三个方面:一、传统美欧安全机制北大西洋公约组织(以下简称北约)的战略调整;二、欧盟在安全领域中作用的提高及其与北约的机制性协调;三、非传统安全领域中美欧安全机制的建设与完善。本文拟从后冷战时代美欧安全机制的上述主要变化入手,深入分析和探讨美欧安全机制的发展演变对美欧关系的发展、国际格局的演进以及整个后冷战时代国际关系的作用、影响和意义。本文第一章主要通过借鉴、梳理前人的研究成果,深入分析和认识后冷战时代的重要意义,说明选取后冷战时代的美欧安全机制作为研究对象的意义,确立论文研究的基本框架。第二章则在较为全面的讨论后冷战时代和美欧安全机制的定义及其特征的基础上,重点分析后冷战时代美欧安全机制在主体、议程和规则等方面的突出变化,同时探讨时代变迁与美欧安全机制演变之间的逻辑联系。第三章内容的重点在于描述和分析传统美欧安全机制北约在后冷战时代的深刻变化。本章主要从组织战略和组织实践的角度阐明了北约战略转型的基本内容和特征,着重指出后冷战时代的北约已经从传统意义上的北大西洋军事防务同盟转变为全球性的政治与安全组织,其性质、职能及其运作机制等都发生了诸多变化。北约转型是美欧之间相互协调、长期磨合的结果,目前,美国依然保持着在北约组织内部的主导权,但美国欧洲盟国的地位和作用也在日益得到提升和实现。与此同时,北约在后冷战时代美欧安全领域中、尤其是军事防务安全领域中的主体地位仍然十分牢固和明显。本文第四章主要以欧盟一体化深入到政治、军事领域为线索,探究欧盟在安全领域中地位与作用的提高及其与传统美欧安全机制北约之间的磨合。本章着重描述后冷战时代欧盟与北约两者之间由于在功能、权限和活动领域等方面的重合所导致的机制融合及其后果。文章认为,欧盟与北约之间的机制性融合应该被视为后冷战时代美欧安全机制的重要组成部分,而这些机制性融合领域中所体现出的规则也应该能够代表美欧安全机制发展变化的方向。第五章以冷战结束后非传统安全问题的凸显及其对美欧安全的影响为基础展开论述,重点选取全球反恐、环境和能源安全领域中的美欧安全机制建设为例进行分析,阐明后冷战时代美欧非传统安全机制的建立及其完善。文章认为:在后冷战时代,非传统安全问题已经并将继续是美欧安全领域中的基本议程,美欧非传统安全机制的地位和作用因此将进一步提升。当前美欧非传统安全机制已经明显发生了重大变化,机制协调的核心原则更加倾向于美欧在具体问题领域中的实力对比,这体现并预示了美欧关系发展的新取向。在上述五章的研究和分析基础上,本文得出结论认为:美欧安全机制在后冷战时代呈现出复杂化、深入化和系统化的发展特点。在机制逐步发展、完善的同时,美欧安全机制保障双边安全的功效逐步地在后冷战时代显现。冷战结束后美欧安全机制变化的重要性并不单单在于其议程、主体、规则等具体形式,而是更多的在于其背后所反映的价值与意义。后冷战时代美欧安全机制的变化改变了传统意义上美欧安全机制的性质,反映并顺应了后冷战时代全球化深入发展的特征与趋势,凸显了后冷战时代国际体系深刻而复杂的变迁以及未来国际格局的演进方向。

【Abstract】 It is important to understand the developments of contemporary international relations from the perspective of Times. The era of the Cold War is a special stage in the history of international relations, in which the key to explain international affairs is Power Politics. The end of the Cold War results in the international system changing dramatically on various dimensions of international relations, which marked a new era approaching. As an important mechanism of transatlantic alliance in Cold War, the US-EU security regime changed in the Post Cold War era, mainly in the following three aspects: the strategic adjustment of NATO as a traditional US-EU security regime; the increasing role of EU in security and its institutional coordination with NATO; the establishment of US-EU security regime in the field of Non-traditional security. This paper will analyze the changes of US-EU security regime from above and further explore the impact on the development of US-EU relations, the evolution of international configuration and the international relations as a whole in the Post Cold War era.Drawing on the previous studies, chapter one is mainly to analyze the meaning of Post Cold War era, explain why to choose US-EU security regime as the research subject and establish the main structure of this paper. Chapter two highlights the changes of US-EU security regime in the Post Cold War era and discusses the logical relation between the transformation of Times and the development of US-EU security regime on the basis of quite explicit definitions of the Post Cold War era and the US-EU security regime.Chapter three mainly describes the adjustment of NATO as a traditional US-EU security regime from the view of organizational strategy and practice, specially illustrates that NATO has transformed from a transatlantic military alliance into a global political and security organization which is undergoing profound changes in its nature, function and operational mechanism. The adjustment of NATO is the result of compromise between the U.S. and EU. Now the America maintains domination of the changing NATO, but the status and role of European members are also rising. Both the U.S. and the EU pay great attention on this mechanism and NATO still occupies a fundamental position in contemporary transatlantic security field.Chapter four mainly illustrates the increasing role of EU as a new European security regime and its institutional coordination with NATO. It highlights the institutional coordination and results caused by the overlap of two organizations in function, power and activity. The paper takes these institutional coordination as important part of US-EU security regime and concludes that the rules embodied form these institutional coordination would direct the development of US-EU security regime in the Post Cold War era.In chapter five, it mainly discusses the establishment of US-EU security regime in the field of Non-traditional security, exemplified by the regime construction on anti-terrorism, global environment and energy security. The paper points that Non-traditional problems will take up the agenda of transatlantic security in the Post Cold War era and the regime on this field would be more important than before. The contemporary US-EU security regime in the field of Non-traditional security has changed and the core rule would depend on the balance of power on specific problem area, which reflects and foreshadows the new direction of US-EU relation.The main conclusion of this paper is that the US-EU security regime gets more complex and systematical and its role to guarantee the bilateral security also appears gradually in the meantime. The importance of such changes is not reflected on agenda, subject and procedure but on the meaning for contemporary world. The changes have transformed the nature of US-EU security regime, reflected and conformed with the trend of globalization in the Post Cold War era, accordingly highlighting the profound and complex changes of international system and also foreshadowing the orientation of international configuration in the Post Cold War era.


