

Ecological Architecture Pattern of Rural Houses in the Desertification Area Northwest China

【作者】 张群

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 西北荒漠化地区自然恶劣、生态脆弱、经济落后。在快速变化的社会背景下,乡村民居建筑因其自身的缺陷而面临发展困境。新的居住需求与现实条件无法满足之间的矛盾导致民居演变出现混乱,居住质量恶化。民居建筑形成和发展受到来自建筑内部——人的需求和外部——自然与社会条件的双重影响和作用,揭示这一原理和过程是本文研究的主要内容。本文以西北荒漠化乡村民居为研究对象,系统地进行民居建筑模式理论和设计方法研究。通过与城市集合住宅、公共建筑、工业建筑等相关概念的分析,包括环境决定程度、使用者主观意志的实现、建筑间的相互影响、建筑单体设计参数、经济承受能力、功能在设计中的作用等方面,提出居住需求的满足是民居发展的原始动力,科技进步是发展的支撑条件。西北荒漠化地区乡村民居建筑设计的基本原则依次为安全性、便利性、舒适性、经济性和社会(文化)性。运用本体论观点,从建筑、环境与人这三者之间相互关系的角度探讨了民居建筑起源与发展的主要动因、矛盾和缺陷,明确了民居建筑从简单到复杂、从被动适应到主动控制的发展规律:基本目标(庇护)的唯一性和建筑表现形式的多样性。运用生态学基本原理和环境决定论理论,分析了民居建筑系统内部与外部环境之间的相互关系,提出民居建筑像生物体一样强烈地受到环境决定论的影响,表现出适者生存优胜劣汰的规律,多样性的建筑形态是必然的选择和需求。提出了民居建筑是内部因素和外部条件共同作用的理论,建立了适合西北荒漠化地区特殊条件的建筑设计模式理论,继而对设计方法进行了探讨,并结合示范项目工程实例探讨了该建筑模式理论和方法的有效性。研究结论如下:(1)民居建筑产生的原因是人的需求与外部自然社会环境之间矛盾关系的协调,其发展和演变需要在自然与社会环境承载力的范围内确定目标与技术路线,不能突破外界条件制约。(2)通过生物多样性原理,多样化的表达形式是民居建筑对外部条件(自然与社会条件)的理性反应,是生态建筑的真实状态。(3)西北荒漠化乡村民居发展过程需妥善处理与自然环境的关系,尤其是气候环境条件。即使因为居住行为与使用功能的变化突破了传统的建筑形态,也需要找到新形态与气候条件的内在关系。(4)民居建筑的发展需要新的形态模式。民居建筑设计需要在选择性继承传统建筑经验的基础上,超越具体建筑功能、造型、技术等问题,基于内部因素与外部因素的共同作用,对设计因子进行优化排序,确定新的形态。本文立足于从建筑设计角度研究乡村民居建筑生态化发展问题,提出了民居建筑是由内部因素和外部条件共同作用的观点,建立了符合西北荒漠化地区实际条件的民居建筑理论模式,确定了民居需要在环境、能源和经济承载力范围内发展的技术路线,期望对丰富和完善民居研究理论和推进西北地区民居实践建设起到积极作用。

【Abstract】 The development rule of rural houses is affected by not only requirements of human beings but also natural resources and social environment. Trying to reveal this law is main research content of this paper. Taking the rural houses in the desertification area of northwest China as research objects, the paper research on the architecture pattern theory and design strategies of rural houses.Compare with urban houses and public buildings in such aspect as environment, investment, owners etc, find the differences between them, put forward the key factors of rural houses design. Based on ontology theory, discussed the main motivations and contradictions of the development rule of rural houses, make clear that the rule is the uniqueness of the basic goal with diversity manifestation.Based on ecological theory and environmental determinism, analysis the relationships between architecture system of rural houses and exterior environment, the research find that the rural houses have the properties of environmental determinism just like organism, and have the rational demands of diversity manifestation.Setting up the theory that the rural Architecture is determined by both interior and exterior conditions, establish theoretical model of rural houses in the desertification area of northwest China.Make such conclusions:(1) The cause and development of rural houses are restricted by both interior requirements of human beings and exterior conditions such as natural resources or social environment. The way of ecological buildings may not break through the restrictions of exterior conditions, and should be 3 designed according to the carrying capacity of natural resources and society.(2) According to the theory of bio-diversity, diversity architecture manifestation is reasonable reaction of exterior conditions, is actual states of ecological architecture.(3)Based on environmental determinism and evolutionism, the development of rural houses in the desertification area should deal with the relationships between houses and natural environment first, especially the weather condition. Although the building function may be changed, the new relation between architecture patterns with weather condition should still be taken into consideration first.(4) The development of rural houses needs new tape of architecture pattern. The design of rural houses should base on the ecological experiences on traditional rural houses, take both the interior and exterior conditions into consideration, optimized scheduling the design factors.Based on the architectural design point of view, the paper studys the rural residential buildings ecological development problems, puts forward the viewpoint that rural houses is interacted by internal factors and external conditions, builds the residential building theoretical patterns according to the actual conditions of Northwest Desertification areas, determines the development technological route within the capacity of environment, energy and economic of the technical capacity, expects to enrich residential theorys and promote practice of the construction of residential areas in Northwest China.

  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-023
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1171
  • 攻读期成果

