

Thermal Adaptation Behavior and Thermal Comfort Zone for Chinese Resident

【作者】 金振星

【导师】 李百战; 武涌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文从国内外热舒适影响因素的研究与识别过程,静态和动态热舒适的理论、动态环境下热舒适性研究现状以及热舒适巨分析数据库等方面对国内外热舒适研究的发展现状进行了归纳总结。从热应激与热感觉等基本概念、人体对环境的生理心理行为应激的过程、人体热平衡模型、人体热反应模型和人体热舒适适应理论等方面对动态环境下热舒适适应理论进行了全面的分析和介绍。根据动态热舒适适应理论,介绍了本文开展现场环境监测的内容、仪器设备和检测方法,调查问卷的设计、现场调查的实施与质量控制、调查后数据处理与检验等内容进行详细的介绍。采用现场调查的方法,在重庆、武汉、成都、福州、广州、昆明、沈阳、哈尔滨和西安等九个典型城市开展居民热舒适现场调查工作,共计获得我国五个建筑气候区热舒适现场调查个案18513份,单项问题的有效个案都达到97.8%以上,各城市每月个案基本都在128份以上,调查获得的各城市室内、室外环境有效覆盖了了各城市建筑室内外环境范围。各城市热湿感觉在可接受范围的占75.7%,说明总体上我国这九个城市当前住宅热湿环境的可接受度较高,热湿环境状况较好。采用巨分析的方法,对我国居民的开窗习惯和通风效果进行分析,研究了吹风感和期望风速的分布特征,发现了我国各地住宅室内的通风适应模式。我国居民开窗频率与季节性温度变化有关,在各季节都有很强的通风愿望且经常开窗是一种常态。上午的开窗率通常都是最高的,晚上的开窗率受季节影响,且夏热冬冷地区各时间段的开窗率>温和地区的>夏热冬暖地区的>北方寒冷地区的。从室内通风的效果来看,无论是从全年整体还是单月来看,各城市室内风速都主要是以<0.1m/s或<0.2m/s为主;风速受到季节的影响明显,>0.8m/s的风速基本出现在室外气温高的月份。昆明室内月平均风速小于0.1m/s,哈尔滨和西安基本上都小于0.2m/s,夏热冬冷地区小于0.4m/s,福州小于0.7m/s和广州小于1.2m/s;夏热冬暖和夏热冬冷地区室内月平均风速整体上都呈倒“V”型分布,但前者的要比后者的大。对全国居民的衣着热阻模式和衣着热阻对热感觉的影响进行研究,发现了我国各地居民衣着热阻适应调节的模式。北方地区城市和武汉居民衣着热阻主要受室外温度的影响,其余南方地区城市主要受到室内温度的影响。重庆、成都和福州等地居民衣着热阻对温度的敏感性达0.06 clo/oC,广州和昆明对温度的敏感性较低(0.02~0.03 clo/oC)且个体差异也小,寒冷地区居民衣着热阻对温度的敏感性低但个体差异大,因而衣着热阻对广州和昆明地区居民热舒适调节能力有限,但是是其余城市居民热舒适适应调节的主要手段。重庆、武汉、成都、福州和昆明五个城市整体趋势上都符合衣着热阻越大热感觉越大的规律,表明衣着热阻是这几个城市居民热感觉的主要影响因素,但相邻热感觉对应的平均衣着热阻之间差异不明显。居民期望衣着热阻对室内温度的敏感性呈现,重庆和成都>福州>武汉>昆明>广州。此外,重庆、武汉、成都、福州和广州等地在大于约30.0oC时,期望衣着热阻基本稳定在0.27clo,这表明居民正式仪态下衣着热阻的可调节性接近为零。最后由于我国居民日常室内热舒适适应行为以室内通风和衣着热阻调节为主要手段,而衣着热阻调节不是欧美日常热舒适适应调节手段,通过对获得的舒适方程和可接受区带宽的比较,发现De Dear等人和Humphreys等人非空调采暖热舒适区构建方法不适用于我国。因而本文根据我国自由运行建筑中居民日常热舒适适应调节特点,提出了我国住宅非采暖空调建筑热舒适区的构建方法。

【Abstract】 The thesis has summarized research status of thermal comfort at home and abroad from the perspectives of research and recognition process of its affecting factors, stable and dynamic thermal comfort theory, research status in the dynamic environment and giant analysis database of thermal comfort.etc, and gave a comprehensive analysis and introduction of dynamic thermal comfort theory from the concept of hot stress and thermal sensation, process of human’s physiological and psychological reaction respond to the environment, thermal equilibrium model, thermal responding model as well as adaptation theory. According to the dynamic thermal adaptation theory, this thesis also introduces monitoring contents, equipments and detection methods of field test, as well as questionnaire design, implementation and quality control, data processing and inspection, etc.The author conducted field investigation on residents’thermal comfort in nine typical cities - Chongqing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Kunming, Shenyang and Harbin and Xian, totally obtained 18513 cases throughout five climate zones. The effective cases of each question account for 97.8%-101.5%. The number of cases in each city is more than 128 per month. Indoor and outdoor environments investigated have covered environmental range of all cities. 75.7% of hot-humid sensation votes are in acceptable range in each city; it demonstrates the high acceptable rate of residential hot-humid environment in nine cities and well environment condition.Using giant analysis method, this thesis finally obtains residential indoor ventilated adaptation model throughout the country based on analysis of both residents’windowing behaviors as well as ventilated effect in our country and researches distribution characteristics of draught sensation. The residents’windowing frequency is related to seasonal temperature changes and has the very strong ventilation desire with a normal state of window-open. In the morning, it is usually highest while in the evening it’s influenced by seasons, hot summer and cold winter area > mild area > hot summer and warm winter area > the north cold area. From the point of the effect of indoor ventilation, either for a whole year or a single month indoor air velocity is mainly lower than 0.1 m/s or 0.2 m/s; it is affected significantly by seasons, velocity higher than 0.8 appeares in the months with high outdoor temperature. Monthly average air velocity is less than 0.1 m/s, 0.2 m/s, 0.4 m/s, 0.7 m/s and 1.2 m/s in Kunming, Harbin and Xian, hot summer and cold winter area, Fuzhou and Guangzhou, respectively; it’s distributed in“falls V”type in hot summer and warm winter zone as well as hot summer and cold winter zone, however, the former is more than the latter.Researches on the influence of residents’clothing thermal insulation and its mode on thermal sensation indicates adaptive mode of clothing insulation in all parts of country. Clothing thermal insulation in northern cities and Wuhan is mainly affected by outdoor temperature, while that in the rest southern cities is mainly influenced by indoor temperature. Sensitivity of clothing thermal insulation to temperature is 0.06 clo/℃in Chongqing, Chengdu and Fuzhou, while it is only 0.02 ~ 0.03 clo/℃in Guangzhou and Kunming with small individual difference, the sensitivity is also low but with great individual differences in cold zone. It can conclude that adjustment ability of clothing thermal insulation on residents’thermal comfort is limited in Guangzhou and Kunming, but it is the main means in other cities. The whole trend, the thermal sensation rises as the clothing insulation increases, in Chongqing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Fuzhou and Kunming shows that clothing insulation is main factor of thermal sensation, but difference between corresponding mean clothing thermal insulation of adjacent thermal sensation is not significant. The order of sensitivity of the expected clothing insulation to indoor temperature is as follows, Chongqing and Chengdu > Fuzhou > Wuhan > Kunming > Guangzhou. In addition, the expected clothing insulation maintains 0.27clo when indoor air temperature is 30℃in Chongqing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Fuzhou and Guangzhou, suggesting that there is no clothing adaptive behavior when residents are under formal clothes.Finally, in China, indoor ventilation and clothing insulation adjustment are the main means of residents’thermal comfort adaptive behaviors, but the latter is not the common means in European and American areas. Comparative results of comfort equation and bandwidth of acceptable area shows the method of constructing comfort zone under free-running environment used by Humphreys and Dear De.etc does not apply to China. Thus this thesis puts forward method of comfort zone in residential buildings under free-running environment according to characteristics of residents’daily adjustment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

