

Research on the Political Participation of the Stratum of Present China’s Private Entrepreneurs

【作者】 苗加清

【导师】 王岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 私营企业主阶层是在当代中国改革开放和经济体制改革过程中,伴随着私营经济的不断发展而逐渐形成的新的社会阶层,与当代中国原有的工人阶级、农民阶级和知识分子阶层等传统阶级、阶层相比,私营企业主阶层有着特殊的社会地位和利益需求,相应地,私营企业主阶层政治参与作为当代中国政治生活领域的新现象,也一直备受社会关注。私营企业主阶层作为中国特色社会主义建设者和重要的统战对象,尽管摆脱不了私营经济和私营资本“人格化”代表的本质属性,但他们从来都是中国的社会公民,目前在总体上仍然属于人民的范畴,他们的政治参与具有一定的理论基础、经济前提、政策依据、主观需求和社会历史条件,因而,党和政府要在政治上容纳私营企业主阶层,有序扩大私营企业主阶层的政治参与,而不能将其排除在政治体系之外。到目前为止,私营企业主阶层的政治参与实践经历了政治冷漠与政治体制之外徘徊、政治参与意识觉醒与无序有限参与、政治参与意识强化与有序扩大参与三个发展阶段,并且呈现出政治参与目的多重性、政治参与方式多样性、政治参与效果差别性等总体特征。同时,私营企业主阶层政治参与也存在着立意不高、动力不足等问题,并且还存在着务虚性政治参与、非常态政治参与、非法性政治参与等现象,因而,党和政府又必须对私营企业主阶层政治参与加以引导,把它控制在现有政治制度许可和容纳的范围之内。政治参与是把双刃剑,有效发挥私营企业主阶层政治参与的积极性,抑弊兴利,促进私营企业主阶层政治参与合法化、有序化、制度化,一方面,要求私营企业主阶层自身必须主动加强自我认知,自觉规范财富运行方式,积极履行社会责任义务,努力创造出良好的政治参与前提条件,在此基础上,形成较为完整的政治参与自律规范,以合法、合理、合情的方式有序参与政治。另一方面,党和政府面对私营企业主阶层的不断变化及其政治参与实践的不断发展,必须审时度势,在塑造良好的社会舆情条件和合理协调社会各个阶层政治参与格局的同时,大力推进政治体制改革,通过体制调整和制度创新,实现党和政府领导方式和执政方式的转变,为私营企业主阶层的政治参与提供良好的政治环境,在此基础上,积极引导私营企业主阶层合法、有序开展政治参与活动,及时将私营企业主阶层这股社会力量导入现有政治体系,使其成为推动中国社会主义民主政治建设和政治文明进步的积极力量。

【Abstract】 The stratum of private entrepreneurs is gradually formed during the period of reform and opening up and the course of the restructuring of economic systems with the development of the private economy. Compared with our country’s original working class, the peasant class and the intellectuals, the stratum of private entrepreneurs have their own special social position and interests. Accordingly, as a new phenomenon in today’s political field, their political participation has attracted public attention all the time.The stratum of private entrepreneurs, the constructors of the socialist course with Chinese characters and the targets of the united front, is still colored by the essential attribute of the private economy and the personification of the privately owned capital. However, they are our citizens and a part of our people. Their political participation actions are based on theory, economy, policy, subjective demand and historical conditions. Therefore, our Party and government should accommodate the stratum of private entrepreneurs in politics and expand their orderly civil participation. They cannot be disengaged from the political system. So far, their political participation and practice has experienced three stages of development ---- political apathy and political system, awareness of political participation, disorderly and limited involvement and orderly participation. They have completely different characteristics, whose purpose is multiplied, whose ways are various and whose effects are inconsistent. Their political participation has extremely important theoretical value and practical meaning, which can enrich and develop the participation theory of Marxism, which is helpful to the all-round development of the socialism, and which does good to developing private businesses. At the same time, the stratum of private entrepreneurs don’t aim highly and is less dynamic and their participation is impractical, abnormal and illegal. For that reason, their access to participation is regulated by the Party and government under the present political system.Political participation is a double edged-sword. It curbs harm and makes them positive, legal, orderly and institutional. On the one hand, the stratum of private entrepreneurs have to reinforce positive self-statements, consciously observe the way of wealth-running, fulfill its responsibility and try to create the preconditions for political participation so that the class can make its participation legal, proper and reasonable . On the other hand, according to the stratum of private entrepreneurs, the Party and government have to evaluate the situation, guide the public opinion and obtain the coordination of the political participation of all walks of life. They have to promote reform greatly in the political system. By reforming our country system, changing system innovation, and reforming and improving the Party’s style of leadership and governance, we can provide them with favorable political environment so that they can be brought into the existing political system .Thus we can make it a positive force to advance our democratic and political civilization construction of socialism.


