

Study on the Annotation and Clarification about Most of Lo Po’ Poems by Zhujian

【作者】 徐小洁

【导师】 詹福瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本课题以明代朱谏《李诗选注辩疑》为研究对象,所依据的版本是中国国家图书馆所藏明隆庆六年(1572)朱守行刻本,包括《李诗选注》十三卷和《辩疑》二卷。作为明代重要的李白诗歌选注本,此前未有专书整理与研究。对《李诗选注辩疑》的整理与点校是研究的前提与基础,古籍文献的整理为学术研究提供了第一手资料。朱谏对李诗的选注与辩疑,已突破了传统的训诂注释模式,带有比较浓厚的文学批评色彩。考察朱谏其人及其诗学传承,是研究的重要环节。第一章即为“朱谏生平活动考论”,亦立足于可信的文献资料,不仅是对朱谏人生轨迹的梳理,更从批评主体的角度出发,探究朱谏选注李诗的思想与情感基础。“《李诗选注辩疑》的版本与流传”部分主要介绍藏本与版本情况,并对南京图书馆所藏丁丙“八千卷楼”朱守行刊本的跋文存疑进行比较详细的论证。另有《李诗注摭遗》在今人著作中很少提及,故对其版本情况略作梳理。朱谏的诗学观念受宋人影响较深,且带有比较明显的理学色彩。朱谏评注李诗,主要效仿朱熹《诗集传》模式,故对李诗,多以“赋、比、兴”别之,这是朱谏评注体系的一个鲜明特点。《古风》组诗与乐府诗部分,突出论述了朱注“傅以六义”的模式特点。对朱谏评注体系的研究,没有停留在表层的形式特点,而是深究朱注蕴藏的现代意义上的文学批评色彩。尤其是朱谏对李白及其诗歌的价值判断,充分体现了朱谏批评思想的独立性与理论深度。朱谏注本以杨萧本为底本,故在研究中有意识地将朱注纳入李白诗歌古注本体系中予以观照,注意考辨与杨萧本在评注体例及诗评观等方面的渊源关系。其中萧士赟的笺释与辨伪对朱谏影响更深,而朱谏对之保持理性的批判态度,有借鉴,也有纠正;有赞同,也有异议,反映了朱谏独立的批评意识。《李诗辩疑》部分是研究的重点也是难点,主要从“李诗真伪问题概说”、“萧士赟辨伪对朱谏的影响”与“朱谏辩疑体系释解”三大方面进行研究。朱谏对李白诗歌的辩疑,某种程度上已突破了甄别李诗真伪的单一性,而是一项比较系统的诗歌批评活动。其中“格调”、“气象”、“滋味”、“法度”等这些中国文学批评的理论范畴,在辩疑中皆予以运用。

【Abstract】 This paper studies The Annotation and Clarification about Most of Li Po’s Poems by Zhujian of Ming Dynasty. It is based on Zhu Shouxing’s block printed edition in 1572 which was collected in National Library.This book is composed of two parts, Annotation about A Part of Li Po’s Poems (thirteen volumes), and Clarification about A Part of Li Po’s Poems (two volumes). As an important annotation about some Li Po’s poems in Ming Dynasty, this book haven’t been collated and studied by any book before.As the collation of ancient books provides the firsthand information for accademic study, to collate, check and punctuate The Annotation and Clarification about Most of Li Po’s Poems are the premise and basis of our study. The choosing, annotating and clarifying about Li Po’s poems by Zhujian has achieved a breakthrough in the traditional model of exegetical study, and it has made a relatively strong feeling of literary criticism. The investigation of Zhujian and his poetic heritage is an important part of the study. The first chapter, The Investigation and Discussion of Zhujian’s Life and Activities, is based on credible literature. In this chapter, Zhujian’s life track is cleared off, moreover, the basis of Zhujian’s thoughts and emotion in choosing and annotating is also explored through the direction of commenting subject.In the chapter, The Version and Circulation of The Book, the circumstance about the version is mainly introduced. The doubt about the preface of Zhu Shouxing’s block printed edition has been also demonstrated particularly.This block printed edition was from Dingbing’s eight-thousand-volume building which is now in Nanjing library. The third, the circumstance about the version of Making Good Omissions of The Annotation about Li Po’s Poems which was seldom mentioned in today’s personal writings is cleared off.The poetic concepts of Zhujian was affected by people in Song Dynasty, and it had Neo-confucianism elements obviously. Zhujian imitated the model of Shi Ji-zhuan by zhuxi to comment and annotate Li Po’s poems. He distinguished Li Po’s poems by Fu, Bi and Xing. This was the vivid characteristic of zhujian’s system in commenting and annotating. In the part about the suite of poems, Gu Feng, and Yuefu, the model feature which was shown as expressing through Liuyi in Zhujian’s annotation was discussed extraordinarily. To zhujian’s system in commenting and annotating, the research didn’t stay on the characters of the exterior form but probed into the feeling of literary criticism in Zhujian’s annotation with modern meaning. Especially the judgment of the value of Li Po and his poems had adequately embodied the independence of and depth of theory in Zhujian’s criticism ideology.The master copy of this book was Yang-Xiao’s annotations, so, in our research, Zhujiah s annotation was consciously surveyed in the ancient annotations system of Li Po’s poems, and then purposely investigated and distinguished the original relationgship between Zhujian and Yang-Xiao in two aspects, the stylistic rules and layout of commenting and annotating and the view on poetic criticism. In this system, Xiao Shiyun’s annotation and distinguishing the false reflected upon Zhujian more deeply. However, Zhujian kept an rational commenting attitude. There were lesson-drawing and rectifying, approving and opposing. All these reflected the independent commenting consciousness of Zhujian.The part about Clarification about A Part of Li Po’s Poems is the importance and difficulty in our research. It was carried out from three aspects, Brief introduction of the problems about the authenticity of Li Po’s poems, Effects from Xiao Shiyun’s distinguishing the false, and Explanation of the system of Zhujian’s clarification. Zhujian’s clarification about Li Po’s poems had broken through the simplicity in distinguishing the false in a way. It was a systematical poetic commenting activitie. In his clarification, Some theory categories of Chinese Literature Commention such as stylistic mode, atmosphere, flavor and regulations were used.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】153

