

The Closed Open and Comprehensive Mode

【作者】 陈君

【导师】 李文英;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 外国教育史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 日本教师职前培养模式形成于19世纪中期。在其后100多年的发展过程中,日本教师职前培养模式共经历了以师范类学校为载体的封闭型教师职前培养模式、以综合性大学为载体的开放型教师职前培养模式、以师范类大学和其他大学为载体的综合型教师职前培养模式的三种模式两次转型过程。综观日本教师职前培养模式的转型历程,既可发现教师职前培养三种模式与经济社会发展之间的依存关系,又能探究影响日本教师职前培养模式转型的关键因素。第二次世界大战结束之前,日本实施的是封闭型的教师职前培养模式。“明治维新”给日本社会带来了巨大变化。社会对于近代化教师的需求与日俱增。1872年,日本第一所旨在培养教师的师范学校在东京成立。之后,日本通过颁布《师范学校令》、《师范教育令》等法令促成了封闭型教师职前培养模式在日本的形成与发展。第二次世界大战之后,日本迎来了“民主化”发展的新时期。由于社会对于教师要求的变化,日本教师职前培养模式开始了历史上的第一次转型,由封闭型的教师职前培养模式向开放型的教师职前培养模式转型。在这一转型过程中,所有师范学校被升格或合并到新的综合性大学。受各方面客观因素的影响,此次转型虽然克服了战前封闭型教师职前培养模式的弊端,但是也带来了一些新的问题。20世纪50年代中后期日美关系不断走好,在此情况下,日本调整了政治经济发展战略。为了适应新的政治经济变化状况,提高自身的国际地位,满足社会发展对教师培养提出的新要求,日本教师职前培养模式选择了第二次转型,走上了综合型的模式发展道路。在这一转型过程中,日本采取了重新设置专门教师培养机构以及对综合性大学教师培养进行改革等措施,同时还对教师培养过程进行了大调整,实现了日本教师职前培养的“本土化”转型。到目前为止,日本综合型的教师职前培养模式得到了不断的发展与完善。日本教师职前培养模式由开放型向综合型的转型以日本社会发展的客观需要为基础进行,解决了开放型教师职前培养模式带来的问题。但令人遗憾的是,综合型的教师职前培养模式也产生了一些新问题。日本教师职前培养模式锐意进取、不断改革,在两次转型发展过程中积累了丰富的经验和教训。对日本教师职前培养模式转型的成因、过程以及特点等进行深入剖析和研究,全面解析日本教师职前培养模式转型发展的历史进程,可以为我国教师职前培养模式的转型提供一些可资借鉴的经验和教训,从而达到古为今用、洋为中用的效果。

【Abstract】 Japanese teachers’pre-service training mode was formed in the mid-term of 19th century. In the following 100 years of development, it experienced two transformation processes of three modes, namely, the closed mode with normal schools as the carrier, the open mode with comprehensive universities as the carrier, and the comprehensive one with normal universities and other universities as the carrier. The three teachers’pre-service training modes are related closely to the development of economics and society, from which the law of development of the transformation can be drawn.Before the end of The Second World War, Japanese teachers’closed pre-service training mode is adopted in Japan. Since Meiji Restoration brought Japanese society great changes, modernized teachers are needed in large amount. In 1872, the first normal school is founded in Tokyo. Then Teacher Training School Law, Normal School Education Ordinance, and some other relative laws help the formation and development of Japanese teachers’closed pre-service training mode. After The Second World War, the new period of democratization has come. Because the requirements for teachers change, Japanese teachers’pre-service training mode transformed for the first time in history, from the closed mode to the open one of Japanese teachers’pre-service training, during which, all the normal schools were upgraded or merged into new comprehensive universities. This transformation overcame all the shortcomings of teachers’closed pre-service training mode in pre-war times because of objective factors, but brings new problems too.In mid and late 1950s, the Japanese -- American relation became better, Japan adjusted its economic and political development strategies. In order to fit the new political and economic changes, to improve the international status, and to satisfy the new requirements for teachers, Japanese teachers’pre-service training mode underwent the second transformation to the comprehensive mode. In this process, Japan adopted some measures such as setting specialized teachers’training organizations anew and reforms on the training of teachers of comprehensive universities, adjusted greatly the process of teachers’training, and realized the transformation of localization of teachers’pre-service training mode. Up to now, Japanese teachers’pre-service comprehensive training mode has been developing and improved gradually. The transformation from the open mode to the comprehensive one of Japanese teachers’pre-service training based on the objective needs of Japanese society and solved some problems of the open mode, but the comprehensive one also has some problems.In the process of transformation, Japanese teachers’pre-service training mode has accumulated experience and lessons. The research into the causes, process and characteristics of the training mode so as to make the whole development clear can offer some useful experience and lessons for the transformation of teachers’pre-service training mode in our country.

【关键词】 日本教师职前培养模式转型封闭开放综合
【Key words】 Japanteachers’pre-service trainingmodetransformationclosedopencomprehensive
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

