

The Chinese Communist Revolution and the Social and Cultural Changes in Taihang Mountainous Areas (1937-1949)

【作者】 王荣花

【导师】 李金铮;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1937——1949年的抗日战争和解放战争,对于现代中国历史进程无疑具有重要的转折意义,这一战争不仅实现了中华民族的解放事业,也从此导致了中国社会发展的走向变迁,这种变迁的发生,最主要的因素,是由于革命根据地的存在和发展,为中国共产党社会改革提供了必要的历史舞台,根据地成为坚持民族解放战争,刷新社会的“实验基地”,通过战争期间不断积累的社会变革而实现了社会的质变,彻底改变了农村原有的社会格局,缔造了一个新型的社会。太行革命根据地是1937年抗日战争初期八路军挺进华北后,创建的以太行山脉为依托的革命根据地,地跨山西、河北、河南三省交界处,不仅是晋冀鲁豫边区的发轫地和中心,也是晋冀鲁豫边区首脑机关——中共中央北方局(嗣后是晋冀鲁豫中央局)和八路军前方总部的驻地,具有重要的战略地位。太行根据地人民在中国共产党领导下,在广阔的敌后战场上对入侵的日本侵略军进行了持久、顽强、艰苦卓绝的斗争,为夺取抗日战争胜利做出了重大牺牲和巨大贡献,太行根据地人民的抗日斗争,是中华民族抗战的重要组成部分。在解放战争时期太行根据地人民在党的领导下继续同以蒋介石为代表的国民党反动派进行了英勇的斗争,最终赢得了这场战争的伟大胜利。然而,这一地区由于地处偏僻、交通不便、信息不畅,在根据地建立之前长期处于封闭、落后的状态之中。劳动群众沿袭着旧有的生产方式,民众生活因循守旧,老百姓世代承传着小农社会中固有的乡土文化。随着太行革命根据地的建立、发展、壮大以及中国共产党在该地区所发动的一系列革命性改造,这块落后、愚昧、封闭的土地发生了翻天覆地的变化,社会各个方面都面临着前所未有的变迁,成为近代中国民族、民主意识觉醒的鲜明亮点。乡村社会文化的变迁与乡村社会改造是20世纪三四十年代根据地社会的两大主题。太革命根据地创建之后,当务之急就是对根据地区域内的乡村实行新的社会整合,“把落后的农村造成先进的巩固的根据地,造成军事上、政治上、经济上、文化上的伟大的革命阵地,借以反对利用城市进攻农村区域的凶恶敌人,借以在长期战斗中逐步地争取革命的全部胜利”。中国共产党在根据地进行经济、政治改革的同时,又成功地控制和倡导一种新的文化,这种新文化的建立和发展对于根据地的巩固、壮大和发展无疑起到了决定性的作用。由于抗日根据地建立在广大的乡村,尤其是抗战的政治领导力量与活动范围转入乡村,根据地文化宣传教育的对象主要是农民,充实文化建设队伍的也是农民,正因为如此,根据地农村文化运动便是根据地新文化运动的主体。战争爆发后,随着官方力量向乡村社会的渗透,政府对基层社会的控制达到了前所未有的程度。在这种特殊的战争环境下,文化作为战争宣传动员的阵地受到了极大的重视,以共产党抗日救亡主张为主导的,以动员民众抗日救亡为主要任务的抗日文化成为这一时期乡村社会的主流文化。所以,太行革命根据地蓬勃发展的新文化运动的特点,是农村的、战争动员的、统一战线的,是同敌人的奴化宣传、同封建迷信思想搏斗的,是走向新民主主义道路的。战时蓬勃发展的根据地农村文化运动,作为根据地政权建设的重要组成部分,同根据地政治、经济、军事建设相辅相成,有力地促进了根据地的巩固和发展,在根据地建设史上占有重要的地位。太行根据地农村文化不断发展的过程,也是对广大农民群众不断教育的过程。文化走入乡村,真正启发了广大农民群众的思想觉悟,培育了农民爱国主义情感,张扬了民族精神,活跃了民主空气,有力地破除了在农村广泛存在的封建迷信思想,促进了军民团结,推动了抗日战争,形成了民族的、科学的、大众的新民主主义文化;通过根据地的文化建设,强化了农村基层政权,贯彻了新民主主义理论、路线、方针和政策,为社会主义文化事业的繁荣积累了宝成经验。太行革命根据地农村文化建设,不仅是文化宣传、普及和建设运动,同时也是农村社会改造运动。根据地农村文化建设直接冲击了农村中旧的封建统治秩序和旧的风俗习惯,促进了社会风气的好转。封建礼教开始被冲破了,买卖婚姻开始被废除了,广大妇女开始摆脱了被压迫的境地,家庭地位和社会地位有了较大的提高。旧的风俗、习惯、道德,凡是不利于人民的解放,不利于社会生产力的提高和人民生活的改善的,都被不断地清算和扫除着,新的事物、新的社会道德和新的品质,开始成长起来。广大农民群众在摆脱了旧习俗、旧文化的束缚的同时,逐渐认同和接受了中共的意识形态和道德观念,并自觉地将其行为纳入到新政权为他们规划的政治模式、经济模式及文化模式中,而这一过程最终的结果表现为民众力量与国家政权的结合。通过社会文化革命,中共权威逐渐向民间渗透和并最终达到了对民间的控制。无疑,战争改变了社会,战争孕育着新生。与军事斗争和暴力革命不同,抗日战争及解放战争时期,中国共产党从乡村社会文化入手,将束缚在农民日常生活中旧的思想、文化体系打破,从而进行了一次乡村革命,这里的革命并非单纯意义上的政权变革,而是涉及到农村社会方方面面的变革。从文化变革入手对乡村社会进行改造,是依靠乡村社会中的文化张力来完成的,是发生在乡村社会中静悄悄的革命,所以通过这一研究路径可以凸现文化变迁在区域社会发展中的意义。太行根据地乡村社会文化变迁,是太行根据地社会变革的一个缩影。透视太行根据地乡村社会文化变迁,可以为人们了解与研究根据地社会变革的具体情形和普遍意义,提供具体生动的现实标本。本文通过对20世纪三四十年代革命根据地建立前后太行山农村自然经济状态、土地占有状况、乡村权力结构、人文历史变迁以及对农村社会文化诸方面,如思想意识、道德观念、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、文化教育、戏剧娱乐、家庭婚姻等内容进行了详细地考察,并与抗日战争、解放战争时期中国共产党在根据地农村实行的经济、政治、文化等社会改革政策相结合,对太行革命根据地区域社会文化演变的形式、特点与规律等展开深层次全方位的研究。在详实的史料和充分实证的基础上将中共革命中太行山农村社会文化变迁与社会改革的过程予以“实相”的描述。在研究方法上,本文运用区域社会史研究的理论,并结合社会学、经济学、文化学、以及生态学等学科方法,从文化变迁的视野研究在严酷的战争环境下,在一个以小农经济为主、被传统意识形态束缚着的落后的社会中,中国共产党是如何控制和倡导了一种新的文化,并将这种新的文化纳入政权建设与社会变迁的过程中,并且以超然的政治力量来唤醒和组织民众完成乡村社会改造的。

【Abstract】 The Sino-Japanese War and the Liberation War form 1937 to 1949 are undoubtedly an important turning point for the contemporary Chinese history, which not only achieved the liberation of the Chinese nation, but also led to the directional change of China’s social development. The most important factor of the change is that the existence and development of the anti-Japanese base area, which is an "experimental base" of insisting on the national liberation war and refreshing the society, provided the necessary stage of history for the social reform of the Chinese Communist Party. During the war, the social change gradually accumulated and achieved the qualitative change in society, which completely changed the original society structure in rural areas and created a new society. The Taihang Revolutionary Base was set up in the early days of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 when the Eighth Route Army was advancing in North China, with the backing of Taihang Mountains, located in the juncture of three provinces-- Shanxi, Hebei and Henan province, not only the birthplace and center of the Jin-Ji-Lu-Yu Border region, but also its summit organ--Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee(afterwards called the Central Bureau of the Jin-Ji-Lu-Yu) and the encampment of the Eighth Route Army battlefront headquarters. So, it had an important strategy position. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the people in Taihang Base has carried on a lasting, tenacious, hard and bitter struggle against the invading Japanese troops and made a great sacrifice and tremendous contribution for the victory of winning the Sino-Japanese War, which was an important part of the Anti-Japanese War. In the War of Liberation, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the people in Taihang Base continued to carry on a valiant struggle with the Kuomintang reactionaries, finally won a great victory in the war. However, the region of Taihang mountainous areas was a long closed and backward state before the establishment of the base due to the remoteness, transport facilities and poor information. With following the old mode of production and the lives of conventionalism, the inherent local culture of small-scale society was developed from generation to generation. Along with the development of Taihang revolutionary base and a series of revolutionary transformation launched by the Chinese Communist Party, this backward, ignorant and closed land has undergone enormous changes in all aspects of society became the distinctive window of awakening modern Chinese nation’s and democratic awareness.Cultural transformation and social reform in rural areas were two themes of social development in the base in the 1930s and 1940s. The implementation of the new social integration in rural areas was the urgent task after the foundation of Taihang revolutionary base, that is, "the backward rural area was turned into the advanced and consolidated base, and became the great revolution position in the military, political, economic, cultural aspects to oppose the ferocious enemies, who using the urban to assault the rural region, so as to gradually win all victories of revolutionary in the long-term battles. With the economic and political reforms in the base, the Chinese Communist Party successfully controlled and initiated a new culture and its establishment and development undoubtedly had a decisive role in the consolidation, growth and development of the base. The rural culture movement became the main part of the new culture movement in the base because the anti-Japanese base was established in the vast rural areas and farmers were not only the main object of cultural propaganda and education but also the main body of enriching rural culture construction. After the war broke out, with the official force to penetrate rural society, the control of government to local society reached an unprecedented degree. In the martial environment, the propaganda and mobilization function of culture in anti-Japanese were paid more attention, the anti-Japanese culture advocated by the Chinese Communist Party was a rural mainstream culture of this period and its main task was to mobilize the people for nation-saving. So, the new culture movement in Taihang revolutionary base was facing the rural areas, war mobilization, the united front, warring with the enemy’s enslaving propaganda and feudal superstition thought, and is the road to the democratic. As an important part of power construction, the booming development of rural culture movement in the base effectively promoted the consolidation and development of the base in Political, economic, and military construction. The rural culture development in Taihang base really enlightened the ideological consciousness and cultivated patriotic feelings of farmers, carried forward the national spirit and the democratic air, strongly get rid of the feudal superstition widespread in rural areas, promoted the civil-military unity and the Sino-Japanese War, formed national, scientific and popular new-democratic culture, strengthened the rural grass-roots political power, implemented the new democratic theory, line, principles and policies and accumulated valuable experience to the prosperity of socialist culture. The rural culture construction in Taihang revolutionary base is not only the cultural propaganda, popularization and construction movement, but also the rural social reform movement. The rural culture construction direct impacted the old feudal order and the old customs to promoted the improvement of social conduct such as the feudal ethical code to be smashed, mercenary marriage to be abolished and the family status and the social status of most oppressed women to be improved. The new social morality and qualities began to grow up. Getting rid of the old customs and the bondage of the old culture, most farmers gradually recognized and accepted the communist ideology and morality, consciously incorporated their behavior into the new political, economic and cultural patterns planned by the new regime, and the final results of this process represented the combination of the public power and state power. Through social and cultural revolutions, the authority of the CPC gradually infiltrated to the folk and ultimately achieved its rule.Undoubtedly, the war has changed the society and gestated a new life. With the different from military struggle and violent revolution, the Sino-Japanese War and the War of Liberation is not a simple sense of regime change, also related to all aspects of rural social changes, which started from the rural culture by the Communist Party of China and broke the old ideas and cultural systems. The rural social reform starting from the cultural change has depended on the cultural tension in rural society to complete and it is a quiet rural revolution. So, this study path can be highlighted the significance of cultural changes in the regional society development. The social and cultural changes are an epitome of social change in Taihang Base, the research of which can provide a vivid and concrete reality specimen for people to study the specific situation of social changes and universal significance in the base areas. Based on the study of the rural nature economy, the possession of the land, rural power structure, cultural and historical changes and rural society and culture and so on in the Taihang revolutionary base established in the 1930s and 1940s, with the social reform policies of the Communist Party in economy, polity and culture in the period of Sino-Japanese War and the Liberation War, the paper systematically studies the changes of society and culture from rural drama, wedding change,funeral change and women’s feet liberation to reveal the form of regional socio-cultural evolution, characteristics and laws in the Taihang revolutionary base. With the detailed historical data, the paper provides a "reality" description about the social and cultural changes in the Taihang mountainous areas and social changes. In the research methods, based on the theory of regional and social history, combining with sociology, economics, culture and ecology approaches, from the perspective of cultural changes, this paper studies the Chinese Communist Party is how to control and promote a new culture, bring it into the process of regime construction and social change, and use political power to awaken and organize people to finish the rural society transformation under the harsh environment of war and a backward society controlled by the traditional ideology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K265;K266
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1298
  • 攻读期成果

