

【作者】 高月

【导师】 厉声;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 有清一代,伴随着华夷秩序的解体,东北地方在王朝疆域构造中的地位由核心渐趋边缘化,这种趋势直到20世纪初期清王朝在东北实行新政改革后才有所转变。本文以清末东北新政为研究对象,从疆域统合的角度切入,认为,清王朝通过在东北实施新政意图实现疆域的均质化,达到对疆域进行统合的目的。即通过对东北地方传统政治体制的改造在“龙兴之地”的东北实行与内地同质的行省体制,彻底祛除东北地方“满洲故地”的疆域属性;通过重建基层治理模式突破传统王朝国家权力的下限,将国家权力渗透到州县以下的基层;通过实行财政改革清算中央、地方财权倒置的弊端,增强中央政府权威,重建中央与地方的关系;通过建立新式教育体制将国民教育权统于中央,增强国民对王朝国家的认同。本文进而在肯定民族国家相对于传统王朝国家具有进步性的基础上,引入民族国家概念作为清王朝疆域统合的参照系,认为清王朝在实施以疆域统合为目标的东北新政改革过程中,通过对传统王朝国家的改造,走上了构建近代民族国家的道路。本文由序章、正文和结语共计六章构成。其中,序章对本文选取东北新政作为研究对象的原因、研究思路、方法、内容予以阐明,并对先行研究成果和本研究重点利用的资料进行评述;正文第一章在对东北地方旗民二元管理体制的创立进行梳理的基础上,从旗制的萎缩和行省制的确立两方面论述了东北地方政治体制同质性变革的过程;第二章首先从廷臣、疆吏、最高统治者的地方自治态度、言论及清政府的地方自治制度设计两方面入手,探析了清政府的地方自治政策取向,随后通过对清末东北地方自治实态的探寻来反观清政府的地方自治意图,并以此为基,考察地方自治与清末中国疆域统合的内在关联;第三章重点论述了国、地两税划分和预算制中的东北财政实态以及中央与地方围绕财权进行的利益博弈;第四章从东北教育体制的变容、各级小学堂的设立、改良私塾三方面着手窥探了清政府主导的国民教育在东北地方的实态和清政府通过教育改革增强国民对王朝国家的认同的过程;结语从清末东北新政与东北疆域统合的一般趋势、国家认同的重建与疆域统合、疆域统合之于近代中国民族国家构建三方面对清末东北新政、疆域统合、民族国家构建的内在关联进行了总结、梳理。

【Abstract】 During the Qing dynasty the position of the northeast region in the territory have changed from the core to the verge going with the disaggregation of Hua-Yi system, which was not reversed until the New Deal. This dissertation take the New Deal of the northeast region as the research object with the angle of view of territory integration, and is of the opinion that the Qing dynasty intended achieving the homogeneous territory to gain its ends of integrating the territory by carrying out the New Deal in the northeast region. The Qing dynasty carried out the same province system with the hinterland, and got rid of the attribute of Manchuria native place by reforming the traditional political system in the northeast region; broke through the power lower limit of the traditional dynasty, and infiltrated its power to the basic society by rebuilding governing pattern in the basic society; liquidated the abuse of the inversion in the financial power between the central government and local government, and enhanced the authority of the central government to rebuild the relation between both sides by financial reform; gripped the power of national education and enhanced the national identity to the dynasty by establishing new educational system. This dissertation uses nation-state conception as the frame of reference of territory integration basing on affirming that nation-state is more advanced than the traditional dynasty, and is of the opinion that the Qing dynasty was on the road of building nation-state unconsciously during carrying out the New Deal in the northeast region aiming at territory integration by rebuilding the traditional dynasty.This dissertation consists of six chapters including preface, conclusion and four chapters of the main text. Among these parts, the preface illustrated the reason of selecting the northeast region New deal as the research object and research purpose, research method, and then commented on the previous researches and the materials utilized in this dissertation. Chapter 1 discussed the homogeneous reform process of the political system in northeast region from the atrophy of Baqi system and the establishing of province system basing on sorting out the establishing of traditional political system. Chapter 2 analyzed the policy tropism of the local autonomy carried out by the Qing dynasty from the attitude, saying of ministers and governors about local autonomy and autonomy system designed by the Qing dynasty firstly, and then testified the autonomy policy of the Qing dynasty by exploring the status of local autonomy in northeast region, and discussed the relation between local autonomy and territory integration in late Qing dynasty finally. Chapter 3 emphasised on the status of finance in northeast region during dividing national tax and local tax and carrying out budget system and the game playing about financial power between the central government and local government. Chapter 4 explored the status of national education dominated by the Qing government in the northeast region and the process of enhancing identity to the dynasty by education reform from three aspects including the changing of education system, the establishing of all kinds of primary schools and reforming private schools. The conclusion part summarized the relationship among the New Deal in the northeast region, territory integration and nation-state building from two aspects including the relation between the rebuilding of national identity and territory integration and the relation between territory integration and nation-state building in modern China.

  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】759

