

The Formation and Development of Regional Society

【作者】 宋江宁

【导师】 王巍;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 关中地区作为西周王朝建立前的根据地和之后的统治核心区,在中国历史上占据了非常重要的地位。因此,对这一地区商代的考古学遗存进行研究,分析其文化、经济、社会等方面的形成过程与发展水平,进而探讨关中地区的最终崛起就具有了重要的学术价值。本文首先回顾了以往研究中取得的成就和存在的不足,提出了全面的社会史视角和关中区域社会的核心概念,指出正是从四邻地区持续迁入的各类考古学遗存才造就了关中社会这个实体,而这个实体内部也在持续进行着交流与互动。论文主体分为上下两编。上编的主要任务是建立考古学遗存的时空框架。其中第二章对各遗址的陶器进行分期,将其分为六期;第三章结合墓葬资料对遗存进行分类,总共分为16类。下编从区域社会的视野中来分析关中社会的文化、经济、社会和军事等方面的形成与发展过程和发展水平,分别在第四、五、六章中展开。第四章从陶器面貌、墓葬特征、铜器以及占卜习俗入手探讨文化的形成;第五章从第一类基础经济部门的农业、畜牧、渔猎、制陶、制骨、纺织等和第二类反映社会性质和发达程度的部门,如铸铜、制车、制玉、漆器、金工和贝等入手讨论经济状况;第六章从聚落结构、墓葬和武器装备入手讨论关中社会内部的区域发展状况和等级结构,并在四邻社会这个更大的框架内分析以上状况出现的原因。在第七章结语中,本文讨论了区域社会得以开展的三个前提,进而引申至关中地区独特的地理结构对这一时期历史的影响。再从更广阔的四邻社会与关中社会视角内,综合分析了关中区域社会形成的具体过程和特点,以及各个相邻地区的不同贡献。探讨了在商人的西土之中,为何是关中地区而不是晋南、晋中和陕北最终灭掉了商王朝,并从聚落考古的角度对关中与上述地区进行了比较分析。还从关中地区商代各期都有多类遗存并存的现象出发,推测正是在这种情况下的取得的经验似的周人在灭商后对各不同区域采取了“疆以戎索”的治理思路。

【Abstract】 The Guanzhong area had long been occupied by the Zhou people as their core territory before the Western Zhou dynasty was formally established. It is in this sense that Chinese Bronze Age archaeological studies have always been focusing on the cultural, economic and societal changes in this area during its pre-dynasty period and the roles these changes might have played in the rise of the Zhou.This dissertation first reviews the successes and defects of the related studies in the previous several decades. It then puts forward the idea that an acceptable explanation of the Zhou’s rise should be based on the right understanding of the total history of the local society; furthermore, a complete scenario should also encompass the contribution of the immigrants from outside the Guanzhong area and the continuous interactions between the Guanzhong society. The core discussion of this dissertation includes two parts. The first part is focused on the tempro-spatial sequence of the archaeological remains. As discussed in the second chapter, typological analysis suggests that the pottery remains should be divided into six periods. Mortuary practices analysis in the third chapter classifies the burial goods excavated in the Guanzhong area into 16 types. The second part examines the cultural, economic, societal and military formation and development of the Guanzhong society in the perspective of‘area history’. The major points are further elaborated in the Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Chapter 4 includes pottery analysis, mortuary practices analysis, studies on bronzes and divination practices. The first part of Chapter 5 is focused on subsistence patterns, including agriculture, livestock husbandry, hunting and gathering, bone artifacts and textile production; whilst the second part is primarily about prestige goods industries which are commonly believed to indicate social complexity, such as bronzes production, chariot making, jade carving, lacquered wooden vessels, and the production of gold goods and shells maybe as currency. Chapter 6 discusses settlement patterns, burials and weaponry issues in a wider context encompassing the peripheral areas.In the conclusion section, a regional society formation pattern is built; the formation process of the Guanzhong local society is reconstructed; and the contribution from the peripheral areas to the core Guanzhong society is discussed. The author also tries to answer the question: why, among many other ethnic/social groups which exited to the west of the Shang kingdom, could Guanzhong group give an end to the Shang’s rule? Settlement patter analysis gives the detail of the differences between the Guanzhong and other societies distributed in the west. The final Chapter makes a comparison of the societies in the lower reaches of the Jing River and those in the Wei River valleys. It is also mentioned in this dissertation, long-term coexistence with other peoples, especially the Shang as observed in archaeological evidence, might have made the Guanzhong society very experienced in managing the relationships with their neighbors. This experience began to develop after the Shang’s defeat and helped in the Zhou’s barbarian-styled management of the relations with other peoples ruled by the Zhou kingdom.

【关键词】 社会史区域社会融合并存
【Key words】 social historylocal societyintegrationcoexistence
  • 【分类号】K871
  • 【下载频次】468

