

【作者】 周潇

【导师】 折晓叶;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放三十年,中国经历了持续的经济增长,创造了举世瞩目的“中国奇迹”。在形成这一“奇迹”的诸多因素中,低成本的劳动力是一个关键原因。而廉价劳动力之所以能够维持供给三十年,农民工的代际再生产是一个极为重要的因素。本文通过对农村留守儿童和流动儿童的生存方式、教育状况、职业选择以及工作状况的考察,探求了农民工阶级地位代际再生产的机制和过程。文章借用了布洛维对于国际移民工人劳动力再生产中劳动力的“维持”(maintenance)与“更替”(renewal)这两个本为一体的层面却彼此分离的分析框架,指出在我国的农民工劳动力再生产过程中,存在着劳动力“更替”(即子代的抚育)被低成本地加以组织的现象。这种劳动力更替的低成本组织模式,具体表现为两种形态:一是劳动力更替被城市“外部化”给乡村,即农民工自身的劳动力再生产在城市完成,但是孩子的抚育却被放置在乡村由乡村来承担;另外一种形态则是农民工将孩子带入务工所在的城市,但是这些孩子在城市却处于一种被高度边缘化的状态。他们只能居住在城乡结合部或城中村,而且被排除在城市的种种资源,包括最重要的教育资源之外,从而成为了被城市社会所隔离和边缘化的一个群体。之所以称为低成本的组织模式,是因为在这种模式之下,国家、城市地方政府和和资本所应担负的经济成本和政治成本被大大降低。然而,这种劳动力更替的低成本组织模式却使得农民工子女向上流动的途径受到看似无形却极为严格的阻拦,致使他们中间的大多数人初中毕业或者未及毕业即开始打工。尽管打工的目的、从事的行业与其父辈有所差异,但是他们作为新生代农民工同样集中在收入低、不稳定、无保障的次级劳动力市场,从而延续了农民工作为社会底层的阶级地位。文章最后指出,除了阶级地位的再生产,农民工子女面临的一个更为深重的问题是个人发展的受限而导致他们在知性和心性上处于极为软弱的状态,这将对中国的经济和社会的长远发展带来严重的威胁,而且这种景况本身也背离了社会发展的最终目的——即促进个体自由而全面的发展。

【Abstract】 During the past 30 years, China has experienced continual high-rate economy growth and created“China Miracle”. Among the various factors that lead to the Miracle, cheap labor is a dominant variable. How the supply of cheap labor can remain 30 years? The class reproduction of the migrant labor is a very important factor.The paper investigates the mechanisms and process of the class reproduction of migrant labor by studying the situation of living, education, career choice and working situation of migrant/left-behind children. Basted on the analysis framework of Burawoy in his study of international migrant worker, the paper points out that in the process of the reproduction of labor power of the migrant labor of China, the renewal of labor power is organized in a way of cost reduction. The low-cost organization mode of renewal of labor power is represented in two aspects: 1. the renewal of labor power is externalized to rural by city. Under this situation, the two process of maintenance and renewal of the reproduction of labor power is separated, one is realized in the city and the other is accomplished in rural; 2. The children are brought to city but are put into a situation of highly marginalized. They have to live in the maginal areas of city and are excluded to kinds of resources of city, the most important of which are the education resources.I call this organization mode of labor power renewal low cost because by this mode the state and capital just need to pay very low economy cost and politial cost. However, under this low-cost mode of labor power reproduction, the upward flow of migrant/left-behind children is heavily hindered and most of them have to end their education after graduation from junior middle school and begin to work. Although these young persons are different from their fathers in their job motivation and career choice, they still remain in the secondary labor market and therefore reproduce the class-status of migrant labor.We point out at the end of the paper, that except for class reproduction, the more serious problem for the children of migrant labor is their low-level personal development, which will not only results in deep crisis for the further economy and social development of China, but also make the social development deviate from its final goal, that is, fulfilling the all-around development of its individaul.

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】844

