

Study on Key Techniques of Hydraulic Support Virtual Monitoring System

【作者】 闫海峰

【导师】 杜长龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 煤炭是我国的主要能源,煤炭上业的健康发展事关我国能源安全和经济可持续发展。液压支架是煤炭综采机械化生产的关键设备,对其进行可靠的远程监控与调度是实现综采面自动化和安全生产的重要保证,但目前国内液压支架电液控制技术仍处于较低水平,无法形象直观地反映液压支架的工作状态,无法及时检测其支护性和预测故障,更不能根据检测果调整支架的运行参数和在必要时进行人工遥操作干预。为此,本文提出采用虚拟现实技术对液压支架进行检测和控制,以实现如临现场的远程监控与调度及预测支架性能和故障,并针对适用于液压支架远程虚拟监控的液压支架运动、力学特性、适应性分析和系统构架等关键理论和技术进行深入研究。本论文采用并联机构理论,研究建立了两柱掩护式和四柱支撑掩护式液压支架主体机构的2自由度运动学正逆解数学模型,并提出了采用混合遗传算法迅捷求解该非线性模型的智能求解策略,克服了用于支架设计的传统单自由度运动模型的局限性,实现了立柱和平衡千斤顶(四柱支撑掩护式液压支架为前后立柱)双驱动元件的液压支架运动位姿动态求解,为虚拟现实环境下虚拟液压支架逆构和运动驱动提供了理论基础,也为液压支架力学及适应性研究提出了新的思路。在深入分析“砌体梁”关键块围岩控制理论的基础上,基于液压支架2自由度运动学模型,研究建立了液压支架力学正逆解数学模型,提出液压支架承载性能不仅是垂直承载性能,还应包括水平承载性能和力矩承载性能,并对液压支架不同姿态、不同承载位置的承载性能适应进行了讨论;建立了与立柱和千斤顶刚度有关的液压支架刚度理论模型,揭示了液压支架刚度与顶梁载荷分布的关系,为液压支架支护性能预测和监测提供了的理论依据,也为进一步液压支架三维力系及结构件应力分析奠定了理论基础。通过分析液压支架空间受力关系,引入顶梁侧向变形系数,从而解决了液压支架三维空间力学模型的超静定问题,可快速求解支架各构件间铰点力;采用薄膜比拟法、级数解析法、整架有限元分析和单件有限元分析四种方法对支架结构件应力进行编程求解和有限元仿真,通过分析比较,确立薄膜比拟法作为支架应力实时监测的求解算法,单件有限元分析作为支架预操作时应力分析的求解方法,解决了井下恶劣环境下无法通过贴应电片测定应力、预测支架结构件因过度承载造成的故障和安全问题。对液压支架性能试验标准进行深入分析,与郑州煤矿机械股份有限公司联合设计了30000kN液压支架性能试验台的技术指标、结构和控制方案,完成了30000KN液压支架性能试验台的制造、安装和调试,该试验台的性能指标达到国内领先水平,并与国际同步;在该试验台上对ZY10800/28/63液压支架进行了性能试验和应力测试,通过试验数据与计算数据比较,验证了所建立的液压支架运动和力学模型的有效性;液压支架试验台监控系统的研制也为井下液压支架监控系统的方案设计、技术实施提供了技术准备。详细分析了液压支架远程监控系统功能要求和实现手段,提出了由无线MESH网和l000M光纤上业环网构成安全可靠的冗余通讯网络,构建了液压支架远程虚拟监控系统按逻辑功能的分层架构;研究确立了基于虚拟现实环境下的液压支架监控平台软件系统集成开发方案和将MATLAB、Virtools、NX Nastran、VC++.NET和VC#.NET等各种软件开发的运动学、力学、虚拟现实等子模块无缝集成的接口技术,并开发了液压支架远程虚拟监控平台,该软件能够初步实现液压支架虚拟运动显示、支护性能评估、故障预测、预操作和远程控制等主要功能。

【Abstract】 Coal is the main source of China. The healthy development of coal industry is related to our energy security and sustainable economic development. Hydraulic support is the crucial equipment of fully mechanized mining of coal production. Reliable remote monitoring and scheduling are the important guarantee of fully mechanized mining and safety production. But at present electro-hydraulic control technology of Support at home is still at a low level. It cannot visually reflect the working condition of hydraulic support and is unable to timely detect the supporting performance and predict the failure. It also cannot adjust the operating parameters of hydraulic support and do remote manual intervention when necessary. Therefore, in this dissertation, the virtual reality technology is put forward which can be used for the detection and control of hydraulic support. It not only can achieve remote monitoring and scheduling like on the scene,but also can pre-operate by forecasting hydraulic support performance and faults. The key theories and technologies like hydraulic support movement, mechanical properties, adaptability analysis and system architecture which are suitable for Hydraulic Support remote virtual monitoring are deeply studied in this dissertation.Based on parallel mechanism theory,2-DOF positive and inverse kinematics mathematical models, which established the main body of hydraulic support of both two-leg shield and four-leg chock-shield, are studied in this dissertation. The intellectual solving strategy,which used hybrid genetic algorithm,is proposed to solve the nonlinear model rapidly. The limitation of single freedom kinematics model, which traditionally used in the support design stage, is overcome. Dynamic resolution of hydraulic support movement poses with column and equilibrium jack (four-leg chock-shield hydraulic support as front and back columns) dual-drive components is achieved. It provides a theoretical basis to the virtual hydraulic support inverse structure and motion drive in virtual reality, and offers a new way to the study of hydraulic support mechanics and adaptability.On the basis of in-depth analysis of "voussoir beam" key pieces surrounding rock control theory, positive and inverse mathematical models for hydraulic support mechanics are established using hydraulic support 2-DOF kinematics model. It figures out that hydraulic support bearing capacity is not only the vertical bearing capacity, but also concluding the horizontal bearing property and the torque bearing property. The adaptability of hydraulic support such as bearing capacities of different postures and different loading positions is discussed in this dissertation. The theory model which is related to support stiffness and columns and jack stiffness is proposed, as well as the relationship between support stiffness and top beam load distribution. It provides a theoretical basis for the hydraulic support performance prediction and monitoring, and establishes the theoretical foundation for the further stress analysis of hydraulic support 3D force system and structural component.The hyperstatic problem of hydraulic support 3D mechanical model is solved by analyzing the spatial stress relationship and introducing the declination deformation coefficient of top beam. Hinge-force of each support component can be quickly solved. Quasi membrane method, series analytic method, single part finite element analytic method and entire parts finite element analytic method are used to solve by programming and do finite element simulation to the support structural component stress. Through the analysis and comparison, quasi membrane method is established to be the solution algorithm of the support stress real-time monitoring. The single finite element analysis is the prediction analysis algorithm of the support pre-operation. Faults and safety problems,which caused by forecasting excessive loads of support structural components being not available because of using resistance strain gage to measure stress impracticably in the harsh environment underground,will be solved.After deeply analysing the performance test standard of the hydraulic support, technical indicators, structures and the control schemes of 30000kN Hydraulic support performance testing bed are designed jointly with Zhengzhou Coal Mine Machinery Co., Ltd. The manufacture, installation and commissioning of 30000kN Hydraulic support performance testing has been completed. The performance indexes of the testing are domestic leading and with international. Performance test and stress test of ZY10800/28/63 Hydraulic Support have been done on the test bed. By comparing experimental data and calculated data, effectiveness of hydraulic support movement and mechanical model theory has been verified. The development of Hydraulic support testing monitoring system provides technical preparations to the scheme design and project’s implement of the hydraulic support monitoring system.Function requirements and means of realization of hydraulic support remote monitoring system have been analyzed in detail. The safe and reliable redundant communication network which is composed of wireless MESH networks and 1000M fiber industrial ring network is proposed. The hydraulic support remote virtual monitoring system hierarchical structure framework of logical functions is constructed. The integrated development scheme of hydraulic support monitoring platform software system based on virtual reality environments and the interface technology that seamless integrating kinematics, mechanics, virtual reality and other submodule developed by MATLAB, Virtools, NX Nastran, VC++.NET, VC#.NET and other softwares is established. Hydraulic support remote virtual monitoring platform has already been developed basically, which can achieve the main functions of virtual motion display, supporting performance evaluation, fault prediction, pre-operation and remote monitoring of hydraulic support.


