

Research on Disciplinary Structure Imbalance of Graduate Employment

【作者】 曹洪军

【导师】 邹放鸣;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 科技与教育管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 就业是民生之本。自高等教育大规模扩张以来,毕业生就业问题引起了社会各界的高度关注。本科毕业生就业问题的实质是人才供需存在各种结构性矛盾,其中专业结构性矛盾则是涉及高等教育人才供给与社会发展需求的普遍性、深层次问题,是长期影响和制约本科毕业生就业的重要“瓶颈”,专门的系统深入研究亟待加强。毕业生就业的专业结构性矛盾,指由于高校所供给人才的专业结构及其数量与社会经济发展所需求人才的专业结构及其数量错位或互不匹配而产生的不同学科专业毕业生供不应求与供过于求并存的矛盾。可以用多种理论从不同侧面对这一矛盾现象进行剖析。依据高等教育供需理论,由于本科人才培养周期较长,人才供给难以与劳动力市场需求同步,且高校办学缺少自我约束机制,加剧了毕业生就业的专业结构性矛盾。劳动力市场分割理论认为,技术劳动力市场相互分割,而高校培养的不同专业人才之间的可替代性较差,产业结构的调整和行业的兴衰起落,就必然导致相应技术劳动力市场人才供需失衡。结构性失业理论则从技术劳动力市场的固有分割状态和毕业生就业的专业特征并不能实现完全对接、人才供给结构难以与需求结构变化同步的角度解释了专业结构性矛盾现象。根据信号及筛选理论的观点,高校设置的专业门类和学生所学专业类别具有强烈的信号功能,但社会需求是不断变动的,依据学生所学专业作来筛选毕业生也会造成一定程度的专业结构性矛盾。虽然专业结构性矛盾主要体现为不同学科专业毕业生就业率的差异,但成因复杂。不同学科专业人才供需在结构及其数量上失衡是造成专业结构性矛盾的直接缘由。高校人才培养的价值取向与社会发展需求存在差异,专业与职业划分标准不同,基于学科划分的专业结构与基于社会分工的职业结构不同,这是产生专业结构性矛盾的深层根源。人才培养体制及机制改革滞后于毕业生就业市场化改革,市场化人才配置机制有待进一步完善,政府宏观调控及高校办学自我约束机制不健全,这是导致专业结构性矛盾产生的制度性因素。对江苏省高校毕业生就业状况的考察表明:高等教育大规模扩张并未产生总量性供需矛盾,本科毕业生就业问题主要体现为专业结构性矛盾。用PEARSON分析法对产业结构调整、人才供给结构变化等因素与专业结构性矛盾的相关性分析表明:不同因素对不同学科专业毕业生就业率的影响度不同,这意味着解决专业结构性矛盾不能简单笼统地归结于追求高校人才供给的专业结构及数量与社会对人才需求的专业结构及数量的绝对平衡,而必须针对不同专业的具体情况具体分析。为判断不同学科专业毕业生就业专业结构性矛盾的具体影响因素,构建了不同学科专业毕业生就业率的影响因素分析模型,为有的放矢地采取有效措施解决问题提供了帮助。协调专业结构性矛盾,需要采取综合的对策与措施。首先,针对矛盾产生的直接原因,保持高校人才供给的专业结构及数量与社会需求的相对平衡仍然是一个重要前提,具体包括专业招生规模与毕业生就业率适度挂钩、高校专业结构与社会需求良性互动等。其次,针对矛盾产生的深层根源,应当保持专业人才供给与社会需求的合理张力,具体包括确立高校办学的战略定位;协调专才教育与通才教育关系;端正人才培养的价值取向等。最后,针对矛盾产生的制度性因素,应当积极优化人才配置和专业设置的机制,具体包括完善人才资源的宏观调控机制;健全高校自主办学与自我约束机制;推进专业设置及人才培养模式改革等。

【Abstract】 Employment is of primordial need of people’s lives. Employment of graduates cameinto focus of the whole society with expansion admission to higher schools. The problemof graduate employment is caused by all kinds of structural imbalances. The disciplinarystructural imbalance of graduate employment concerns the universal and deep questions inthe relation between supply of higher education and demand of social economicdevelopment, which needs deep and systemic study.The disciplinary structural imbalance of graduate employment refers to imbalancessuch as oversupply or over-demand of graduates from various specialties, resulting fromthe imbalance or mismatch or incompatibility in the number and structure of talentsbetween the supply and demand. The imbalance can be examined by various theories. Inview of the theory of supply-demand of multi-disciplinary education, the imbalance isinevitable because completion of undergraduate education needs a long period to run. Ashigher schools have no effective mechanism of self-restraint, the imbalance becomesworse. In view of theories of labor market segmentation and structural unemployment, therelatively segmented labor market has idiosyncratic demand for the talents, while theprofessional skill and knowledge of graduates are relatively stable, thus a thin chance tosubstitute for each other exists among graduates of different specialties; the structuraladjustment of talent education can hardly match the changes in labor market, whichcontributes oversupply or over-demand in the market. In view of the theory of signal andfilter, the specialties available in higher schools have a function of signal. As social needsvary in different space and time, disciplinary structure imbalance will to some extentappear if graduates are chosen according to what theystudy.The cause of disciplinary structure imbalance in graduate employment is complicated.The direct cause is the mismatch between supply and demand in structure and number ofthe talents majoring in different disciplines. The deep causes include such differencesbetween specialty classification and career classification, disciplinary and professionalstructures, the natures of higher education and social economic developments. Theinstitutional impediment causing disciplinary structure imbalance is that reform of talenteducation mechanism lags behind the labor market reform.The analysis of the disciplinary structure imbalance of Jiangsu graduate employmentshows that admission expansion has not caused supply-demand imbalance in total number. The most obvious problem of graduate employment is disciplinary structure imbalance.Empirical analysis is done by Pearson over the correlation between disciplinary structureimbalance of graduates and other variables such as adjustment of industrial structure andchanges in economic increment pattern. The analysis suggests that different factors havedifferent effects on the employment rates of the graduates of different disciplines orspecialties, which means reducing the disciplinary imbalance relying on analysis onspecific specialties particularly. The dissertation constructs some models examiningfactors influencing employment rates of graduates in different disciplines, aiming ateffective solution to the disciplinarystructure imbalance.From the perspective of the overall circumstances, various measures or solutions arenecessary in breaking the imbalance in the disciplinary structure. First, in light of thedirect cause, an essential step is maintaining a relative balance in disciplinarystructure andnumber between the supply of higher education and the demand of society, which in detailencompasses coordinating mechanism between enrollment size and employment rate ofgraduates, positive transaction between social demand and disciplinary structure. Second,concerning the deep causes, an effective tension between the talent education and thesocial demand should be kept, specifically including authentic strategic positioning ofhigher education, coordinating the relation between general and special education, andorienting values of the specialty program and the talent education. Thirdly, regarding thecauses in institutional impediment, what should be encouraged is transformation in themechanism of disciplinary program and the talent education, including enforcing theimplementation of macro-control of government, reinforcing the mechanism of self-restraint of higher education, and encouraging innovations in disciplinary program and thetalent education pattern.


