

Seismic Behavior of Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Steel Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls

【作者】 初明进

【导师】 陈肇元; 叶列平;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 土木工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 冷弯薄壁型钢混凝土剪力墙(CTSRC剪力墙)结构是一种新型工业化住宅结构体系。本文对CTSRC剪力墙结构的受力性能进行了系统的研究,主要工作和成果如下:(1)CTSRC剪力墙结构多层住宅抗震性能的试验研究。进行了4片墙体和一栋3层足尺结构的拟静力试验,研究了该结构体系的构造措施、纵筋和钢模网对墙体受力性能的影响,以及整体结构的抗震性能。研究表明,该结构体系受力性能良好,可满足多层住宅的抗震要求。在此基础上提出了多层CTSRC剪力墙结构的设计建议。(2)CTSRC剪力墙受力性能的试验研究。进行了12片强弯弱剪剪力墙的拟静力试验,研究了关键构造、剪跨比、轴压比、水平分布筋、型钢截面积、混凝土强度等参数对CTSRC剪力墙抗震性能的影响。试验结果表明,CTSRC剪力墙的破坏经历整截面墙到分缝墙的过程,可避免脆性剪切破坏,有较好的抗震性能。研究表明,随剪跨比增大,CTSRC剪力墙的受剪承载力降低;提高水平分布筋配筋率可提高墙体受剪承载力,减小承载力退化程度;在一定范围内竖向型钢配置量对墙体的受力性能影响较小。(3)CTSRC剪力墙受剪承载力理论分析模型研究。根据CTSRC剪力墙受力机制,提出了计算CTSRC剪力墙受剪承载力的拉压杆-滑移理论分析模型,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好。(4)CTSRC剪力墙恢复力模型研究。在试验研究基础上,提出了CTSRC剪力墙的水平力-位移三折线骨架曲线模型,建议了各特征点的计算方法,采用Lu-Qu模型给出了CTSRC墙体滞回曲线及相关参数的确定方法,模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好。(5)CTSRC剪力墙受弯性能分析。在已有试验研究的基础上,分析了CTSRC剪力墙的受弯性能,建议了抗弯承载力计算方法。(6)提出了高层结构CTSRC剪力墙的设计建议。

【Abstract】 The shear walls of cold-formed thin-walled steel reinforced concrete (CTSRC) have lately emerged in modern residential building structures. The present study was focused on the seismic performance of the CTSRC shear walls, and the primary investigations and researching findings were outlined as follows.(1) The full scale quasi-static tests were performed on four shear walls and one 3-story model structure, respectively. The effects of the structural configurations, cold-formed thin-walled steel and the steel meshes on the seismic behavior of CTSRC structures were analyzed. It was shown that CTSRC structures can work efficiently to meet with the seismic requirements of multi-storey buildings. Recommendations for the design of multi-storey CTSRC composite structures were suggested.(2) Twelve shear walls that were designed to be high flexible resistance and low shear resistance were tested subjected to quasi-static cyclic loadings. Insights were gained into the critical structural configurations and design parameters in regard with the improved seismic performance. Laboratory observations revealed that the CTSRC shear walls started to fail with the vertical visible cracks around the cold-formed thin-walled steel reinforcements and the whole shear wall was eventually split into several wall columns. The observed failure mechanism of CTSRC shear walls should be considered a non-brittle one that helps improve the seismic performance. It was concluded that the shear resistance of CTSRC shear walls decreased with the increase of shear span ratio, and increased with more horizontal rebar. Results also showed that the ductility can be enhanced by more horizontal steel rebar, and cold-formed thin-walled steel had little effect on the performance of the CTSRC shear walls.(3) An analytical approach for the prediction of shear resistance of CTSRC shear walls was developed, in which the slip between different wall columns were considered and incorporated into the softened strut-and-tie model. The analytical predictions and test results are in good agreement.(4) A tri-linear relationship between lateral shear force and displacement was proposed to describe the hysteretic behaviour of CTSRC shear walls. The hysteretic behavior of the CTSRC walls is simulated with proposed skeleton model and Lu-Qu’s hysteretic model, and the analytical results agreed well with the test results.(5) Based on the present experimental study, the flexural behavior of CTSRC walls was analyzed which led to a calculation method proposed for the prediction of the flexural resistance of CTSRC walls.(6) The design recommendations for the CTSRC shear walls in high rise buildings were proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU398.9;TU352.11
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】576
  • 攻读期成果

