

Research on Environmental Vibration Induced by Urban Elevated Road

【作者】 叶茂

【导师】 周福霖;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 以国家自然科学基金项目——“高架路诱发周边建筑物二次振动理论及控制技术”(项目批准号:50578046)为依托,通过实测分析和理论方法,针对城市公路高架桥系统诱发环境振动的产生机理和传播规律进行系统研究,建立起相关分析理论,给出分析过程,并与现有结构减震技术相结合,研究城市公路高架桥系统诱发建筑结构振动的减振理论与技术,从而有效地控制和减少城市公路高架桥系统诱发振动对周边建筑结构物的危害,保障城市公路高架桥周边地区居民的生活质量以及振动敏感结构正常工作,具有非常重要的理论意义和广阔的应用前景。本文主要在以下几个方面进行了系统的理论、实测和试验研究:1为方便系统深入研究高架路振源系统,首先给出根据指数分布模拟车列的方法,以及建立跨度不同、各跨刚度不同、单位长度质量不同、中间带弹性支承、不同边界条件下多跨欧拉连续梁模态函数的求解方法;然后考虑车-桥-墩相互耦合作用,建立起车辆荷载作用下城市公路高架桥振源系统时程分析理论和演变随机振动分析理论。2针对场地振动传播问题,在理论上,采用矩阵分析方法,根据相邻层连接处平衡条件和变形协调条件,建立起移动荷载作用下三维层状土层振动分析理论,该方法可用于求解三维层状场地在移动荷载作用下的动力响应问题;数值分析上,直接以加速度作为输入,建立场地振动有限元分析模型,并将计算结果与实测结果对比,表明振动传播有限元数值模拟分析可初期用于对环境振动影响的定性分析。3从两方面入手系统研究环境振动对建筑结构的影响,一方面采用自编有限元程序,建立两跨一榀框架结构分析模型,以实测环境振动波作为输入,在时域和频域内对框架结构分析模型受环境振动影响进行深入分析,并探讨楼层数变化对框架结构振动的影响;另一方面采用商业有限元通用程序Ansys建立实测建筑结构有限元分析模型,并对比实测结果和计算结果,表明数值分析结果能够反映结构受环境振动影响的整体分布特点,可用于对结构受环境振动影响的定性分析和敏感性分析。4针对整个环境振动波传播链条系统的随机性,建立起公路高架桥系统环境振动随机响应的完整分析理论和分析过程,推导得到桥墩对地面作用力功率谱密度函数、地表响应功率谱密度函数和建筑结构响应功率谱矩阵,从而从随机的角度系统研究公路高架桥系统环境振动。5由于公路高架桥系统环境振动理论分析和数值模拟的局限性,针对典型地段,对公路高架桥系统环境振动(包括高架桥本身振动、周边场地振动传播、建筑结构振动)进行了系统详实的现场实测,获得第一手数据资料,在时域和频域内对数据进行深入细致分析,得到当环境振动波到达建筑结构时主要影响为垂直加速度的结论,并给出环境振动峰值加速度衰减回归曲线和振级经验公式,通过与《城市区域环境振动标准》和《住宅建筑室内振动限值及其测量方法标准》所规定限值比较,表明只有在距高架桥较近的地方,区域环境振动才可能达到或者超过标准所规定限值,在建筑结构室内,均没有超过环境振动评价标准,但大多靠近限值。6以现有基础隔震技术、阻尼器消能减震技术、TMD减震控制技术为基础,深入研究各种减震技术对环境振动的有效性。课题组首先开发了一种由铅芯叠层橡胶支座和铅芯碟形弹簧支座串联组合成的三维基础隔振支座系统,该支座具有三向适宜刚度,使隔振体系远离环境振动波场地卓越周期,以及适宜的阻尼性能,能有效降低振动的影响,并对三维隔振支座进行系统的试验研究;然后通过深入分析以上三种减震技术对环境振动的有效性,表明基础隔振支座系统对水平和竖向环境振动均有不错的减振效果,形状记忆合金阻尼器对竖向环境振动有一定的减振效果,受环境振动波特点影响TMD竖向减振效果差别较大。

【Abstract】 The research work is financed by National Natural Science Foundation Project(No 50578046) titled by“Vibration transmit laws of the adjacent building induced by highway road and vibration-reduction technologies”. On one hand, generation mechanism and propagation laws for urban elevated road-induced environmental vibration have been investigated systematicaly through theoretical analysis and experimental methods. On the other hand, based on existing seismic control technology, vibration-reduction control technologies in buildings are studied, which can effectively reduce harmful effect on human living environment, building structures and performance of precise instruments due to environmental vibrations. This research work produced all-important theoretical significance and broad application prospects. The main theoretical analyses, field research and experimental studies are carried out as follows:1 Vibration source of urban highwy-induced environmental vibration system is studied. First, vehicle queue simulation method has been proposed according to exponential distribution. Modal analysis for a multi-span beam with intermediate flexible constraints and different boundary conditions has been suggested. Each span of continuous beam has different span, different stiffness and different mass per unit length, which is assumed to satisfy Euler beam theory. Afterwards, considering the coupling dynamic effect of vehicle-bridge-pier, time-history analysis and evolutionary random vibration theory for the vibration source are presented.2 Propagation of vibration in layered soil is investigated. Theoretically, based on deformation compatibility, equilibrium conditions between two adjacent layers, dynamic analysis of 3-D layered under moving vehicle loads are proposed. Numerically, acceleration as input directly, finite element analysis model of vibration propagation in layered soil is proposed. Comparison between the numerical and measurement analysis results of vibration propagation indicated that finite element analysis can be used as qualitative method for the influence of environmental vibration on city area.3 The effect of environmental vibration on surrounding building structures are studied. First, based on measured vibration wave and self-compiling program, dynamic behavior of frame structure models are analyzed in time and frequency domain. Secondly, by modeling measured gymnasium structure with ANYSYS, comparison between the calculated and measurement results of gymnasium vibration indicated that vibration characteristics of building structures can generally be reflected by numerical analysis result. Numerical analysis in ANYSYS can be used as a method for the qualitative and sensibility analysis of building structure influenced by environmental vibration4 Due to random properties of environmental vibration propagation chain, stochastic analysis method for urban environmental vibration system induced by highway load is presented. The power spectral density (PSD) of traffic-induced force acting on the ground through the viaduct systems, ground dynamic response and structure vibration are derived.5 According to the limitation of theory methods and numerical simulation, environmental vibration induced by urban highway road is measured in field, including highway road vibration, ground vibration propagation and building vibration. Environmental vibration test data are analyzed in time and frequency domain. Mathematical statistics methods were employed to establish the empirical attenuation formula of vertical ground vibration. Comparing with the limits in“Standard of Environmental Vibration in Urban Area”and“Standard of Limit and Measurement Method of Vibration in the Room of Residential Buildings”, most of field measurement results of environmental vibration induced by urban highway road satify the required national standards.6 Based on base isolation technology, energy dissipation technology and Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD) control technology, the effectiveness of these vibration-reduction methods in buildings due to environmental vibration is presented. First, 3-D base isolation device is developed, which is a combination device of Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) and Lead Dish-Spring Bearing (LDSB). Mechanical property testes of 3-D base isolation device are performed. Second, numerical analysis results demonstrated that the vibration reduction effectiveness of base isolation technology is obvious, energy dissipation is certain, and TMD is obviously affected by the environmental vibration used as input.


