

Study of Landscape Experience

【作者】 余洋

【导师】 张伶伶;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 体验是人与景观之间最直接的认知方式,在亲历的过程中,主体通过五感的知觉直接接触到景观的要素和空间,各种体验信息的集合构成了人们判断景观的依据和标准。体验的内容和层次越丰富,人们对景观的喜爱程度越高。所以,体验的方式和规律对景观的形态和品质有着至关重要的影响。景观体验的展开主要围绕人在景观中的运动进行。首先,身体的行走和移动获得了连续的体验片段,构成了景观的体验世界。其次,景观体验的过程犹如文学作品的阅读,体验者在预设的景观情境当中,遵循着设计师的安排,逐步明晰景观的主题和内涵。最后,每个体验过程的印迹彼此之间相互重叠,在无意识的作用下,扩充并修正着对景观的整体印象。体验的结果并不是对景观细节的记忆,而是对景观整体的认知。因此,景观体验具有互动参与、文本阅读、递进延续和简化整合的特征,并遵循行为诱发、活动参与和意义领悟的规律。景观体验包括个体体验和群体体验两个部分。作为最基本的单元,个体体验展现出差异性的特征。这种差异既来源于主体的差异,也来源于感知过程的多元。主体通过视觉、听觉、触觉等途径,获得多维度的体验内容。同时,不同的景观活动也为个体提供了自由的选择,强化着个体感知丰富多变的特性。群体体验是个体体验单元的集合,其内核是表现出趋同倾向的社会认同。社会认同是群体对景观和景观事件一致性的看法,这些看法受到地域、民族、宗教、文化等许多因素的影响,是在景观中相似的或反复发生的行为和认知。社会认同表现为时代认同和文脉认同,二者之间的协同作用提升了景观精神层面的内涵。认同的核心来源于地域、文化和价值三个层面。地域认同遵从地域化的地理特征和人文特征,表现出对家园定位的认同;文化认同从可视化的角度分析形式、空间、事件与内涵一致性的现象,为抽象的文化表达寻找认同的载体和途径;价值认同对景观有直接的影响,价值越大的景观,社会认同感越强。景观社会认同的结果修正和影响了个体在景观中的感知和行为,并使体验者按照特定的群体规范进行相似或一致的活动,并受到群体氛围的感染。在个体感知和社会认同双重标准的影响下,具有体验特质的景观场景以实现不同的体验经历和结果为目标。景观元素和空间的组织因循体验的规律和方式,通过设定不同的体验环节,丰富活动者在景观中的感受和体验。文章通过对三种典型景观场景体验内核的论述,指出体验场景塑造的关键是找到人与景观之间关联的途径,诱发体验者依循主题的设定,通过互动参与、介入融合等方式,进入到体验的情境之中,从而营造出具有不同体验特征的体验场。

【Abstract】 Experience is the most direct cognitive way between people and landscape. In the process of experience, people access to the landscape elements and space directly through the five senses of body, and estimate the landscape in accordance with all kinds of information collection from the experience. The more richness of experience content and quality is, the more high of people’s like is. Therefore, it is essential to landscape form and quality that the experience mode and rule.Landscape experience takes place through the action of body. In the first place, the section of experience is made up of walking and moving, then, the associated image consist the world of experience. Secondly, the process of landscape experience looks like the reading of book. People come to the landscape situation which was designed before, and understand the landscape theme and meaning step by step which was coincident with the designer. In addition, the overlap of each experience trail extends and modifies the whole image by the effect of subconsciousness. People do not remember everything, but recognize the whole image. So the characterize of landscape experience is interactive participation,text reading,climactic continuation and simplified intergration. The experience has three processes that are landscape attraction, landscape activity and experience connotation.There are two parts of landscape experience, which are personal experience and group experience. The characteristic of personal experience is difference which comes from the subject and the process of perception. The subject obtains experience content through the vision、hearing、tactile,and so on. At the same time, the different of landscape action offers freedom choice which improves the perception of individual. Groups experience is the collection of individual experience, which performs the tendency of coherence. Landscape social identity is group’s consistency opinion on landscape, which manifests similar or occurring repeatedly behaviors and perception in landscape. Times and context identity are typical types of social identity, the synergetic principle between them puts forward a spiritual level claim for landscape. The core of identity comes from region, culture and value. Region identity follows local geographical features and society culture features, shows the identity of home position concept. Cultural identity analyzes the consistency phenomenon of form, space, event and cultural context from the visual angle, finds identity way and carrier for abstract cultural expression. Valuable identity has direct influence on social identity, the greater the value is, the stronger the scene of social identity is. The results of social identity amend the perception and behavior in landscape, which makes the action of people similar and accordant through the specific group standards.Thus, the individual are affected by group atmosphere.The aim of landscape experience scene is the achievement of different processes and results which are affected by individual perception and social identity. The organization of landscape elements and spaces follows the disciplinarian and mode of experience. The different links enrich the sensation which people obtain from the experience. The paper dissertate three typical landscape scenes, and point out that the key of figure experience scene is to find out the approach between people and landscape. Through the ways of participating, designers could create different characteristics of scene and make people into the experience situation.


