

Study on Components and Measurement of Customer Value in Bussiness to Customer Market

【作者】 王宝

【导师】 张明立;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着竞争的加剧,企业越来越重视竞争优势的获取,作为竞争优势的来源,顾客价值受到了众多学者和企业工作者的关注。近些年顾客价值的研究得到了极大的发展,很多基于顾客价值的其它研究也已展开。但顾客价值研究本身还未完善,构成研究还不够全面,测量研究还不成体系。构成属于顾客价值研究的基础工作,它不但是测量研究的前提,也是顾客价值沟通、传递、创新等很多方面研究的基础;顾客价值测量研究是把顾客价值理论和实际联系起来的桥梁,只有一切可以较准确的度量后,才能更好的指导企业实际工作,可见这两方面研究具有重要意义。因此本文对顾客价值构成和测量进行研究。本文对相关文献进行了认真分析和整理,得出所要研究的方向、内容和意义,并对顾客价值的内涵和特性进行了分析,为后面研究奠定了基础后。本文主要进行了以下几方面研究工作:论文使用问题聚焦访谈法针对5种产品,同11名被访者进行访谈,从访谈资料中提取出172个概念,并将概念归结为7个范畴;通过典范模型找出主范畴为:比较,副范畴为:目的、所得价值、投入成本、时段、外部影响因素和行动,并建立了范畴之间的关系;根据典范模型的分析结果,提出并分析顾客价值的形成机理。论文在顾客价值形成研究的基础上,结合已有的顾客价值构成理论,建立了顾客价值构成模型;对模型中的目的层、所得层、成本层和外部影响因素的构成进行了更进一步的划分,将目的层划分为直接目的和最终目的,将所得层价值划分为产品价值、服务价值、关系价值和社会价值,将成本层价值划分为货币成本、时间成本、精力成本、体力成本、机会成本、风险成本和心理成本,将外部影响因素划分为竞争对手行为、情境、消费者相关因素、宏观环境因素和他人影响,并对这些构成因素进行分析;用建立的构成模型解释了顾客价值的所有特性。论文在顾客价值形成和构成研究的基础上,结合企业对顾客价值测量的需要,建立顾客价值测量体系模型,并分析模型中四类测量在企业中的应用;使用联合分析法同多级模糊综合评价法相结合研究顾客价值构成各要素重要性权重及企业表现评价;分析顾客价值内部构成各要素之间关系的类型,使用结构方程建模测量顾客目的层要素对所得层要素的影响;建立外部影响因素的分析管理流程,使用突变理论和正态分布拟合测量竞争对手行为对顾客价值的影响;分析顾客价值动态性的诱发因素,提出以时间为线和以因素为线的两类动态性测量方法,以企业的广告行为为例,仿照排队论中的状态生灭过程,建立企业影响下顾客价值群体动态变化的测量公式。论文在构成和测量研究的基础上,分析顾客价值提升途径和策略,得出企业可以通过四种方式提升顾客价值:提高企业真实提供价值;提高顾客对价值的感知;提高企业优势价值指标的权重;降低顾客内心价值标准。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of market competition, customer value as source of competitive advantage has been paid more and more attention by management scholars and business practitioners. In recent years, the research development has been greatly, and many other researches on customer value have also been begun. But customer value research itself is not yet perfect, the constitution research is not comprehensive enough, the research into the measurement system is not enough. The constitution is a basic study benlongs to customer value research, which is not only the premise of measures research, but also the basis of customer value communication, delivery and innovation and many other aspects of its research. The measurement research of customer value is a bridge that links the theory and practice. Only after every thing has accurate way to be measured, then the actual work could be guided better. Research shows these two aspects are of great significance, so the structure and measurement of customer value are studied.Before the study, the paper seriously analyzed and sorted actuality of correlative literature and theory to find direction, content and purpose of research. It analyzed the definition and character of marketing crisis and mechanism, and settled the basis for latter study. And then it mainly studied several following aspects.The method of question focusing interview has been used to 5 kinds of products, and 11 interviewees has been interviewed. 172 concepts have been extracted from the interview information, summarized into 7 categories. Through the canonical model, the main category is to identify as comparison; vice-category is determine as goal, income value, cost, time, external factor and action, and the category relations finally have been established. According to the analysis result of model, proposes and analyzes the customer value formation mechanism.In the foundation of the customer value forms research , unifies the existing customer value constitution theory, established the customer value constitution model; researchs the goal level, obtained level,cost level and the external agency factor’s constitution of the model, divides the goal level into the direct purpose and the final goal, the obtained level value into the product value, service value, relational value and the social value,the cost level value into the money cost, time cost, energy cost, physical strength cost, opportunity cost,venture capital and the psychological cost, divides the external agency factor into the competitor behavior,scene,consumer correlation factor,macroscopic environmental factor and other people influence, and carries on the analysis to these constitution factor; explained customer value all characteristics with the establishment constitution model. In the foundation of the customers’ value forms research , unifies the survey need to customer value of enterprise , establishes the customer value survey model,analyzes the four kind of surveys be used in enterprise’s application of the model;uses union analytic method unifies with the multistage fuzzy judgment methods to study the first kind of survey; analyzes the customer value interior to constitute the type which between various essential factors relates, uses structural equation modelling to survey the customer goal level essential factor to the obtained level essential factor influence ( belongs to the second kind of survey); establishes the external agency factor the analysis management flow, uses mutation theory and the normal distribution fitting survey competitor behavior (belongs to third kind of survey) to the customer value influence; analyzes the customer value dynamic suggestion factor, proposed that take the time as the line and take the factor as the line these two kind of dynamic measuring technique, take enterprise’s advertisement behavior as the example, imitates the condition birth-death process in the queuing theory , establishes the measure equation of the customer value change that under the enterprise influence ( belongs to the fourth kind of survey).Basing on the study composition and measurement, the approaches and strategies of customer value enhancement are analysed. The conclusion is that companies can enhance customer value through four ways, such as improvement of real value provided by company, improvement of customer’s perception value, improvement of index weight of advantage value, and decrease of customer inner value.


