

The Research on the Legalization and Implementation of the Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1986

【作者】 宗树兴

【导师】 韩清林;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国教育史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1986年《中华人民共和国义务教育法》颁布实施后,中国义务教育才真正走上了法制化之途。在随后的近20年间,中国政府和人民经过不懈的努力和追求,克服了难以置信的困难,终于实现了这一宏伟目标,创造了中国教育史乃至世界教育史上的一个奇迹。1986《义务教育法》立法和实施研究,就是以《义务教育法》的提出、酝酿、形成、制定、执行和修订的过程为对象进行梳理,对这一立法和实施过程给以历史性描述和研究。此举既有利于进一步完善我国的义务教育制度,解决当今义务教育发展中存在的诸多问题,也有利于促进教育法治的整体建设并丰富教育史和教育法学学科内涵。本论文主要解决两大方面的问题:一是义务教育立法的原因和演化过程;二是义务教育立法如何影响了义务教育进程,即二者的互动关系。研究依照时间顺序,以《义务教育法》的立法背景、立法准备、立法过程、执行过程为线索,社会政治经济发展状况为背景,描述和分析党政机构、社会团体、个体等对这一立法活动的贡献,着重梳理了各个阶段与义务教育立法相关的政策和法律体系的演变过程。论文(不含前言)分为五个部分:第一,1986年《义务教育法》出台前的教育法制状况(1949-1976);第二,1986年《义务教育法》的立法准备阶段(1976-1985);第三,1986年《义务教育法》的出台过程;第四,1986年《义务教育法》的实施与补充完善(1986-至今);第五,1986年《义务教育法》与中国教育法治化的未来。本研究在方法设计上遵从马列主义基本原理,运用历史法,以史料为基础,突出了历史是人类活动的记录。首先,把义务教育立法和实施作为上层建筑和意识形态现象之一来分析研究,它由经济基础以及人们的社会实践决定、实现和承载。其次,将义务教育立法置于集社会背景、经济发展、历史演化、法制环境、个人和团体影响等诸多因素相互作用的前提下,运用社会学方法,对这一社会现象(法律现象)进行细致分析,最终形成一个构成论框架,避免孤立地叙述这一立法和实施现象。再次,将义务教育立法紧密地与义务教育的发展结合起来,去找寻义务教育立法和实施与义务教育事业的关系,即从义务教育立法与社会经济和教育发展的相互激荡、回应的角度去把握这一立法现象。1986年义务教育立法和实施研究,既考虑了我国义务教育立法的独特性:是中国的教育立法而非他国;是教育立法,遵循教育规律而非其他领域规律;又注意了法理学分析与国际比较研究。在这种共性与特性的互动中,寻找这一教育立法和实施历史事件背后的规律,从而对现实发挥借鉴作用。本研究得出以下结论:1986年《义务教育法》立法是经过长期艰难曲折的探索之后,在总结义务教育发展的经验和教训的基础上提出并创制的。该法创制前,我国普及教育事业经历了发展混乱和无法可依以及人治造成的低迷时期,从惨痛教训中逐步认识到义务教育立法和教育法制化的重要性与必要性。在我国初等义务教育普及的任务已经基本完成,而义务教育的质量和层次还有待提高的情况下,1986年《义务教育法》的颁布使得我国义务教育事业走上了快速、健康、良性的发展道路。立法的过程既是我国政治经济、社会文化发展的需要,也是教育事业特别是义务教育事业改革和发展的需要,同时还是教育法制化建设的需要。在执法实践中,我国又逐步完善和修订这一法律,使之更好地发挥其保护和促进公民义务教育权利实现的作用。在立法过程中,尽量做到了立法程序完备,一定程度上体现了集思广益、民主参与的精神,但也存在立法之前的调查研究不够,国家行政机关作为法律主要制定者的不妥,议案草拟和审议过程中缺乏底层的参与者,配套条款公布的不及时,监督机制的缺失等问题。在立法内容上,《义务教育法》体现了国家民族利益至上的原则,立法内容具有前瞻性、原则性和简约性。存在的问题是立法的重心过低,对于各级人民政府权力约束表现为单向性。在执法过程中,《义务教育法》调动了地方办学积极性,推动了义务教育事业的整体发展。但是,经费问题成为困扰义务教育诸多方面实施效果的主要障碍,义务教育的投资、管理和统筹层次低成为《义务教育法》实施质量的障碍。综合1986年《义务教育法》的订立、实施与修改完善过程以及对该法的分析,并比较中外义务教育法制化路径,对于未来包括《义务教育法》在内的教育法制建设,可以得到如下的启示:要突出全国人大立法的重要地位,更多地采用人大立法;尽量提升教育立法的层次,并从数量上减少、重要性方面降低行政部门《意见》、《规定》、《纲要》等低层次法规的作用;努力营造民主氛围,尽可能地为来自不同地域、不同行业、不同职位的人大代表提供表达观点和意见的舞台;逐步培养人们,特别是基层民众参与教育立法的意识,并创设其参与机制;要完善立法前的科学调查,完善草案的审议程序和法案的监督程序;适当借鉴欧美国家的立法思路,避免使用模棱两可的语言,立足现实,注意责、权、利的平衡。以便创制更为完备的义务教育法律,保护和促进我国义务教育事业的发展。

【Abstract】 After the promulgation and implementation of the Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1986, Chinese compulsory education has actually marched on the legalized way. Chinese government and people has overcome incredible difficulties, finally realized the grand goal, and created a miracle of Chinese educational history, and even world educational history. The study on the Compulsory Education Law of 1986, is refreshment of the history course, the process of the proposal, gestation, formation, formulation and amendment, and gives the process historical description and research. This not only contributes the refreshment of compulsory educational system and solution of problems in compulsory educational development, but also contributes to overall construction, enrichment of educational history and subject content of education law.This thesis mainly studies on two aspects. The first one is the process of the reason and evolution of compulsory educational legislation. The second one is about how does the compulsory educational legislation impact the process of compulsory education, and their interaction. According to time sequence, the study describes and analyzes the contributions of the Central Party and State organs, social communities and individual people to the legislation, with the legislative background, preparation, process and executive clues, and based on current social political and economic development conditions, refreshes the evolution of policies and law system related to comp ulsory educational legislation through each stage. This thesis consists five parts: 1) Educational legal tradition of compulsory education law of 1986 (1949-1976). 2) Legislation preparation phase of compulsory education law of 1986 (1976-1985).3) Introduction of Compulsory Education Law of 1986. 4) Execution and development of Compulsory Education Law of 1986.5) Compulsory Education Law of 1986 and the future of legalization of Chinese education.This study abides by the original visage of Marxism, applying historical method, based on historical documents, and emphasizes the recording function of history to human activities. At first, considers compulsory education as one of superstructure and ideological phenomena to analyze and research, which is determined, realized and carried by economic basis and social practical conditions. Next, putting compulsory education legislation into premise that results from interaction of many factors—social background, economic development, historical evolution, legislative environment, effects of individuals and communities. Applying sociological method, analyzes the social phenomena in details, and forms a frame, rather than narrates the legislative phenomena isolated. In addition, it connects compulsory educational legislation with the development of compulsory education closely to find the relationship between compulsory educational legislation and compulsory educational task, namely, grasps the legislative phenomena from the standpoint of interaction between compulsory education legislation and social economic and educational development.The study on legislation and execution of the Compulsory Education Law of 1986, not only considers uniqueness of Chinese compulsory education legislation, but also follows the principles of education, at the same time, pays attention to the analysis of jurisprudence and international comparative research, and finds the laws underlying the historical events, legislation and execution of compulsory education in the interaction of general characters and specific property, and provides lessons for reality.It concludes that, the Compulsory Education Law of 1986 is proposed and made based on the summary of the experience and lessons of compulsory development, after a very long and tortuous exploration. Before this law, our educational career is in a downturn of development owing to no law to apply and rule of man. Learned from the cruel lesson, our country realized the importance and necessity of legalization of compulsory education. In the condition of that, the popularization of compulsory primary education has been finished, but the quality and levels of compulsory education have to be improved. The promulgation of Compulsory Education Law of 1986 makes our compulsory education march on the fast, healthy and virtuous way. The legislation is not only the need of political, economic and cultural development, but also the need of reform of educational task, especially the need of legalization construction. In the practice of enforcement of the law, our country perfects and amends the law gradually, and makes it protect citizen’s rights to receive compulsory education.During the process of legislation, administrations try their best to complete the procedures, and show the good at gathering all useful opinions and democratic involvement, but the problems also exist, such as shortage of investigation before legislation, improper marker of law, lack of participation of people from the bottom of society, untimely publication of the Conditions and absence of surveillance mechanism.In legislative content, the Compulsory Education Law embodies the principle of the national interest supremacy. It is forward-looking, principled and brief. The problem is the restraint on the power of local governments at various levels is unidirectional.In executive process, the Compulsory Education Law motivate the regional education development, push the overall development of compulsory educational task, but costs shortage becomes the main barrier which obstruct the implementation of compulsory education. Shortage of compulsory education investment, inefficient management and low-level coordination influence the executive quality of compulsory education.Through summarizing the formation, execution, amendment and perfection of the Compulsory Education Law of 1986, analyzing the law, and comparing Chinese-foreign legislation, some inspiration could be drawn for the future educational legislative construction including the Compulsory Education Law.It is important to emphasize the National People’s congress’s legislative power and adopt it, rather than administrative agencies and the State Department do legislative work. Try our best to improve level of educational legislation, reduce low-level legislation such as Opinion, Rule and Summary in quantity, and minimize the importance of their function; make efforts to create democratic atmosphere, and provide the deputies of the People’s congresses form different places, career, occupations with the same stage to express their opinions and suggestions; train people, especially people at the grassroots level the participant consciousness of educational legislation gradually, and create participation mechanism; complement the scientific investigation before legislation, the review procedure of draft, the procedure of judicial supervision; learn form Europe and America’s legislative method, avoiding ambiguous expression, base on the reality, and pay attention to the balance of authority and responsibility to create more excellent Compulsory Education Law, protect and improve our country’s compulsory education career progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

