

Research on Three- dimension Performance and Systematic Motivation Mechanism of S&T Personnel

【作者】 张廷君

【导师】 张再生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 以往工作绩效激励理论主要聚焦知识员工、管理人员群体,对绩效激励因素的选取一般从个体特征或工作特征层面单一视角出发,将重点放在描述与检验这些因素与绩效间的关系上。随着世界科技竞争加剧,各国均以提高创新力作为提升国力与保障发展的战略重点,科技工作者的绩效激励与开发逐步受到关注。但由于以此群体为对象的相关研究起步较晚,现有对科技工作者绩效结构、组织与个人因素如何协同激励工作绩效等规律,尚缺乏系统的理论研究与论据支持。本研究立足本土科技工作者,尝试从系统激励的视角,运用定性访谈研究与定量问卷调查研究相结合的方式,就个体特征与工作特征层面对科技工作者绩效各维度协同激励的内在机理进行深入的理论分析与实证论证。本研究首先对管理学范式下激励的基础理论、科技工作者工作绩效结构及其激励机制的相关文献进行梳理,并对各观点进行流派分类与述评,初步界定本研究理论演绎框架;其次,应用企业、高校与研究院所两组定性访谈结果,基于内容分析法对科技工作者绩效、工作特征层面的全面薪酬满意度、个体特征层面的需求与价值观因素的维度划分及内在机理进行了理论初步探索;根据理论推演与访谈结果,从理论上建构科技工作者“态度-行为-结果”三维绩效,同时在个体特征层面的激励因素中,基于需求理论拓展出“职业驱力”这一新概念,并将其与工作特征层面的全面薪酬满意度因素相结合,形成科技工作者三维绩效系统激励机制的理论模型,并提出5组17条研究假设;利用679个本土科技工作者样本,运用结构方程模型、多元回归分析等数据分析方法对理论模型与假设进行验证,并对研究结果展开讨论;最后,阐明本研究的理论贡献、管理启示,研究局限性与未来研究方向。通过全文实证分析,形成了以下主要研究结论:(1)科技工作者的态度绩效受工作特征因素的激励。非经济薪酬满意度起显著正向激励作用,经济薪酬满意度扮演重要调节作用。(2)科技工作者的行为绩效受个体特征因素与工作特征因素的协同激励。事业型职业驱力起显著激励作用,非经济薪酬满意度起调节作用。科技工作者经营型职业驱力对行为与结果绩效均具侵蚀作用,全面薪酬因素对此无干预效用。(3)科技工作者的结果绩效受行为绩效显著影响,事业型职业驱力通过行为绩效的部分中介作用对结果绩效亦发挥激励效用。(4)在科技工作者三维绩效结构中,态度绩效与行为、结果绩效无显著相关,基于态度、行为绩效的高低交互,可将科技工作者分为四类:高效型、无效型、危机型与成长型科研员工,并提出分类激励建议,扩展了以往科技工作者工作绩效激励研究成果。(5)推导出科技工作者行为绩效对结果绩效的弹性系数,证实了科技成果不确定与时滞性的特点,也为今后科技工作者结果绩效预测提供了借鉴。

【Abstract】 Previous performance researches mainly focus on the knowledge workers and the managers and usually select the factors that influence the job performance from one single perspective, the individual characteristics or job characteristics, with emphasis on the description and verification of the relationship between these factors and the performance. In recent years, with the fiercer and fiercer technology competition in the world, all the countries take the improvement of innovation ability as the important strategy to secure a better national strength and future development. As a result, the performance motivation of the S&T personnel arouse the interest of the researchers. But as it was late to begin the study based on the S&T personnel, the systematic theory study and evidence is still insufficient to explain those people’s performance structure and characteristics, how to integrate the organizational and the personal factors to a better performance and the relationships between the above mentioned factors.This study is based on the local S&T personnel, and attempts to analyze how to integrate the personal and the job factors to achieve a better performance with the combined method of qualitative interview and quantitative questionnaire survey.First of all, this research will define its initial theoretical framework by discussing the basic theory of the incentive study under the management paradigm, the working performance structure of S&T personnel and the relevant documents of its motivation system; classifying the every viewpoints into different schools with review. Secondly, based on the two group of interviewing results from the enterprises, universities and the research institutions, this research sorts out the dimensionality partition modes and the inherent intrinsic mechanism of working performance, the total rewards satisfaction of the job characteristics, the need and value of the personal characteristics of S&T personnel by content analysis.According to the result from theoretical deduction and the qualitative interview, this research will build a theoretical structure of the‘attitude-behavior-output’about S&T personnel working performance, while motivation factors from the personal characteristics, develop the new concept of‘occupational drive’with respect to the theory of need and combine this new concept with the total reward satisfaction of the job characteristics, which leads to the theoretical model of the S&T personnel working performance incentive mechanism and points out the relevant research hypothesis. Later, based on the sample of 679 local S&T personnel, this research will test the theoretical model and the hypothesis by multivariable regression and structural equation modeling analysis,result statement and discussion. Finally, the study states the theoretical contribution and practical recommendation in the conclusion and discusses the limitation and future study of this research.In summary, the research conclusion is as follows:1. The attitude performance of S&T personnel is motivated by the job characteristics. Amongst all the factors, the non-financial reward satisfaction is the significant factor that positively motivates the performance of S&T personnel; the financial reward satisfaction has a moderating effect on the relationship between non-financial reward satisfaction and performance .2. The behavior performance of S&T personnel is inspired by both the personal characteristics and the job characteristics. Among which the‘career-drive’has a significant inspiring effect and the non-financial reward moderating effect. On the contrary, the‘interest-drive’will result in a negative effect to the behavior performance and output performance, the total reward satisfaction of the job characteristics has no intervention to this.3. The output performance of S&T personnel is significantly inspired by the behavior performance which has a partial mediation effet on the relationship between‘career-drive’and output performance.4. In the“attitude-behavior-output”structure of the S&T personnel job performance, there is no remarkable correlational relation between the attitude performance and behavior performance or output performance. According to the different level of the attitude and behavior performance, this research classifies the S&T personnel into four groups, namely, the efficient personnel (refers to those who are committed to the organization with good attitude and excellent innovation performance), inefficient personnel (refers to those who are not committed to the organization with bad attitude and poor innovation performance), crisis personnel (refer to those who have excellent innovation performance but not committed to the organization and will leave the organization anytime they got better opportunity ), growth personnel (refer to those who are hard working and committed to the organization with poor research ability temporarily), and also stated out the advices of the classified motivation intervention which is expanded the previous research findings regarding the S&T personnel job performance motivation. 5.This research deduces the elasticity coefficient between behavior performance and the achievement performance of S&T personnel, and confirms the characteristics of both the scientific and technological achievement uncertainty and the posteriority; which also provide the references for the scientific and technological achievement prediction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

