

Study on LP’s Implementing Ability of Our Country’s Discrete Manufacturing Enterprises

【作者】 张洪亮

【导师】 齐二石;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 精益生产自从被提出以后,其在日本及欧美国家得到较为广泛地应用,被称为继手工作业、流水线生产之后的第三种生产方式。我国尽管从上世纪70年代末就开始接触精益生产,但相关研究较欧美相比有不小的差距,精益生产在我国应用的有效性如何,制造企业应用精益生产的状况如何,等等,这些问题都需要精益相关理论研究者及实践者给出清晰的答案。本文从企业精益实施能力的角度,主要做了以下工作:第一,精益生产在我国应用的有效性分析通过相关文献研究与整理,可以发现精益生产在国外取得了不错的应用效果,但这些研究结论未必适用于我国的企业。基于此,论文利用调查数据研究了精益生产在我国应用的有效性。首先,应用数理统计的方法,借鉴国外学者常用的研究视角,从生产性改善指标和财务性改善指标的角度,对精益实施企业与未实施精益的企业进行了比较分析,研究结果显示实施精益生产后我国企业在这两方面也有较为明显改善。为了避免企业规模、发展基础等因素的影响,论文又应用DEA方法从相对效率的角度研究了精益实施效果。同样,精益实施对企业相对效率也有较大的改善。第二,精益实施能力评价指标的研究通过相关文献研究,论文确定了影响企业精益能力的4个维度:生产过程能力精益化、精益改善文化、人的因素及环境适应能力。为了构建合理的指标体系,应用探索性因子分析对各个维度下的影响因素进行了分析,提取综合因子作为二级指标,然后应用验证性因子分析对得出的指标构架进行验证分析,最后确定了包含22项二级指标的评价指标体系。第三,精益实施能力的评价方法以往的研究较多采用数理统计的方法对精益实施进行分析,分析结果能在一定程度上证明精益生产的有效性,但这只是对精益实施效果进行的研究,这种重结果、轻过程的实施以及研究方式不利用精益生产的顺利推进。基于此,本研究应用ANP-SPA的方法从过程的角度对企业精益实施能力进行了研究。用ANP确定的权重能较好地反映精益实施能力各指标之间的相互影响;集对分析(SPA)较以往的评价方法能客观、全面地反映企业精益实施能力的动态性和不确定性。最后,给出提升精益实施能力的相应对策对单个企业的精益实施能力进行分析不是本文的唯一目的,从多个企业精益实施能力的分析中提取有意义的规律会对企业精益实施更有指导意义。应用粗糙集理论对精益实施能力的形成规则进行了研究,分析结果显示了精益实施能力形成中的规律性知识,基于此,提出了提升精益实施能力相关建议。

【Abstract】 After lean production was put forward, till now it has gotten wide application in Japan as well as western countries, and was regarded as the third production model after craft-ship production and mass production. Although our country began to touch lean production in late 1970s, its relative study is still far behind compared with western countries, so it is difficult for lean production’s researchers and practitioners to make clear lean production’s application effect and implementation state in our country. Under such background, this paper does the following job.Firstly, the analysis of lean production’s application Effectiveness in our countryThrough studying and tracing related foreign articles, we can know lean production has made enterprises achieve good performance, but this conclusion may not apply to our country’s enterprises. Using the data of our country’s enterprises, this paper does analysis from production and financial angle by statistic method. The result shows that enterprises enforcing lean production have better performance than those not applying lean production. On the other hand, in order to avoid the influence of enterprise’s scale and original base, DEA is applied to analyze the implementation effect from the point of relative efficiency, the result also show enterprises enforcing lean production have advantage to these not applying lean production.Secondly, index system study of appraising lean production’s implementation abilityAfter tracing relative references, this paper fixes four dimensions to do appraisal from the point of lean production implementation ability, they are leanness of production, lean improvement culture, people’s factor and adaptation ability to environment. After that EFA is used to construct index structure and CFA is applied to analyze index system’s rationality. Finally a system containing 22 second level indexes is set up.Thirdly, the method study of appraising lean production’s implementation abilityThe existing study about lean production’s implementation mainly using mathematical statistics method, and the research result can prove lean production is effective but this manner put too much emphasis on“result”, ignoring“process”, so this paper introduces the method of ANP-SPA to analyze lean production’s implementation ability. ANP,which can reflects interrelation of indexes, is used to fix index weight and SPA can reflect the uncertainty and dynamic nature of lean production’s implementation.Finally, the advices promoting lean production implementation ability is gave outDoing appraisal to one single enterprise is not the only purpose of this paper, extracting deeper regular from a number of enterprise’s implemenation process should have more sense. Rough Set is used to extract the rules of LP’s implementation ability and related suggestion is given based on the analysis result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

