

Design Research of Solar Water Heating System into High-rise Residences

【作者】 杜晓辉

【导师】 高辉;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “哥本哈根世界气候会议”结束后,中国以高姿态对国内的碳排放提出了自己的标准,“低碳”将成为国家积极推广的主题,绿色能源利用必将继续发挥巨大的推动作用。日益兴起的高层住宅建筑,严重的能耗问题已经显现,生活热水的总负荷占到建筑总能耗的10%~20%。采用太阳能供应生活热水成为发展趋势,然而在实际应用过程中,在建筑设计与太阳能设备的协调性及后期物业管理机制等方面,出现很多问题,阻滞了太阳能热水系统在高层住宅中的进一步推广。本文从建筑设计角度,首先针对高层住宅的常用三种太阳能热水系统形式,对每户用热水成本与应用特点进行了比较,提出集中太阳能热水系统的优势与发展潜力。然后针对高层住宅与集中太阳能热水系统设备相关的整合方法,以及与系统后期运行管理之间的关系等,通过定量研究与定性分析,提出相关设计建议,为建筑师进行高层住宅太阳能热水系统一体化设计应用提供参考。本论文主要在以下几点进行研究:(1)结合某高层住宅集中太阳能热水系统,对2009年6月份~10月份的太阳能热利用测试数据进行了整理,分析计算了不同气象条件下的太阳能保证率、辅助热源供热率与用热水成本,为高层住宅太阳能一体化设计分析提供数据支持。(2)对具有代表意义的高层住区太阳能热水利用情况进行调研,分析了高层住户用热习惯与影响因素,提出不同经济地区的人均用热水量估算值,供建筑师在确定集热面积、集热控制规模、运行管理政策的制定等环节参考。(3)定量计算了不同形式的集热器与不同屋顶结合时的有效得热量,提出一种折线双坡不对称集热屋顶设计思路,分析与其相适应的平面组合关系,并对屋顶集热规模的计算进行了探讨。(4)定量研究立面集热器与窗口遮阳功能的关系,分析了集热器与立面结合的适宜倾角与间距,并对其有效得热量进行计算;结合典型高层住宅布局模式,研究不同高度的遮挡高层住宅对北向住宅的日照影响,得出集热器最低悬挂高度的影响规律,为建筑师在高层住区规划与集热器在立面的布置方案提供依据。(5)分析了集中太阳能系统热水成本的构成及相关影响,结合调研数据,提出适应于集中太阳能热水系统的用热管理方法与计量方式。

【Abstract】 After Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference, China brings forward own standard,“low-carbon”will become the life subject, which is extended actively by the country. The green energy will go on to exert the huge promoting role. With the flourish of high-rise residence, the serious energy-waste questions gradually appear up. The domestic hot water load of the total construction energy consumption is 10% to 20%.Adopting solar hot water will become the development trend. However, during the actual application, there are many questions in the aspects of the coordination between architectural design ,the solar equipment and the property management mechanism in later period. These questions block the further development of the solar water heating system in the high-rise residences.From the aspect of the architectural design, according to the common solar water heating system used on the high-rise residences, the thesis compares the application characteristics and the hot water cost ,and puts forward the advantage and the development potential of the concentrated solar water system. Then, aiming at the integrating methods of the concentrated solar water system into high-rise residences, and the relations between the management in later stage, the thesis conducts the quantificational and qualitative analysis, putting forward the reference for architects to make the integrated design on the solar water heating system on high-rise residences.Here are the research contents of the thesis:(1) Combining with the concentrated solar water system on one high-rise residence, the author tidies up the testing data on the June to October at 2009, and calculates solar insuring rate , auxiliary heat source heating rate and hot water cost at the different weather conditions.These testing data will provide the supporting for the design analysis.(2) The thesis will investigete and study the utilization situation of the solar hot water on the high-rise residences,and analyzes the rule of the heat application of the dwellers, bring forward the average water consumption per person in different economic area. This part of content will confirm the collector area,heat storage volume and the establishment of the management policy for architects.(3) The thesis quantitatively calculates the effective gaining heat of the different types of the collectors and the roof , putting forward one kind of the idea of the keen asymmetrical couple roof.The thesis analyzes the matched plan combination,and calculates the heat collected scale.(4) The thesis quantitatively studies the relations between the elevation collector and the window shading, analyzing the suitable dip and distance ,and caculating the effective gaining heat between the collector and the elevation. Through the sunshine simulating to the typical layout of the high-rise residences,the thesis analyzes the lowest suspension position on the south facade,which will help the architects to reasonably arrange the position of the heat collectors in the phase of the facade design to avoid the larger adjustments because of the sunshine affects.(5)The thesis analyzes the hot water cost and the related effect of the centralized solar water system,putting forward one suit of the management and way of measurement adapting the centralized solar water heating system in the high-rise residences.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

