

Research of Group Decision Making Optimization Based on Visual of Democratic Centralism

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 刘春生;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 人力资源开发与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 民主集中制是我们党和国家的根本制度,是群众路线在党和国家生活中的应用。中国革命、建设和改革的实践证明,执行好民主集中制,对于发展社会主义民主政治、建设社会主义法治国家、推进党的建设新的伟大工程,都具有极其重要的意义。在民主集中制长期实践的过程中,我们党总结了许多行之有效的方法和经验,但依然面临一些突出的矛盾和问题。这些问题集中表现在权力分配中的集权主义和分散主义、领导决策上的“家长制”和无原则的“大民主”。能否通过体制机制创新,解决这两个方面的问题,已经成为制约民主集中制健康发展的关键因素。本文从群体决策的理论角度,结合民主集中制的理论与实践,着重研究了制约民主集中制有效执行的行为方式和制度因素,旨在为防治民主集中制执行过程中产生的认知偏差,提供一种理论分析思路和制度设计方案。本文的主要研究内容如下:本文共分六部分。第一部分为第一章,首先从群体决策的角度分析了民主集中制在执行过程中出现的问题,讨论了本文研究的基本思路,介绍了选题背景和相关理论研究成果,给出了本文的研究目标、研究内容、研究方法和创新点。第二部分为第二章,首先介绍了群体决策理论的发展动向,阐述了群体决策的功能理论和群体决策方法;分析了民主集中制思想的起源,探讨了马克思恩格斯,特别是列宁关于民主集中制的理论和实践,研究了民主集中制在我们党三个不同历史时期成长、发展与改革创新的历程。第三部分为第三章,首先介绍了群体思维内涵,界定了民主集中制的概念,分析了民主集中制的实质,阐述了民主集中制执行和过程中的产生的认知偏差的内涵、特点,研究了民主集中制执行过程中的群体思维的概念、特点和表现形式。第四部分包括第四、五章,首先从群体思维的角度,分析认知障碍、认同障碍两个层面,探讨了导致民主集中制执行过程中的认知偏差的根源;分析了民主集中制执行主体的行为特征、心理障碍等;并构建了影响民主集中制执行因素的指标体系。最后应用ANP对影响民主集中制执行因素进行评价。第五部分为第六章,从优化民主集中制执行主体的行为出发,探讨了促进民主集中的认知和认同、改进执行方式的方法和策略;从分析制度建设的切入点和主要内容着手,研究提出了民主集中制制度优化策略。

【Abstract】 Democratic centralism is the fundamental state system of CPPC and state of China; it is also the application of mass line in the political life of party and state. It has been proved by the practice of Chinese revolution, construction and reforms that the implementation of democratic centralism is essential for developing socialist democratic politics, building socialist legal state, and accelerating the great new project of Party construction.During the long-term practice of democratic centralism, CPPC has found a great deal of effective methods and acquired a lot of experiences. However, there are also some obvious contradictions and problems. These problems typically include the contradictions of centralism and decentralism of the power distribution, patriarchal way and the excessive democracy with no principles during the leaders’decision-making process. Is it possible to solve the problems by the means of system renovation and institutional renovation that has already been a crucial factor that influence the healthy development of democratic centralism. This dissertation combines the of theories and practice research of democratic centralism and based on visual of group decision making theory, analyze the behavior manners and systematic factors that influence the effective implementation of democratic centralism, aim to provide a sort of theory analytical method, plan and design of system that can prevent cognitive bias at the process of execution and the retardation in implementing the democratic centralism just from beginning. This dissertation includes five parts.In the Chapter one, based on visual of group decision making theory, I analyse the problems in the implementation process of democratic centralism by clarifing the research paths, summarizing the relative research results, providing the overview of relevant articles and documents. In this part, I also illustrate the aim of this research, research content, research methods and innovation this dissertation will bring forward.In the Chapter two, first the thesis introduced the development trend of group making decision theory. I explain the function of group decision making theory and introduce the group decision making method. I discuss the origin of the theory of democratic centralism, especially including Marx’s, Engels’theory and Lenin’s theory and practice related to democratic centralism, briefly review the system of democratic centralism’s growing, developing and reforming process in three different periods of time of our party.In the Chapter three, groupthink content was introduced, the concept of democratic centralism is defined, and the essence of democratic centralism is described. At the same time I discuss the connotations and characteristics of implementation and retardation of implementation, study the concepts, characteristics and ways of presentation of retardation in implementing democratic centralism.In the Chapter four and five, from the both aspects of cognitive disorder and identity disorder, I explore the reasons leading to the implementation retardation of democratic centralism, analyses the body’s behaviour characteristics, psychological obstacles in implement democratic centralism. Next index system which affected the implementation of democratic centralism was constructed; finally the ANP method was used to evaluate the factors affecting the implementation of democratic centralism.The Chapter six starts from seeking how to optimize the behaviour of executive body of democratic centralism, find the strategies and methods of promoting the cognition and identification of the body to implement democratic centralism. Finally I try to propos the system optimizing strategy of democratic centralism through system construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

